Tag: law of abundance


Attracting Money on Fox & Friends

If you missed my national television appearance on Fox & Friends yesterday, you can see it by clicking on the below image. It was a fast (four minutes) and fun show where I got to reveal a couple key points about how to Attract Money Now. Take a look:

Tip: You can see a few more minutes of the interview, not aired live but streamed on the web, by watching what FOX TV calls “After the Show” on their website at Fox News “Fox & Friends”. Or by just clicking on the below image:

AMN banner


Superman's Money Attractor

Pat O’Bryan sent the following email to me today and I just had to share it with you. I’ll comment on it at the end, so don’t judge it too quickly…

From Pat:

Last night I was reading “The
Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie
as told to Napoleon Hill,”
and I noticed something –

Carnegie and Hill say to write
out your intention and put it
where you can see it – and it
can see you.

Well, they didn’t put the
“and it can see you” part
in there, but that’s because
they didn’t know about Hoshun.


Physical, visible reminders of
our intentions are important.

It’s not magic, but it is magical
the way it works – by stating
our intention and putting up
reminders we’re telling ourselves –

and the world –

that we intend to achieve that

Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie
understood this decades ago, and
it’s still true today.

It’s also universal.


In Siberia, when someone has a wish, or
an intention, they use a Hoshun as a
physical, visible reminder to keep that
intention/wish in their consciousness.

You attract what you focus on –
Hoshun is a focusing tool.

And – to help you focus, when
you get your “lifetime supply”
of Hoshun intention/wish reminders,
you also get three complete
audios with all the benefits
of our Clearing Audios –

So you’ve got visual and
auditory support for making
that intention into a reality –

and making that wish
come true.

You can get your Secret
Russian Wishmaker and all
three audios right now at:


Go see what I’m saying –


Pat O’Bryan

P.S. Wish for something big.

PPS – Bigger than that!

Does Hoshun work?

Can he help you achieve your intentions?

Or is it just a bunch of nonsense?

A friend of mine wrote a book on practical psychology where he encouraged you to pretend you were Superman and then go live your day.

He said to imagine you were wearing a big “S” on your chest, under your clothes.

He writes, “Tattoo Superman on your psyche and pretend you can leap tall barriers and before long you will.”

Why would he advise people to do that?

Isn’t it nuts?

After all, Superman isn’t real!


My psychologist friend knows that when you use a device — even a fictional character — to engage your mind, you tap into powers you have but rarely use.

This is so amazing that I’m even writing a book on how role-playing and role-playing games can help you attract all your heart’s desires.

I hope you get how powerful having a fun focusing device like Hoshun can be.

I’m so impressed with this character as a method for keeping my intentions in mind, that I bought coffee mugs and T-shirts with Hoshun on them.

I even have a bright yellow messenger bag with Hoshun on it.

I have Hoshun on my frig.

I have Hoshun in my wallet.

I have Hoshun as my mobile phone’s screen saver.

Every time I look at these items, I smile, and send a message to my unconscious to attract the intention into reality.

This isn’t much different than Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor of the famous Zero Limits book, advising people to use a Ceeport sticker to clean themselves or their space of negativity.

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These mental aides work on a powerful psychological level.

Call it an improvement to Andrew Carnegie’s Money Attractor Secret.

Call it an improvement to Napoleon Hill’s Money Attractor Secret.

Call it Superman’s Money Attractor Secret.

Or —

Call it the best psychological aide for reminding yourself of your goal or intention.

Call it the coolest tool for making the Law of Attraction work for you.

And go get it at — http://secretrussianwishmaker.com

Ao Akua,


PS – When you get your own Hoshun, you’ll also get the secret link to order him on clothes, coffee mugs, messenger bags, and more. Just go to — http://secretrussianwishmaker.com

Note: The psychologist who advised pretending you are Superman (or Superwoman) is Gene Landrum (who also invented Chuck E. Cheese pizza), and his book is called The Superman Syndrome. See  http://www.genelandrum.com/superman.html

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Dr. Joe Vitale's "Attract Money Now" TV Show

You can now watch my new thirty minute TV show on how to Attract Money Now using the Law of Attraction right here. It will be airing nationwide next week. Here it is, in three parts:

Part two:

Part three:

If the above links don’t work, you can go direct to them here:

And you can still read the book Attract Money Now online for free right here. Or you can buy the beautiful hardcover printed version, which comes with a free DVD of a live presentation by me on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money, right here.

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Guitar Hero

I met guitar hero Bill Collings, creator of Collings acoustic and electric guitars, yesterday. His guitars are famous. They are high-end works of art, made mostly by hand and in innovative ways right here in Austin, Texas.

Famous players have acoustic and electric guitars made by Collings, including (according to the Collings’ website) Keith Richards, Lyle Lovett, Pete Townshend, Emmylou Harris, Andy Summers, David Crosby, Chris Hillman, Joni Mitchell, Don Felder, John Sebastian, Lou Reed, John Fogerty, Tim O’Brien, Pete Huttlinger, Kenny Smith, Brian May, Joan Baez, John Prine, Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap, and Steven Spielberg.

Bill Collings and Joe Vitale

Bill Collings is a trip. What a passionate, exciting, inspiring guy. He’s into guitars, race cars, and at age 62, just plain having fun.

But he’s also stretching himself.

He said, “If I don’t have someone to teach me, I’ll just stay on a plateau. There won’t be any growth. I have coaches for everything. You gotta have them!”

Made me think of why I had a Spanish tutor before I went to Peru, or a fitness instructor today, or beliefs coaches in my own life. I want to grow.

This is why I created my Miracles Coaching program. If you”re trying to transform your life and get more of the results you want, that’s the service to check out. I created it over four years ago and it’s going strong. Check it out right here.

Collings guitars is at Collings Guitars.

Miracles Coaching is at Joe Vitale Coaching.

Ao Akua

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – Remember to get your free copy of my new book, Attract Money Now, from right here. It can help you use the Law of Attraction to attract money – and even Collings Guitars, made by Mr. Guitar Hero and his staff.

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How to Attract Money Fast

When it comes to “the secret” to success — especially in manifesting money or using the law of attraction to attract money — few know what I do is the very thing I teach: I get clear, connect with the Divine, and act on what I receive.

Let me explain…

Read Attract Money now

A few months ago I received a divinely inspired idea, complete with marketing plan. It was so sudden and so complete that I stopped everything and wrote it down. I’ve been acting on every step in it since that day.  Some of my own staff think I’m nuts to implement the idea, but virtually everyone else thinks it’s pure genius.

Here’s the idea in a nutshell:

Pat O'Bryan on TV set

The first leg of the plan was to write another book. I wasn’t keen on that. I’ve already written maybe thirty books, including The Attractor Factor. But I’ve learned not to argue with the Divine. So I’ve written a new law of attraction book, called Attract Money Now. The seven step formula in it was mentioned in my Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Secret to Attracting Money. But it was only mentioned. I suspected it could be turned into a whole book. So I took that tiny section and expanded it, explained it, and made it my new book, called Attract Money Now.

Victoria Belue Schaefer

I then decided I would give away the book. Yes, for free. This is where some on my own staff thought I was losing focus. They feared “You won’t make any money.” I knew in my heart this was the way to go. There are numerous stories of authors who gave away the digital version of their book, who saw the hardcover version of the same book skyrocket in sales. Not enough people give away their goods due to fear. Well, I’m not afraid. Plus, Chris Anderson’s new book, FREE, proves giving is a terrific way to make money. Besides, I truly want to help people. By giving away the book, I give people access to the very formula they need to attract money now.

Scott York

Then, I shot a television show about the book. I’ve been involved in numerous infomercials over the last twenty years. I could have made one for the book. Instead, I wanted to create a TV show where I gave away the ideas in the book, had some testimonials from people who have used my ideas, and then urged the viewer to go read the book, gratis, at my website. Obviously, I am paying for the air time, paying to create the show, and not making a dime from either. Still, I am following the Divine plan.

This is a real secret to success: when the ideas come, act.

Will this plan work?

Austin All Natural

Of course!

I’m honoring my heart, my passion, and the Divinely inspired marketing idea. It can’t help but work.

This is how you truly attract success:

You get out of your ego and its petty desires and instead allow the Divine to direct your way.

This is why I say I gave up intentions and now follow inspirations.

Big difference in results.

It will be two weeks before the TV show is edited into something worth airing. When it’s done, I’ll post it online so you can go watch it.

Meanwhile, go register to be notified when the book is ready (any day now) by clicking right here.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – Above photos were snapped on the set of my TV show for my next book, Attract Money Now. You can see Pat O’Bryan at top, Victoria Belue Schaefer in middle, and then Scott York (looking at his iphone). The cover of Austin All Natural magazine with me on it is evidence people want to hear more about how to use the law of attraction to manifest money or attract wealth. Is this exciting or what?

Attract Money Now