On a recent private call for students in my Miracles Coaching program, someone asked me how I achieved my level of spirituality and what they could do to attract it, too. I reflected on the flattering question and came up with the following:
1. Reading.
I’ve been a bookaholic since I was a teenager. Over the course of 57 years, I’ve read too many books to count. Not all were great. But numerous titles stand out as ones that influenced my spiritual thinking. Emerson and the Transcendentalists movement gave me a deep spiritual insight into the world back in the 1970s. The early Law of Attraction authors flipped me into the stage of empowerment, from William Walker Atkinson to Genevieve Behrend. Neville, of course, awakened me. So did Robert Collier. I’m a fan of everything by Byron Katie and David Hawkins. The Book of est nailed me, as did Why Is This Happening To Me…Again? I’d add listening to self-help audios also made a difference. Decades ago I drove around Houston, often unhappy and looking for work, listening to many programs from Nightingale-Conant. Today I’m published by them. I still read and listen. All of this education informed and inspired me, as well as made me more self-aware. I attribute this on-going study to my success today.
2. Meditation.
I’ve been doing some form of meditation virtually every day since 1980. At one point it was the Dynamic Meditations of Rajneesh; at another it was sitting in silence and focusing on breathing, or repeating a mantra. Later it was “intentional” meditation, where I visualized what I wanted to have or be. These days it’s usually ho’oponopono. Currently I’m experimenting with drumming as a way to clear and center. I think we need to do whatever it takes to connect to the Divine and hear Its whispered inspirations.
3. Coaching.
You might think I’m just trying to sell coaching, but the truth is my life didn’t skyrocket until I got a coach. An outside loving observer can help you see your limiting beliefs. It’s not likely you’ll see them on your own because your beliefs will appear as reality to you. It doesn’t have to be Miracles Coaching, but some form of coaching will help you move forward. There are many programs available. Miracles Coaching is just one.
No doubt there’s more to attracting spirituality, but the above have worked for me.
What has worked for you?
Ao Akua,
PS – I don’t know if this will help you attract wisdom or spirituality, but it’ll certainly move you: My first music CD, called Blue Healer, is ready. It contains five long tracks of what I call blues meets trance music, all designed to stir your energies and awaken your soul. More on it later, but for now go see The Blue Healer.
Recently I gave a talk where I handed out copies of my books, audios, movies, etc, to each person who asked a question. The crowd loved it, as most crowds do.
It was also an illustration of the power of giving. I told stories of my giving money to causes and people, and even a beloved car to a friend, as examples that giving feels incredible.
But later at my booth a woman came up to me, explaining her dire financial circumstances, and asked for my help in choosing what product of mine to buy. She couldn’t decide.
As I talked with her, I learned she was a medic in the military. She was retiring soon and wanted to open her own business.
I thought about how our troops are helping us and decided I wanted to help back. So I handed her a copy of my bestselling CD and DVD course, The Secret to Attracting Money.
She refused it.
I explained that learning how to receive was an important part of growing.
She cried, still refusing the gift.
I kept talking and she finally accepted it.
But the experience made me wonder why it’s so hard for most of us to receive anything.
Then it was my turn.
Later the same day my friend, Lori Anderson, asked me what I would say if I were given a choice between two gifts.
Lori Anderson
I was curious but suddenly vulnerable and protective.
She said, “I know you’re interested in the art work we saw earlier, and I know you’re interested in the handmade drum we saw. Which would you accept as a gift?”
I crossed my arms. I stared at Lori. I felt my heart open but yet my mind wanted to shut it all down. I was being offered a gift. A big one. Both were expensive. Both were treasures to me.
Knowing I had to tell the truth to remain in integrity, I replied, “The drum.”
“That’s what I thought,” she said. “I’ll go buy it for you.”
I stood there in shock. My body shook a little.
Years ago a coach would ask me and other clients, “How good can you stand it?”
He used the question as a way to probe our sense of deservingness. Most people self-sabotage when things get too good for their comfort zone. They feel they don’t deserve the extra good coming their way.
I’ve seen this behavior repeatedly in people. There have been people I have personally helped (at no charge) who suddenly reach a point where an inner switch goes off and they stop accepting my counsel. It’s been sad to see, as most of them have great potential (which is why I was helping them), but when they hit their ceiling for deservingness, they pulled back.
My friend Gay Hendricks puts it this way:
“What is the ‘Upper Limit Problem’? The ‘ULP’ is the human tendency to put the brakes on our positive energy when we’ve exceeded our unconscious thermostat setting for how good we can feel, how successful we can be, and how much love we can feel. The essential move we all need to master is learning to handle more positive energy, success and love.”
ULP it is.
I saw it that very same day when a friend I was freely helping suddenly insulted me by email, as an unconscious way to get me to halt my giving.
I saw it earlier that day with the medic who initially refused my gift.
And I saw it rear up in myself later still that same day when I was offered a one thousand dollar drum as a gift.
Learning to receive may be as powerful as learning to give. It’s a way to stretch your capacity to love.
Here’s the punchline to round out this story:
Later that very same day (yes, the same day) Mathew Dixon came up to me — not knowing any of the above — and told me of a drummer he met who was beaming with excitement because he had sold a special drum he made and he needed the money.
Of course, the drum he made was the one Lori bought and gifted to me.
Do you see the win-win-win?
The drummer made the sale, Lori got the joy of giving, and I received the beautiful drum.
And I absolutely love my drum.
Learn to give when you’re moved to do so — but also learn to receive when the moment comes.
How good can you stand it, anyway?
Ao Akua,
PS – If you’re ready to receive right now, go collect your free copy of my book, Attract Money Now. If you’re ready to give, tell somebody about it. 🙂
Heads Up: You can be one of the first to hear about my “Healing Music” CD by sending an email to [email protected]
People often wonder why the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work for them. I’ve addressed topics like counter-intentions many times, which is part of the explanation. (You don’t attract what you consciously think, you attract what you unconsciously think.) But there’s also the issue of how you train your unconscious mind.
Let me explain:
Who’s listening when you say you are going to do something?
When you make an agreement with a friend, who’s listening besides your friend?
When you make an agreement with a company, who’s listening besides the company?
When you make an agreement with yourself, who’s listening besides you?
When you say you are going to do something – no matter how big or small – you best do it. Not only are other people listening, but so is your own unconscious mind. When you don’t keep your word, you communicate that nothing you say can be trusted.
I’m not just talking about legal agreements – though that’s part of the point. I’m talking about any agreement you make. And I’m spelling out that an “agreement” is any time you say you will do something.
Agree to meet for lunch at noon? That’s an agreement.
Agree to turn in the report by Friday at 3? That’s an agreement.
Agree to call a friend over the weekend? That’s an agreement.
So why am I stressing that not keeping these agreements is being heard by somebody other than you and whoever the agreement is with?
Here’s why:
Your own unconscious mind is listening.
When you say you will do something, and you don’t do it, you just taught yourself that you aren’t to be trusted. Or believed.
So the next time you say, “I intend to attract the perfect relationship,” your unconscious mind basically says, “How can I believe you? You didn’t keep your word before.”
As I mentioned above, people often wonder why the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work for them all of the time. Part of the answer is in how you trained yourself. When you say you intend to do something, and you don’t, you train your unconscious to distrust anything else you say.
But here’s the good news:
By the same token, when you say you will do something — however great or small — and you do it, you just trained your unconscious mind to trust you.
This is a way to build strength, inner conviction, and high integrity. And the next time you declare an intention or request to the Universe, it will believe you.
When you say you will do something, do it.
After all, you’re not the only one listening.
Ao Akua,
PS — Last year I declared I would create a music CD this year. My first one will be out on May 1st. I’ll be posting an article here soon about it, as well as about other “healing music” that you will love. I played a 1915 Gibson Harp Guitar on one track. (Pictured above) Sarah Marie sang on four of the tracks. Exciting stuff. Stay tuned.
I just completed reading the 1976 autobiography of Desi Arnaz, the late Cuban-born musician who married Lucille Ball and together created the legendary TV show, I Love You.
I love simple titles. His book is called A Book. It’s a joy to read. Desi was a riveting storyteller. He was smart, talented, persistent, creative, charming, and driven. He and Lucy became the most beloved television couple in history, as well as one of the wealthiest.
But he also went through hell before he ever arrived at success. As with most “overnight” successes, his career took decades to develop into something worth writing about.
What stood out for me in A Book is a lesson Desi learned from his father in Cuba. His father was mayor of Santiago. He was popular and successful. He owned land, businesses, and resort property. His father taught, “There is always a way.”
No matter what the challenge, problem, or circumstance, “There is always a way” to resolve it.
Desi saw this belief in action as a child. When the revolutionaries entered Cuba in the early 1930s, they burned down his family home, destroyed his crops, killed his animals, ran off his mother and family, and put his father in jail.
They went from a life of luxury to being homeless and penniless. They later escaped that country, went to Miami, and started a new life — with nothing at all.
But the belief, “There is always a way” kept them going.
Desi struggled, but kept working; kept taking action.
When opportunities came his way, he took them, even when he didn’t have the skills or experience on hand to pull off the opportunity. He knew he could attract or develop the skills as they were needed.
When asked if he could act, when he had never acted at all, he said, “All my life!” He then learned acting, appearing in several movies and of course later on television.
“There is always a way.”
When he and Lucy found themselves with the opportunity to be involved in a new TV show, they needed to find actors, raise funds, develop new camera methods, use a live audience, build a set, and much more — all firsts at the time with no paths to show what to do, and all with little or no money to make anything happen, and all under a time crunch that would make most people faint — they knew “There is always a way.”
When Lucy was accused of being a communist in the 1950s, Desi put on his fighting gloves and destroyed the rumor. Front-page headlines vindicated the redhead. Desi said the only thing red about Lucy was her hair, and even that was false.
Desi knew, “There is always a way.”
Reading Desi’s book was a real treat. Not only because I always loved him as Ricky Ricardo on I Love Lucy, but also because “There is always a way” is one of my beliefs, too. It’s in my book The Attractor Factor. It’s one of the prime directives in my operating belief system.
You may not know how to do something, but by taking action and moving forward you can find it, create it or invent it.
“There is always a way.”
I recently tweeted a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. that recaps this lesson from A Book:
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
You don’t need to have all the answers to begin working toward making your dreams come true.
You don’t need to have all the money to begin working toward making your dreams come true.
You don’t need to have all the experience or education or much of anything else to begin working toward making your dreams come true.
You just need to take action right now — while believing, as Desi proved — “There is always a way.”
Ao Akua,
PS – Right after reading Desi’s book, I read Lucille Ball’s autobiography, published after her death, titled Love, Lucy. Her early life was no party. She, too, struggled. But her persistence, talent, and hard work ultimately paid off. You can learn more principles of attracting what you want through my Miracles Coaching program. Meanwhile, enjoy Desi Arnaz in his prime and try not to smile in this early video of him that breathes the fire of life:
When I was a kid I wanted to play the guitar. I told my parents. They listened and bought me a Roy Rogers cowboy guitar — made out of cardboard.
Being a smart kid, I knew the guitar was a symbol. It meant my parents didn’t believe in me. They never thought I would amount to anything as a guitar player. After all, if they had faith in me and my potential, they’d have bought me a really nice guitar.
I held that memory in my head for almost fifty years.
Fifty years!
That’s a long time to hold a grudge.
When I hooked up with Daniel Barrett, my music producer for my forthcoming album, and told him my sad Roy Rogers guitar story, he suggested I make peace with it.
He suggested I find an old Roy Rogers cardboard guitar and buy it. He thought there might be a lesson in it for me.
I didn’t think so.
But I trust Daniel and did what he asked. I searched, found a nice 1960s Roy Rogers toy guitar on eBay, and bought it.
When it arrived, I felt sick.
When I opened the box, I felt depressed.
There was that damn guitar again.
But I walked off my sadness, sat with the guitar, glanced at it every now and then, played it a little, and relaxed.
I started to remember all the warm fuzzies I had about Roy Rogers, the man, the singer, the actor, the legend.
Who didn’t like Roy Rogers?
He stood for good in the world.
He was the superman of the wild west.
It then occurred to me to get the background story on my parents giving me that guitar. After all, there might be more to what I remembered. So I called my 85-year-old father and asked him about it.
“Dad, do you remember that Roy Rogers guitar you gave me as a kid?”
“You mean that cheapee?” he quickly replied. “I drove to Pennsylvania in a blizzard to get that thing.”
“Why did you get me that particular guitar?”
“We were broke but we wanted to get you what you wanted,” he said. “We got you the best guitar we could afford at the time.”
And there it was.
The truth.
I felt tears well up in my eyes.
My parents did believe in me.
They simply struggled with money. My father was the bread winner in the family. He had an entire platoon of kids to raise. I wanted a guitar. He got me one, doing the best he could at the time.
And for almost fifty years I thought he didn’t believe in me!
My entire story was wrong.
Most likely you have stories from your childhood like this. When we’re too young to know how the world works, we make conclusions that simply aren’t true. (Actually, we do this as adults, too, but that’s a different blog post.)
“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he’d learned in seven years.” – Mark Twain
Maybe it’s time to reexamine some of the childhood stories you still carry.
Maybe it’s time to revisit, understand or reinterpret, and forgive.
Maybe it’s time to dig out that Roy Rogers guitar and play a tune.
Pull up a chair…
Ao Akua,
PS – Now that I’ve decoded my childhood, the first song I wrote is a tribute to Roy Rogers. He was a cool guy. And if you’re a guitar collector like me, you might like to know that Roy’s own Martin OM-45 guitar sold for $460,000. You read it right. Almost half a million dollars. Roy bought it for $30 used in 1933 and never knew it was a rare guitar to begin with. It sold for more than Roy’s 1964 Bonneville convertible or his stuffed legendary horse, Trigger. You just never know the value of a guitar — emotionally or otherwise — even if it’s made out of cardboard.