Tag: Marketing


What's Your Gullwing?

Brace yourself. This is the first time I’ve ever made this offer. It is limited to 10 people. It will transform your life. It is BIG. Details below…

“Joe Vitale is a true marketing, sales and promotion genius.”
– Dan Kennedy, in his book ‘No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent’

“Just when you think you understand how the world works Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He’s engaging, entertaining, enlightening and – oh boy – does he ever stretch your thinking.” – Ian Percy, Reg. Psych. and member of both the US and Canadian Speaker Halls of Fame.

“No one else I know of could help someone come up with a Barnum-like Big Idea and then help them take it to fruition = becoming a huge phenomenon, which means BIG money, fame, recognition, and unique world positioning. See Joe Vitale’s outrageous list of accomplishments to know this is the real deal.” – David Garfinkel, Copywriter, Author, Consultant

What else is possible?

What’s left undone?

What can you attempt to attract or achieve that would stun even you?

Yes, you can stay comfy.

You earned it.

But we both know that life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

That’s where “the rush” is.

That’s why people do dare devil endurance feats and climb mountains and open businesses.

They want more.

That’s why people in Kuwait, already wealthy, open retail shops.

They are seeking the gusto of life.

They want to feel alive.

What’s your next dream?

While you think about your answer, allow me to share my own answer.

My own big dream is the desire for a vintage Gullwing.

That’s a Mercedes SL300 Gullwing.

The Legendary Mercedes SL300 Gullwing

The Legendary Mercedes SL300 Gullwing

That’s the iconic car considered by many as the world’s first super car.

Gullwing doors.

Leading edge engineering.

Futuristic design.

Built in 1954-55 and sought today as investment grade masterpieces.

And fetching upwards to two million dollars.


I want one.

I want one because the desire for one is melting my limits about what I think is possible.

If a once homeless man like me can attract a vintage Gullwing, what else is possible?

It’s not about the Gullwing.

It’s about The Stretch.

So, what’s your Gullwing?

It doesn’t need to be a car.

It can be anything that makes you suck in air.

It can be anything you long for but have yet to achieve.

Anything that gives you chills.

Anything that makes you a little scared and a lot excited.

What’s your Gullwing?

What would you like to experience just because you want it?

I’m looking for 10 people to join a Gullwing Mastermind with me.

This is a full year program for creating miracles.

It’s what Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, declared was the key to success.

He wrote –

“The “Master Mind” may be defined as: ‘Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.'” – Napoleon Hill

The Gullwing Mastermind private group that I am inviting you to join consists of –

  • Weekly meetings. (Once a week group phone call)
  • Personal consults. (Once a month personal Skype consult with me)
  • Yearly retreat. (Once a year in a beautiful US location)


  • I will review your marketing and/or business and life goals.
  • I will help you with your planning and implementation.
  • I will help you find or create your own Big Idea
  • I will help you create ways to bring it to the masses
  • As you probably know, I bring decades of experience to the table in areas of marketing, copywriting, idea generation, book publishing, Law of Attraction, self-help, speaking, consulting, hypnosis, clearing, music and more. (See below)
  • You can tap my brain in any area.


  • And you will get a gift for each week of completion – that’s 52 gifts a year. These might be old and new books, audios, packages, little known items by me, and so forth.
  • AND you can attend any event I hold in the next ten years as my guest.

And you will have the power of a mastermind to help you achieve your goals.

Some of the most successful people I know are in one or more mastermind groups.

I met a man recently who is in five masterminds.

These are powerful, inspiring, life changing.

You not only draw from my experience, but you have the collective power of the entire mastermind group on your side – the wisdom, energy, support, experience, education, resources, contacts, and more.

Obviously, this is a priceless experience.

"Money likes speed"

"Money likes speed"

But maybe you need to know more about me —

* I started as a homeless nobody, lived in poverty for a decade, and went on to fame and fortune. Today I live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Incredibly successful people hunt me down for consultations and engagements, like the princess in Kuwait who paid me six figures to speak at her event, and the son of the man who produced The Beatles who wants me in a movie and television show he is producing.

* I wrote more books than most people read in a lifetime – about 50 so far, with numerous ones being  bestsellers, such as The Attractor Factor and the recent The Secret Prayer. These books have become #1 bestsellers on Amazon, in the overall category of ALL books. I have been published in every way you can name, and have secrets and insights about each approach.

* I recorded multiple bestselling self-help programs, for the largest and most famous audio producer in the world, and saw many of them become record-breaking bestsellers – even out selling Earl Nightingale’s famous programs. I know how to create, package, and sell programs so the world hears about them.

* I pioneered Internet marketing, wrote one of the first books every published about it in the 1990s, created outrageous attention grabbing stunts like being the first to hypnotize someone live online, using the Internet to out sell a Harry Potter book, and selling a hefty package and making half a million dollars in three days.

* I traveled around the world, speaking in countries as diverse as Russia, Peru, Poland, and Kuwait, and of course being a keynote speaker at major events in the USA, including for the National Speakers Association, and at mega-wealth events with Donald Trump and Tony Robbins on the same bill as me.

* I invented Hypnotic Writing, Hypnotic Marketing, Buying Trances, The Secret Mirror, The Secret Reflection, Miracles Coaching, Wealth Trigger, Hyper-Wealth, and much more, all of which are staggeringly successful. I know how to generate ideas, package them, and market them to the masses.

* I wrote sales copy for more authors, speakers, consultants, CEOs, celebrities and more, than I care to remember, increasing their sales, improving real world numbers, and more. I’m talking everyone from The Red Cross to hospitals and non-profits to Abraham of Jerry and Esther Hicks fame. I created Hypnotic Writing and wrote a book explaining it.

* I have attracted national media exposure being on everything from Larry King Live (twice) to Donny Deutsch’s Big Idea show, to being on ABC, Fox, CNN, CNBC and more. I’ve been in the New York Times and Newsweek. I know the value of media exposure in establishing you as an authority and the “go to” person.

* I have been in 15 movies, with The Secret being the most famous, and three more coming out in 2016. And I got in one of the movies because of a mastermind.

* I am coming out with my own television show in 2016. It’s going to combine a TED-style talk with Oprah-style interviews and the selling power of QVC, and is designed to inspire people to go for their dreams.

* I wrote Attract Money Now and give it away as a list builder and gift to humanity. I also give away numerous other books, including The Miracles Manual and The Abundance Manifesto. I know the value of “karmic marketing” in helping the planet and yourself.

* I brought ho’oponopono to the world, through my books, Zero Limits and AT Zero, reaching an estimated 5,000,000 people.

* Near the age of 60 I recreated myself as a musician and, at my last count, recorded 15 albums. I called myself the world’s first self-help singer-songwriter to separate myself from the overwhelming competition. Reverbnation voted me #1 singer-songwriter. My music videos have attracted hundreds of thousands of views. I have over three hundred thousand fans. My albums with Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon have made more money than most musicians ever make in an entire career. I know how to reframe and repackage to market to success.

* I developed a spiritual approach to wealth, ignoring cutthroat methods and always focusing on a balanced, healthy approach to success, based on passion and purpose. I know how to create win-win-win negotiations and conduct business from the heart.

* I can listen to virtually anybody for about 20 minutes and see or create a unique money making idea specific to them. I have done it with friends and strangers, helping them create products, and with my own wife, helping her create a bestselling cookbook.

* I created a movement to end homelessness, raised funds for those in poverty, and compiled a book to help others who struggle. I know how to think big, confront limitations, and urge people to go for their highest ideals.

* I discovered the “missing secret” in self development, the idea of counter-intentions, and have been teaching it to people for over a decade, in my books, audios, and Miracles Coaching program. This one method alone can accelerate results for anyone.

* I’m considered an expert on the Law of Attraction, and know how to use it, teach it, and go beyond it. I’ve explained deeper concepts than it in my books and audio programs, such as The Awakening Course. Most people have a superficial or erroneous understanding of LOA. I help them get clear. I help them get results.

* I invented e-classes back in the 1990s, which everyone and his brother offers today. I know how to repackage material as an authentically new product.

* I wrote There’s A Customer Born Every Minute, the only business book on P.T. Barnum, the famous circus promoter who was also a speaker, writer, politician, entrepreneur, publicity genius, and more. Studying Barnum (and others like him, like Houdini, Branson, and Trump) gave me the ability to “Barnumize” almost any business by finding or creating the Big Idea and promoting it to the world for fame, fortune and immortality.

* I created the Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind, where people flew in from all over the world to spend a few hours with me in the famous luxury car, going to dinner, sharing, and getting coaching from me. ABC television news covered one of them. I know how to think bigger than big and light a fire under people to go for their dreams.

I could go on.

The point is, you not only will get the collective genius of the mastermind, but you will also draw from my own experience as well.

But I have to warn you –

This won’t be cheap and it won’t be for everybody.

After all, when I offered the Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind, people paid $5,000 to $7,500 each for just the evening with me.

An entire year will of course be a much larger investment.

If you qualify, we can arrange a payment plan, too.

If this idea makes your palms sweat, but makes your heart race with anticipation, then contact my assistant for details.

Write Suzanne at suzanne @ mrfire.com (close spaces to make it a workable email address).

Are you ready to fly?

Are you ready to stretch?

Are you ready to go for the biggest dreams of your life?

What’s your Gullwing?

Ao Akua,


PS – What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Note: If this offer to join my Gullwing Mastermind ends up being too pricey for you at this time, remember that you can always join Miracles Coaching right now. And you can always read many of my books, such as Attract Money Now, for free.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


The Prosperity Factor

My first book was published in 1984.

It was called Zen and the Art of Writing.

My first book published in 1984; received no money but the road to credibility was born

My first book published in 1984; received no money but the road to credibility was born

It contained methods for increasing creativity, from NLP to meditation to Focusing to improv, all tools I had studied along the way in developing myself as a writer.

It was cause for celebration as I had struggled my entire adult life to get published, through homelessness and poverty, and a lot of desperate days and nights.

Well, I was finally published.

But ultimately that led to disappointment.

Because I didn’t have a name, or a following, or a marketing formula, or a very good publisher, the book was a dud.

I didn’t receive a dime from the book.


No advance.

No royalties.


I was left to continue my struggle.

It would be almost ten more years (!) before I had a book published that did anything for me.

In 1992 I released The Seven Lost Secrets of Success and got a taste of what it’s like to be a rising star as an author.

I discovered that a book is an advertisement for my services.

People would read it and want to do business with me.

I never received an advance for the book, though.

But being the author of it brought me opportunities.

I was invited to speak at events, go on radio shows, get hired to write sales letters and ads, and more.

The book brought me business.

But it would get even better.

In 1994 I wrote The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising for the American Management Association.

I received a small advance – finally – for that book.

At first I was disappointed at such a low amount.

But after decades of trying to get published and finally receiving an advance, even a small one, I was grateful.

And that book changed my life.

Complete strangers and large companies hired me without meeting me, all because I was the author of an important book.

I’m talking known entities like The Red Cross, as well as movers and shakers such as politicians, lawyers, authors, speakers, celebrities, oil magnates, millionaires and billionaires, CEOs and more.

All I had to do was answer the phone.

And by then I had a bit of a local name as a copywriter, had my own small database of fans, and was with a publisher that at least knew a little about marketing.

I was able to leverage my books into attracting more money.

Being an author made me an author-ity.

That was a turning point in my career.

That experience of being published and being seen as the authority happened repeatedly, and kept growing, as I kept writing, publishing, and marketing.

In 1996 I wrote one of the pioneering books on how to make money online.

It was titled Cyber Writing and it, too, brought me more business as a copywriter, even though the book itself brought me almost nothing in terms of royalties.

And because the Internet was now available to the masses, my audience became the entire world.

Of course, releasing Hypnotic Writing (thanks to Mark Joyner’s persistent encouragement) as my first e-book (and later selling it to a major publisher) did wonders in establishing me as the copywriter to hire.

I became an Internet celebrity.

I could list more publishing milestones, both audio and print, but you get the idea.

Obviously, being an author gives a credibility that is bankable.

But the best was yet to come.

I've written way too many books to list here, but this one got me into the movie "The Secret"

I've written way too many books to list here, but this one got me into the movie "The Secret"

In 2006 I was invited to appear in what became the hit movie The Secret — invited because of one of my books (The Attractor Factor) — and I ended up in the New York Times best-selling book, The Secret, too.

And while I wasn’t paid to be in the book (or the movie), being included in such historic wonders brought global attention to me and elevated my career into outer space.

Being a contributing author in such a mega-bestseller brought me even bigger and better opportunities, even when neither the book or movie brought me anything directly financially.

I’m now an acknowledged success.

The offers and opportunities keep rolling in.

It’s a sweet life.

But it sure didn’t happen overnight.

What I’m offering you today is a way to have “overnight” success – and save yourself all the hassle and disappointment I went through – by being a coauthor in my next bestselling book, what I’m calling “The Prosperity Factor.”


A few people want to know why there’s an investment to participate.

Easy answer:

Because you’re paying to skyrocket your career in one strategic move.

You can play the game and try to get published on your own.

I did that.

It took me DECADES.


And even if and when you get published on your own, you still need to promote your book.

If you don’t have a built in audience, or a reputation, or a list, or a plan, good luck.

I tried that, too.

Took me years.

What I’m offering you is a one time chance to explode on the scene – riding on my name and fame, benefiting from my database and strategy, and guaranteed to be a bestselling author almost overnight.


I have a team in place to help you.

I have the printer and the contacts.

They all need paid.

Your investment is an investment to leap over the desperate masses and shine as a bestselling author – now, not decades from now.

It’s an investment in yourself.

Believe me, if I could have done this in my struggle years, and hitched my wagon to a star, and had success as an author almost instantly, I would have grabbed it.

It would have saved me years to decades of waiting, praying, trying, hoping and struggling.

If you see the value of being in and on the cover of my next bestseller, and advancing your career in one smart move, then go to http://www.instantbestsellingauthor.com

This is your chance.

Seize it.

Ao Akua,


PS – Keep in mind that a lot of people will want to be in this book, and space is obviously limited, so if you are sincerely interested in advancing your career in one strategic smart move, then please zip over to http://www.instantbestsellingauthor.com right now. This is your moment. Grab it. Why not do it right now, while it’s on your mind?

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Flying Midgets, Burning Bras

Back in 2001 I released my magnum opus when it comes to marketing.

Titled Hypnotic Marketing, it was an e-book revealing my three-step formula for attracting more business.

It was packed with juicy stories and funny case histories, from flying midgets to burning bras, to stupid websites to outrageous ideas that worked, and more.

In print for the first time in 11 years

In print for the first time in 11 years

I just updated and released the book as a printed paperback, now more than 400 pages long, and containing zippy and zany articles as bonuses, and revealing a fourth step to the famous marketing formula.

There’s everything in this mega-book, including —

Chapter 2: How to Hypnotize the Masses with “PO” Ideas
Chapter 3: Flying Midgets and the PR Folk Hero
Chapter 4: Eight Proven Rules for Getting Publicity
Chapter 5: Pitching a Heavyweight Boxing Champion and His Sausage
Chapter 6: Show Your Bra!
Chapter 7: 21 Ways to Identify Story Ideas About You or Your Business
Chapter 8: Running Water
Chapter 9: Selling Bloody Games
Chapter 10: One of the Easiest Ways in the World to Get Publicity
Chapter 11: How to Install a “Success Wish” in Your Mind
Chapter 12: The Top Three Ways Guaranteed to ALWAYS Hypnotize the Media
Chapter 13: 10 Tips on Becoming Newsworthy from a Media Tigress
Chapter 14: The Seven Laws of Baseball’s Greatest Publicist
Chapter 15: The Psychology of Hypnotic Publicity
Chapter 16: Edgy Top Secret Ways to Absolutely Nail Media Attention
Chapter 17: How to Get Rich With P.T. Barnum’s Secret
Chapter 18: The Amazing Breakthrough Formula Called “E-DR Publicity”
Chapter 19: A New Way to Get 30 times More Replies from the Media!
Chapter 20: 14 Instant Ways to Send Out Your News
Chapter 21: Two Words that Can Get You on Virtually Any Radio or TV show

And it doesn’t stop there —

Chapter 22: Your Keys to Hypnotic Websites
Chapter 23: A Master Copywriter Reveals His Inner Secrets
Chapter 24: A Forbidden Persuasion Master Reveals His Secrets
Chapter 25: A Practical Mystic Reveals His Website Secrets
Chapter 26: Declan Dunn Shocks Me with His Website Secrets
Chapter 27: What Are the Hardest-Hitting Direct-Selling Websites Online?
Chapter 28: Some Sexy Advice from the World’s Greatest Hypnotist
Chapter 29: How to Transform a So-So Website into a Truly Hypnotic Website
Chapter 30: How An “Inspirational Folk Musician” Can Create a Hypnotic Website
Chapter 31: What You Can Learn from This Really Stupid Website

And wait! There’s more –

Chapter 32: The Secret Nobody Wants You to Know About Making Money Online
Chapter 33: How a Famous Street Magician Can Help You Create Hypnotic E-mails
Chapter 34: How to Create E-mails that Secretly Seduce Your Readers
Chapter 35: The Five Best Ways to Create Hypnotic Email Openers
Chapter 36: “How Can the Right Question Bring in 317% More Orders?”
Chapter 37: E-mail Sales Letter Samples that are Making Me Rich
Chapter 38: A Little Known Secret for Doubling Responses to Your E-Offers
Chapter 39: How to Make Even More Money With This Unusual E-mail Secret
Chapter 40: What are Five Ways to Get People to Open Your E-mail?
Chapter 41: A Truly “Killer” Hypnotic Sales Letter Used Online AND Off
Chapter 42: The World’s Most Unusual Way to Strengthen Your Hypnotic Writing

And it doesn’t even stop there, as the rest of the book is packed with info on social media marketing to “dangerous selling” to the best books on marketing, and more.

The famous three-step formula now contains a fourth step, on social media marketing.

I just read my own book as a printed paperback and loved it. 🙂

I’m not the only one to love it, of course:

“It’s Like Selling Fort Knox At A Discount”

“Joe, you’ve written a masterpiece. Condensing the formula for getting rich in only 79 days into three simple steps anyone can follow is brilliant! As with everything you write, ‘Hypnotic Marketing’ is crammed full of true-to-life, straight forward ways to start a welcome flow of cash into anyone’s bank account.

We all thank you for making this gem available. But, come on, Joe…that price. You’ve got to be kidding! Why would you give away so much for so little? It’s like selling Fort Knox at a discount!”

— Dr. Paul Hartunian, Author, How to Get a Million Dollars in Publicity FREE!, PrProfits.com/ezine/

“I Learned Something New On Every Page”

“Joe Vitale hypnotized me today! He did it with ‘Hypnotic Marketing,’ which I found impossible to stop reading. I learned something new on every page, and I’ve been learning about marketing since l958. Now, I can only shudder for those poor souls who haven’t yet learned what Joe has to teach.

Not only does he enlighten, but he does it in such a warm and engaging way, that you cannot help but complete his book with a smile in your heart and dollar signs on your mind. Thank you, Joe, for a mighty contribution to the world of marketing.”

— the late Jay Conrad Levinson, Author, Guerrilla Marketing series, JayConradLevinson.com

If you are at all interested in marketing, online or off, publicity, websites that sell, hypnotic writing and the like, you must have this book.

Click image to buy book

Click image to buy book

It’s at Amazon as a printed book at http://www.amazon.com/Hypnotic-Marketing-Collection-Successful-Techniques/dp/1512155233/

It’s online as an e-book at http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

Go get it.

Ao Akua,


PS – Long before I became a Law of Attraction teacher and author of such self-help spiritual books as The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, I was known as a hypnotic writer (I wrote Hypnotic Writing, Buying Trances, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute, and many more books) and marketing specialist (having clients like The Red Cross to small and large companies to hundreds of authors and speakers). The best of that side of me is in my famous book, Hypnotic Marketing. I’m proud of that book and urge you to check it out.  It’s at Amazon as a printed book at http://www.amazon.com/Hypnotic-Marketing-Collection-Successful-Techniques/dp/1512155233/ It’s still online as an e-book at http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Create or Die

Bob Bly inspired me to become a copywriter back in the late 1980s.

His books, such as The Copywriter’s Handbook, always informed me in a practical way. I began my business career as a copywriter in Houston because of him. He occasionally wrote me snail mail letters of encouragement. I stay in touch with him, too.

Today he is the author of 85 books.


I remember he once said he felt like he hadn’t produced much – that was back when he had “only” written fifty books – because he knew Isaac Asimov had written or edited more than five hundred books.

Five hundred!

Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

I’m running as fast as I can to catch up with Bly and Isimov.

Right now I have about fifty books out, am working on two books, editing an autobiography from my father, completing three music albums, working on new presentations for mega-talks I am giving this year around the world, developing a new process for faster attracting, practicing my saxophone, the guitar, and the synthophone, reading more books a week than most people do in a lifetime, and of course still maintaining my fitness program, writing these blog posts, handling social media, promoting my past projects (which is a giant catalog), helping my Miracles Coaches, and more. (And, of course, keeping my relationships alive and well.)

Some say I’m a “force of nature.”

Others say I should switch to decaf. 🙂

Why so much productivity?

What drives a man like Bob Bly or me? What drove Asimov?

An answer is in the new book, Create or Die: A Manifesto for Fearless Creators Everywhere, by Morgan Giddings, PhD.

"Create or Die"

"Create or Die"

Her basic premise is that unless you keep creating, you begin to die.



Life is designed to urge you to create, to move forward, to constantly expand, grow, develop, change and challenge.

In fact, challenging yourself is one of the best ways to maintain the exuberance of life.

According to Dr. Giddings, you don’t have a real choice.

Yes, you can decide to “do nothing” but life itself, being the great creative force it is, will move you off your bed if it has to get others to move you and it out the door.

And yes, as Asimov proves, you can create and still die.

But real living comes from persistent creating.

It’s not about the end result – as that will change again in time – but about creating.

There isn’t a “finish line” or even a “perfect” solution.

There will always be something else to create. Another problem to solve.

Life is about creativity. Period.

All of the problems in your personal life – and on the planet – can be resolved with creativity.

Whether oil shortage or climate change or anything else you are worried about, there is an answer, and that answer will come from creativity.

New problems will occur, but that’s just the nature of life’s ever expansion.

And that’s an opportunity for more creativity.

The wise approach is to challenge yourself by choosing your creative projects.

Let your passion lead the way.

Let your enthusiasm for an idea burn bright in your life.

Bob Dylan is still creating, too. About 1,000 songs in this gigantic hefty book.

Bob Dylan is still creating, too. About 1,000 songs in this gigantic hefty book.

One of my favorite sections in Dr. Giddings’ book is where she reveals the formula for attracting money.

It goes like this:

1. Use your creativity to create something of great value.

2. Use your creativity to effectively communicate the value of your invention, product, or service to others (market it).

That’s it.

She says everything else is just “playing the lottery.”

She also points out that you need a clear idea of what you want money for, and you need to be clear of any limiting beliefs about money, in order to actually have her formula work.

I'm still creating music, too. This will be album ten.

I'm still creating music, too. This is album eleven.

She writes, “Though a surface-level desire for money exists, it gets distorted and watered down by all these other beliefs that are floating around contradicting it. The contradictory beliefs dilute the singular focus that’s necessary for the kind of creative action that leads to results.”

I’m not sure what Bob Bly would say, and the late Asimov is no longer talking or writing, but in my own case, I am driven by the need to communicate what I am excited about.

It’s not about money – it’s about passion.

Money becomes the pleasant side effect of creating value and sharing it with the world in creative ways.

I am driven to create by the impulse of creativity itself.

My hunch is that everyone has this impulse — yes, even you — but most people are pros at rationalizing why they shouldn’t create.

Excuses are easy.

Wimping out is easy.

Just coasting is easy.

The challenge – and the voltage of life itself – comes from creating.

Ray Bradbury, the legendary sci-fi writer who wrote classic books and unforgettable stories – who wrote every day of his life – once  said in an interview:

“There’s an Egyptian myth I heard about years ago that when you die as an Egyptian and you go off to visit the gods the first question asked of you at the gates of heaven is ‘Did you have enthusiasm?’ And if you answer negatively you don’t get in. My response to everything in life that I really loved has been enthusiasm.”

You most likely have a desire to create something.

A book, song, movie, business, product.

I have no idea what your secret creative urge might be.

But you do.

Dr. Giddings is giving you a wake up call.

Either create – or die.

And ignore the skeptics, critics, and cynics.

Dr. Giddings writes, “Cynicism is rooted in fear…Worse, it’s toxic to creativity. To be creative, it’s essential to express yourself fully, from your own unique vantage point.”

Critics and the like are living in fear and building themselves up by tearing others down.

Ignore them and pursue your dream.

“Creativity is an inside game,” Dr. Giddings writes. “It’s never about pleasing external critics. It’s about producing something that you feel is great, and then connecting with the right audience who will like whatever it is that you produced.”

I’m sure Bly and Isimov would nod in agreement.

Before I dismiss class today, here’s a final thought to consider:

One of my favorite authors during my development as a writer was Jack London, who once wrote –

“I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out
in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom
of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.”

I agree.

Now, don’t you have something to create today?

Ao Akua,


PS – I didn’t want to write this post. I was tired, my eyes were blurry, I had other things to do. But the creative urge in me pushed from inside and said “Write this.” I obeyed. And guess what? I am not tired, my eyes are not blurry, and the other things I have to do are next. Follow your creativity. Live your dreams. Expect Miracles.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Money Wise

A friend about to turn 40 years old sent me this question –

“What is the main/biggest thing you wish you knew about money before you were 40?”

I thought about it and came up with the following answer:

Stop worrying; it all works out.

Since I’m now in my sixties and have gone from homeless to poverty to filing bankruptcy to sleepless nights and more, only to end up living the life of one of the rich and famous, I’d say that all my worrying didn’t help at all.

Worry is a belief. It’s trained behavior. Most of us think if we worry, we will whip ourselves into doing something. But worry doesn’t stimulate right action. It stimulates more worry. And from a Law of Attraction view, worry begets worry.

Think about it: Under the feeling of worry are fear based thoughts, such as “What if this doesn’t work out?”, “What if my car is repossessed?”, “What if I lose my job and then…and then…and…!?!”

Those thoughts will create a reality that matches them.

Those thoughts will lead to desperate behaviors, and cause you to ignore more prosperous opportunities.

Those thoughts will create the same old scenario.

As I’ve said many times, you will easily attract what you fear or what you love, because both are strong emotions packed with high voltage energy.

It’s wiser to focus on what you love rather than on what you loathe.

Come from faith rather than fear.

Come from prosperity rather than panic.

Said another way –

Watch which thoughts you feed. If you think lack and limitation but pray for peace and prosperity, you are like a farmer who plants strawberries but prays for tomatoes.

I’ve learned that I need to work but not worry.

Trusting work, faithful work, passionate work.

But no worry work.

Using worry and fear to motivate yourself is a fool’s game. It doesn’t help.

Had I known this fact of life before the age of 40, I would have been happier and slept better, and probably reached success sooner.

In short, keep working, stop worrying.

My friend also asked —

“What single factor/knowledge/idea would you say was the most influential in being financially free and successful?”

Again, I meditated on the question and came up with this answer —

Definitive course on attracting money

Definitive course on attracting money

Realize money can come from multiple avenues.

For decades I thought money would only come to me from my writing. I couldn’t see any other way. While I continued to labor at day jobs I hated, just to survive, I also continued to write and submit my work to publishers. My entire focus was on money coming from writing.

I couldn’t see the bigger pie.

I couldn’t see the world of infinite possibilities.

I couldn’t even imagine it.

When I began to expand my mind, through books and audios I borrowed from the library, and allowed money to come to me in new and even surprising ways, my income increased.

For example, I began to speak in public.

That was a huge undertaking for me because my natural inclination at the time was to be a book nerd and live in the library. Public speaking was terrifying. Even traumatizing.

But I did it as it introduced a new way to receive money. Either I would get paid to speak or I spoke for free but sold my books in the back of the room. It worked.

I did more than speak, too.

I also tried publishing my first book as a correspondence course. This got my mind to relax the restraint that published writing meant having a publisher. It didn’t. I could take a book, break it into lessons, and sell it as a course.

I tried it once with a classified ad. (This was long before the Internet.)

It failed.

But a decade later, when I tried the same thing online, it became a major income stream for me. It led to my creating e-classes, and attracting tens of thousands of dollars (and a BMW Z3, which was a big deal for me at the time) as a result.

Learning to expand my mind about how money could come to me also led to recording audios.

The legendary publicist and dog lover, Paul Hartunian, told me how easy it was to make audio programs in my home. I listened to this wonderful mentor and acted.

I bought a cheap cassette player, put pillows under the window and door cracks, and recorded a marketing program in my bedroom. Most of it was based on what I learned from researching P.T. Barnum, and writing a book about his business secrets, titled There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.

I sold that home made program for $500 a copy. It later became my first Nightingale-Conant program, called The Power of Outrageous Marketing.

And that, of course, led to me creating numerous audio programs for Nightingale, and becoming one of their best selling authors ever.

My mind expanding didn’t stop there.

All the self-study I had put into becoming a writer meant I had skills most others didn’t have.

Bob Bly taught me (through his books and later with snail mail letters he was kind enough to write to me) to be a copywriter. That lead to a nice income writing sales letters, ads, and more (eventually even writing sales copy for Jerry and Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame).

As I continued to expand my mind, I learned about direct mail marketing.

I borrowed a little money from my parents, rented a mailing list, and sent out a sales letter I had hypnotically written about a new software program. (To show you how long ago this was, the program was DOS based and came on a floppy disk).

It worked.

I still remember opening my post office box and seeing an order for the software. I felt like I had won the lottery.

I also wrote a book about my own invented form of copywriting, had it bound at Kinkos, and sold it at my talks. That self-published manual later became my first e-book, thanks to Mark Joyner, which led to a long series of profit attracting digital products.

It changed my life forever.

It’s still famous today, in print and as an e-book, titled Hypnotic Writing.

And all of this was long before I was ever invited to be in the hit movie The Secret, which of course also changed my life forever, as it shot me into global notoriety and led to numerous unexpected opportunities.

I could go on, but you get the point.

My income increased when I didn’t insist that it come to me in a particular way.

Expand your mind to allow money to arrive in other ways.

Money doesn’t have any beliefs about you; you have beliefs about money. It will come to you if you don’t block it or wear blinders when it drives by your home.

To help you stop worrying and expand your mind —

Read books by Catherine Ponder, Arnold Patent, Napoleon Hill, and me.

Read The Power of Impossible Thinking by Yoram Wind and Colin Cook.

Read Create or Die: A Manifesto for Fearless Creators Everywhere by Dr. Morgan Giddings.

Listen to audio programs from Nightingale-Conant, from Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hanson, and me.

Listen to The Secret to Attracting Money by Joe Vitale.

Of course, you still have to follow your passion, take inspired action, maintain your character and your health, but the above will get you going in the right direction to attract more money.

Happy New Year!

Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,


NOTE:  If you are truly panicking because the bills have piled up, you’re out of work, and you see no end in sight, remember that there are numerous resources available to help you. Yes, take care of your mindset, but also call for help when you need it. The back of my book, Attract Money Now, has a resource section. It’s free right here.

PS – The fastest way to expand your mind is with the help of your own Miracles Coach. Check out Miracles Coaching.

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Member BBB 2003 - 2015