“What makes you think you aren’t enlightened?”
The question came from a quiet man who heard my presentation the day before at the Miracles Coaching event in Utah last month.
He went on to say…
“You write in your books that you are in the third stage of awakening but we all heard you speak, and we feel you are enlightened. We felt the energy in the room. We felt what you did for us. We feel you are there. Why don’t you think you are enlightened?”
I was honored and impressed.
After all, he was accusing me of achieving the very state spiritual seekers have been striving for centuries to attain.
It was a compliment.
But I saw this as a moment for him, not me.
“I love the flattering nature of the question,” I said, “but I think you can ask yourself the same thing.”
He looked at me, waiting for more.
“The only thing stopping you from being enlightened is your thinking about being enlightened,” I explained. “Your mind separates you from the experience. It’s probably as true for you as it is for me.”
I could tell he wanted me to explain, so I did…
“What most of us do is argue with reality,” I said. “Because we fight and complain and get frustrated over what is, we can’t allow ourselves any peace. When we accept reality, and know that all is good, we move in the direction of awakening, or enlightenment. But most of us simply think ourselves out of our bliss.”
But the gentleman persisted.
“The so called gurus of the world claim to be enlightened and act the part,” he countered. “Because they do, others follow them. Maybe you just need to own that you are enlightened.”
Again, I was tickled at the suggestion.
But I knew I would no more declare enlightenment as he would.
Saying “I’m enlightened” feels like what a non-enlightened person would say.
I’m told Buddha awakened and said we were all awakened but didn’t know it.
Maybe he was right.
Maybe the gentleman at the event was right.
Maybe all you and I need to do is own our enlightenment.
I’ve often said that if you want to tell if you’re enlightened or not, go visit your family.
Your family knows your hot buttons.
They put most of them there.
If you can visit them for a week and still feel at peace in every moment, you may be enlightened.
Then again…
I love the question and offer it to you…
“What makes you think you are not enlightened?”
Ao Akua,
PS — Check out Miracles Coaching right here.
Later this year I’ll be releasing a new book titled, The Secret Prayer.
It will reveal a three-step formula for attracting miracles through right prayer.
Prayer is a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.
In researching, I’m reading really old books, such as Prayer: The Forgotten Secret, from 1906, and really new books, such as Healing Words by Larry Dossey and Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson.
From what I can see, prayer has been around since the beginning of time.
But as we all know, they don’t always seem to work.
So what’s the secret to having a prayer deliver?
Let’s look at incorrect prayer first:
First, I don’t think most people actually believe their prayers. They pray without any real belief that anyone is listening or anything will happen. They simply “toss” one to the sky, like a stranded person on an island throwing a note in a bottle into the ocean. They hope someone picks it up. Then they hope someone acts on their plea.
Second, desperation is the other problem. Most prayers are just begging. People pray for help, solutions, miracles, healing, money and more. But when they pray, it’s often because they don’t see a way out and are pleading for intervention.
Third, most people don’t take action. This is a common thing in the world of metaphysics. People think their praying is action, when it’s really an action, but not the entire blueprint to results.
Again, prayer is a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.
So what’s the right way to pray?
“When you put yourself into the state of the wish fulfilled and think from it, you are praying, and in a way your reasoning mind does not know, your wish will become a fact in your world. You can be the man or woman you want to be, when you know how to pray.” – Neville, The Right Way to Pray, 1967 lecture, http://realneville.com/txt/the_secret_of_prayer.htm
First, begin with a spirit of gratitude.
To me, this is the core issue. If we all felt more gratitude for what we have, even the things we complain about, we’d shift our focus, our mind, our thoughts, our energies, our spirit, our direction, our action, and more. Gratitude for the now is the number one way to begin any prayer. When you sincerely do it and feel it, you can stop with this step, too. It’s that powerful.
Second, requesting rather than begging is wiser.
After all, we don’t know the big picture or the whole story. Begging for a certain outcome is an ego trip; it’s pretending we know it all. We don’t. We barely know a tiny percentage of what is happening in our personal world at any one time. A wiser approach is to make a request but acknowledge that something better may be more appropriate. End requests with the phrase, “This or something better.” This step requires faith.
Third, acting on the insights, inspiration, intuition.
We co-create results. The Higher Power (God, Divine, Universe, etc) works through you, not for you. When you see an opportunity, seize it. When you receive an inspiration, act on it. You are the missing ingredient in most results from prayer. The famous joke about the man who prayed to win the lottery but was reminded to buy a ticket, is good to remember.
“Prayer is the effort to bring the human soul into tune with the Infinite.” – W. J. Dawson, Prayer: The Forgotten Secret
My book will explore all this and more when it comes out later in the year. For now, I wanted to give you a crash course in prayer.
If you really want your prayers answered, then follow a proven formula:
1. Be grateful.
2. Detached request.
3. Inspired Action.
Try it today and note the difference.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you have other pointers or stories about prayers that work, please let me know with a comment below. Thank you.
PPS – If you want to explore prayers and music, be sure to check out my latest album http://www.InvokingDivinity.com
At my recent presentation at Sundance in Utah, I invited everyone to think of a problem that they wish would go away — a nagging one that seemed to stick no matter what — one that they never even tell anyone about because it hurts so much…
I wanted them to feel the block — whether a block preventing them from attracting money, health, love, or anything else — so I could help them release it once and for all.
I then played just four of the eight tracks from the new healing album, “Invoking Divinity.”
I knew the inspired music, calming 432 Hz frequency, and clearing ho’oponopono prayers would help them melt anything in the way of their experiencing bliss right now and being free to have, do, or be virtually anything they could imagine.
Did it work?
Here’s what one person said..
“As I listened to Invoking Divinity for
the first time, in my mind I thought about
something recent that had happened to me
that was very painful emotionally.“Each time I thought or talked about the painful
experience, I couldn’t help but cry. Even though
I tried to let go of the emotions, it seemed like
I couldn’t. When Joe Vitale asked me to think
about something that needed clearing, I immediately
thought of that event.“As I listened to the first track, sure enough,
the tears streamed down my face. I felt the emotion
of the event very deeply. Somehow, by the third track,
the pain was gone. After all this time, just sitting
and listening to your healing music soothed my pain,
and then completely healed me. As the fourth track
started, I began to have clear inspiration about what
I should do with my class (I’m an elementary school
teacher) and particularly with some of the students
that struggle for one reason or another.“Not only did the music heal me, it opened up a portal
to inspiration for me. I believe this shift from within
me will create miraculous positive influence on my
students and many others. Thank you, from the bottom
of my heart, for the blessing of your healing music.
Now I have a deep desire to get the music translated
in Chinese so my Chinese-speaking family can benefit
like I did!”Yang Yue
Huai Nan, China
“Listening to your newest album Invoking Divinity was
profound for me, thank you for healing me, thank you
for inspiring me– again.“That was probably the best 20 minutes I could ever
spend. Moving from track to track on the CD and just
feeling my energy shift was absolutely profound. Your
music is a blessing to humanity.”Steve Gardner
Thank you, Steve and Yang Yue.
The eight tracks (40 minutes total) on the album are a combination of subliminal and audible clearing prayers and Divine music.
All I played at the event were 20 minutes of audible sounds and prayers (just four tracks).
Imagine what all 40 minutes could do for you!
Please do yourself a favor and go discover the power of “Invoking Divinity.”
Story, photos, audio samples and more are at http://www.InvokingDivinity.com
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you want to raise your vibration, relax, clean, clear, and experience heaven, just go see http://www.InvokingDivinity.com
Every month I answer questions from people in my Miracles Coaching program.
Been doing it for years.
The questions are always raw, in depth, fresh, sincere, and often surprising.
For example —
Every call is recorded, and the best of the questions and answers get put into a series of books called, The Miracles Manual. There are currently two volumes in the series with a third on the way. (All are free right here.)
Recently I had this question tossed at me —
“If you were forced to set all learning aside and could only teach one principle for the rest of your life – what one principle would host the most importance to you?”
“I can answer that question in only two words, ” I replied.
“Active Gratitude.”
“Active Gratitude?”
I went on to say, “If each of us would practice gratitude in the moment, all worries would vanish, all problems would resolve, all miracles would come easily — in fact, if we really were in gratitude in the moment, we’d realize we are already happy, already peaceful, and already living the miracle.”
Active Gratitude means noticing the good in every moment. When you actually come from gratitude, you wouldn’t judge the moment as good or bad because you’d realize the jury isn’t in yet and so every moment can be seen as good.
Active Gratitude means you live in a spirit of thankfulness, realizing all you have right now is a gift and a miracle in itself.
Active Gratitude means your meditation is gratitude, your process is gratitude, and your “technique” is gratitude.
Active Gratitude means giving thanks in each moment for the moment.
If each of us practiced Active Gratitude, we’d change ourselves and the planet and probably invite instant enlightenment.
We’d realize that in each moment the Universe is giving us so much that we rarely acknowledge — It is keeping us alive without our paying or doing a thing — that we would feel overwhelmed with love.
Active Gratitude would open our eyes to see the miracle of right now.
And from practicing Active Gratitude, we would have raised our vibration so all we attract in the future moments would be better and better, always raising the bar on the incredible beauty of the now.
Why don’t we practice Active Gratitude?
We are afraid.
We subconsciously think some version of this belief:
“If I’m happy and accept this moment as good, I won’t do anything to make my life better.”
But is that true?
I’ve discovered that when I am happy, content, and at peace, I tend to pursue my calling, my life path, and my life mission.
When I lived in fear, desperation and survival, all I attracted was more of the same.
The secret door to escape the mental torment of suffering is to begin the practice of praising.
In other words, look around and find what you are thankful for, and express it.
Yes, if I was backed into a corner and told I could only teach one thing, it’d be Active Gratitude.
And I’d be grateful for that, too.
Any more questions?
Ao Akua,
PS — Check out Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.