Many people new to the Law of Attraction confuse material gain and spiritual awakening. They think it’s either-or: either you attract the money or you attract the awakening, but not both.
Obviously, that’s not what I teach.
In my books, such as The Awakened Millionaire, I explain that you want to profit from your passion, and that being true to yourself in business is also being true to your spiritual path.
It’s not either-or.
It’s both.
One evening I watched a documentary called Still Bill, on Bill Withers, the singer-songwriter famous for such tunes as Grandma’s Hands and Lean on Me.
In one scene in the film, he was congratulated for not “selling out.”
Bill paused and then said, “Look. We are all entrepreneurs. What’s the best sign we could ever put in our store? The greatest sign we can hang in our window is ‘SOLD OUT.'”
I loved his clarification.
Bill wrote songs true to him, and along the way he sold millions of them.
He didn’t “sell out” but he surely “sold out.”
Singer Bono once said “Selling out is doing something you don’t really want to do for money.”
I don’t want you to pursue money for money’s sake, but to instead pursue your passion and make money from it along the way so you can continue pursuing it.
In other words, focus on your passion, create a product or service true to you, promote it honestly and relentlessly, and then enjoy the profit from your work.
Sounds healthy and wise, doesn’t it?
You can do this, too.
It’s knowing your calling/passion/life mission, and being at peace with success, as you express yourself in the marketplace.
It’s not about “selling out” but being “sold out” while doing what you love.
I know people who deceive themselves into thinking they can’t make money doing what they love because they would be too focused on the material.
They completely forget that the material is the concrete form of the spiritual.
Judging “stuff” as not spiritual is spiritual snobbery; it’s a self deception; it’s an ego trip.
I’m not talking about hoarding or whoring, but about being comfortable living well as you do well.
As Milton Friedman said, “Rich or poor, it is good to have money.”
Anyone who wants to awaken needs to embrace all aspects of life and quit judging parts of it or themselves as bad.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
It doesn’t take much character to judge anything as lowly; it’s takes much character to see the good in all of life.
Again, you can use the Law of Attraction to attract cars and cigars or spirituality and enlightenment – and you can use LOA to attract all of it.
The only limitations are in your mind.
That said, what would you welcome into your life?
As Arnold Patent, one of my favorite teachers, once said, “You can have it all!”
But, will you accept it?
Ao Akua,
PS – You can always get greater understanding of these principles about Law of Attraction and more in my Miracles Coaching program.
Around 1990, Jerry Hicks called me.
I had been working for Jerry and Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame, for years, to help get their books and audios out to the world about the Law of Attraction.
I always loved it when Jerry called, as he was upbeat and articulate, and always complimenting me on my ads, letters, advice, and so on, that I was creating for them. He was cool.
So his call wasn’t unusual and it was certainly welcome.
But this time Jerry had something new in mind.
“I have an idea for a law of attraction calendar,” Jerry began. “I’m not sure how to explain it so a printer can get my vision, so I thought you might help me.”
Jerry went on to explain an idea I quickly regarded as genius.
He wanted to create a page-a-day calendar, but in a special format.
“The front side will be quotes and passages from Abraham,” Jerry explained. “But the back side needs to be in two columns.”
Why two columns?
“In the first column, people can write their to-dos for the day,” Jerry told me. “That would be their meetings, calls, appointments, and the stuff anybody would write for their errands for the day.”
And the second column?
“The second column is where people can write what they want from the Universe,” Jerry said. “Their intentions and desires can be written there, as a kind of task list for the Universe to do.”
I loved the idea. Basically, you use one side of the page to write your to-dos and you use the other side to tell the Universe what to do for you. Pretty cool.
But Jerry wasn’t done.
“You then take the sheet, fold it in half, and put it in your wallet or purse. You carry it throughout the day, as a reminder of what you need to do, as well as a reminder to the Universe of what you want.”
Jerry added, “And the calendar will be big, as there will be one sheet for each day. You can start on any day, write the date on that page, and use it daily from then on.”
I helped Jerry communicate his vision to a printer and the first Abraham calendars were printed. I began to use mine and was absolutely thrilled by it.
It was fun to list my errands but far more fun to tell the Universe what I wanted.
And carrying the page in my pocket was a constant reminder of my goals and dreams.
It truly became a daily lesson course in what Jerry called (and I loved) “The Science of Deliberate Creation.”
I don’t recall what happened, but at some point I stopped using it.
Later, of course, Jerry passed away.
I had to look at the Abraham site to see if they even still sell the famous law of attraction calendar. (They do. See )
I’ve since started using the Abraham calendar again, and I love it.
If you are wanting to deepen your understanding and daily use of the Law of Attraction, then I encourage you to go get the Abraham calendar.
Ao Akua
PS – I am not an affiliate for Abraham or Esther Hicks and make nothing if you go buy the calendar or anything else from them. I’m just sharing.
When you combine the Law of Attraction with a new way to pray, the results are miracles.
But how do you pray for a miracle?
My latest book, “The Secret Prayer,” is an Amazon #1 bestseller, attracting 5-star reviews, and getting high praise from experts like this —
“‘The Secret Prayer’ holds the key to fulfilling your heartfelt dreams, goals, and desires. I love this book. Read it and use it. It will change your life!” — Dr. Susan Shumsky, author, ‘Instant Healing’ and ‘Miracle Prayer’
“Joe Vitale’s book is stimulating you to pray again with gratitude for who you are and what you have.
In his own unique style, he gives you new tools to revise and deepen your connection with the Universe. This book touched me deeply.” – Marie Diamond, Global Transformational Leader, Speaker and Author, Star in ‘The Secret’
“Joe did it again!! I love his new book. It’s inspiring, filled with practical wisdom and massive insight!”
– Janet Bray Attwood – New York Times Bestselling Author ‘The Passion Test’ and ‘Your Hidden Riches’
“Few people truly ‘get it.’ Joe gets it, he got it right in The Secret, and he totally nails it in the The Secret Prayer. This is the book that will lift people out of misunderstanding prayer, invites them to take responsibility for their divine inheritance, and thereby unleash their unimaginable power over all things. A book that can put any life on a fast track to greater happiness and fulfillment.” – Mike Dooley, NY Times Bestselling author ‘Infinite Possibilities’ and ‘Leveraging the Universe’
Go get “The Secret Prayer” on Amazon today for your Kindle or Kindle reader (it’s a #1 bestseller in 3 categories) –
OR go get the audio version of the book, read by me, at —
OR you can get the beautiful printed paperback at –
Get copies for yourself, family and friends, and clients and others that you care about.
What if we could change ourselves and the world with the right prayer?
What if it really works?
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – Maybe the greatest praise came from my niece, who texted this to me:
“I must say it opened my eyes and my heart. I have to thank you for writing it. I never even thought about the things you said in this book. I plan to use your three step prayer from now on.”
That one touched me.
Please see — (where you can hear me lead you through The Secret Prayer for free
Thank you
I love you
Dr. Joe Vitale “Aude aliquid dignum” *
Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestseller “The Attractor Factor.”
Recent: “AT Zero” and “The Remembering Process”
Brand New: “The Secret Prayer”
A star in the hit movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “The Tapping Solution,” “Leap,” etc.
Coming: “Quantum Prosperity”
Voted #1 singer-songwriter by Reverbnation
New: “Reflection,” “432 to Zero,” “Invoking Divinity”
Bestseller: “One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song”
Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
The Secret Mirror, and The Awakening Course
Coming: “Hyper-Wealth: The Fourth Dimension Process”
See it all at
Member BBB 2003 – 2016
* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”
Note: This is a commercial message.
I know you might be one of those people who feel like the Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for you.
I understand and I want to help.
So let’s begin…
Have you ever had one of those days where gravity wasn’t working for you?
Where you can’t seem to keep your feet planted on the ground and you wind up floating around in the atmosphere?
Of course not.
Why not?
Because gravity is a LAW.
It doesn’t work some days and not work other days.
It’s *always* working, and you are experiencing the effects of it all the time, at every moment.
Even right now.
But you probably never spilled a cup of coffee and said, “Darn that Law of Gravity!”
Instead, you realized it was your actions coupled with the existing law that caused the accident.
Well, the Law of Attraction is exactly the same.
It’s a LAW – not a feel-good principle or some kind of new-age voodoo flake-out.
You can’t “do” the Law of Attraction wrong.
It doesn’t turn off and on, like a light switch.
It’s not subject to fate or fancy.
It is a powerful but neutral force that is constantly operating.
Just like gravity.
And that means something extremely important –
It means that what you have right now (or don’t have right now) is – on some level – exactly what you want.
The good stuff and the bad stuff.
The abundance and the lack.
You’ve attracted all of it.
Because your conscious thoughts aren’t all there is.
Below the surface, a complex and deep-seated collection of beliefs are exerting an extremely powerful force in your life.
When these subconscious thoughts are in harmony with what you consciously intend, you attract it.
But if there are “counter-intentions” present within you – that is, thoughts and beliefs that run contrary to your conscious wishes – you will not achieve the results you want, no matter how much you want them on the surface.
This is not cause for blame or guilt.
After all, you weren’t aware of the unconscious beliefs working.
What this is all about is awakening.
I’m probably the only teacher in the movie The Secret that has stood my ground about this.
I’ve taken heat for it, too.
I feel like Freud when he introduced his idea of the unconscious mind in the late 1800s and was booed off stage.
He didn’t back down.
Neither have I.
So how do you get clear of those contrary beliefs within your unconscious mind?
How do you get rid of the inner roadblocks and go warp speed ahead, right to whatever it is you’re trying to achieve or attract?
It took me some time to figure out the answer to that question.
But once I did, it was as if all the limits in and around me shattered.
I thought life was good before – I had no idea it could be THIS good.
I thought I’d achieved a pretty high level of personal and professional success – but the success I experienced once I got clear absolutely blew me away.
I had finally discovered –
“The Missing Secret” that makes the Law of Attraction work the way you want it to – 100% of the time.
There are two ways you can learn this “Missing Secret.”
1 – Get my Nightingale-Conant bestselling audio program.
2. – Get in my famous Miracles Coaching program.
Obviously, the coaching program will require a bigger investment, but the results will be dramatic and fast.
But I understand if you’d rather invest in the audios and listen and awaken at your own pace.
Either way, the choice is yours.
Which will you choose?
Ao Akua,
PS – Consider: If the Law of Attraction is already working but you aren’t seeing the results you want because you don’t understand it yet, how much more incredible will your life be once you use the Law with conscious intention and crystal clarity? As I often say, “Expect Miracles.”
Here’s your choice:
1 – Get my Nightingale-Conant bestselling audio program.
2. – Get in my famous Miracles Coaching program.
My wife, Nerissa, drives the Chevy Volt and loves it. She’s had it since 2012. Her electric car never fails, always looks great, contains what feels like enormous room inside, and rides smooth on our errands and trips. It’s a great car.
It’s so great that we just went and traded it in for a brand new 2017 Chevy Volt.
But not all electric cars are so cool or so reliable.
I owned the Fisker Karma a few years ago.
It was the opposite.
It was a nightmare to drive, though it was stunningly beautiful.
There were over a dozen things wrong with it, and the company.
Eventually the company went bankrupt, and I sold the car at a big loss.
Of course, Tesla is all over the news.
I called them when they announced their limited edition of 100 Roadsters around 2008.
But Tesla talked me out of buying one, saying they didn’t have service stations in Texas and wouldn’t be able to repair my car without transporting it to California or sending a technician to me.
Good thing I passed on that roadster, as even Elon Musk today admits that his first car was a disaster.
In a June 2016 Road and Track article online, Musk was reported as saying they had “no idea what we are doing,” and characterizing their original efforts as “completely clueless.”
Tesla is still getting lots of the media attention and I’m glad to see it.
This German marvel runs on salt water, gets 960 hp and 373 miles to the tank, but will it ever be made?
Tesla’s new cars look hi-tech, dependable, and safe.
But I live in Texas, where I have seen the car on the road but have never test driven one. (I asked for a test drive and so far, over three weeks later, no one has replied.)
Besides, I’m not all that keen to get into another electric car, given my trauma with the Fisker.
And the most recent news was of a man killed while using the auto driving feature on his Tesla.
Apparently, the long range electric sports car is not yet out of the woods.
But all of this got me wondering about the origin of the electric car.
In an episode of Jay Leno’s great new TV show, Leno’s Garage, he drove an electric car from the early 1900’s that could get 90 miles on a charge.
I promoted and invested in the Ronn Motors Scorpion, a stunning hydrogen sports car, only to see the company go bankrupt
What happened to it?
What happened to all the other early electric cars?
So I did some research.
Turns out in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the most popular car was the electric.
There were steam driven cars, which no one liked, and a few gas driven cars, which no one knew how to drive or fix.
But people were ready for something new, as the feces and urine filled streets where horse drawn carriages turned the roads into a sewer of slosh, was just too much and too unsanitary.
The electric was clean, dependable, and smart.
Or course, there were few cleared roads then.
And no driving schools.
And no battery chargers.
And few people had electricity.
And even fewer could actually afford the much more expensive electric car.
And a single battery cost more to replace than the Model T would cost to own.
For example, the price of a Detroit Electric car in 1914 was about $2,650. If you wanted to upgrade to the Edison Nickel Iron batteries, then the price went up about $600. At the same time, you could buy TWO NEW Model T’s for that same $600. (!)
It was an uphill battle for the electric car.
Of course, many tried to make it work.
Some entrepreneurial companies saw a business in an electric car taxi service.
The problem was, the cars could only drive about 10 miles before needing a charge or a battery replacement.
This was an incredible nuisance for the passenger — you could only go 5-10 miles away (!) – as well as for the driver and not to mention the cab company.
As a result, electric cars were made, but they weren’t sold easily: first because they were too expensive to buy, and second, they were too expensive to keep replacing batteries.
Most of the electric car companies went bankrupt.
And then Henry Ford enters.
Ford actually wanted to invest in the electric car, and make them.
He bought an electric car every other year for years. He and his wife loved them.
But the electric car companies created a coalition to block any competitors they didn’t like.
In short, many electric car companies got greedy and tried to create a monopoly.
Ultimately, they drove themselves off the pages of history.
The electric car simply wasn’t convenient or affordable at the time, and many electric companies were ruthless and competitive.
But that’s not all that happened to make the electric car lose power.
Thomas Edison inspires Henry Ford
It was actually Thomas Edison who threw the switch on making the gas powered car the vehicle of choice.
Edison, the king of all things electric, met Henry Ford at a now historic dinner in 1896.
The inventor listened to the car creator describe his idea of an ideal car: affordable, dependable, efficient, and requiring almost no maintenance.
In fact, Ford wanted his car to be low priced and maintenance free.
Edison heard all of this and slammed the table with his fist.
He then said these now historic words to Ford –
“Young man, that’s the thing; you have it. Keep at it. Electric cars must keep near to power stations. The storage battery is too heavy. Steam cars won’t do, either, for they require a boiler and fire. Your car is self-contained—carries its own power plant—no fire, no boiler, no smoke and no steam. You have the thing. Keep at it.”
Ford listened.
As a result, Ford moved the world with his new car, which was a public hit.
The electric car drifted out of awareness, except for a few failed attempts over the decades at resurrection, and the fossil fuel driven car won the race.
By 1919, virtually all electric car production was stopped, and the electric began to fade away.
It wouldn’t be until the 1970s, when gasoline prices hit record highs, that the mass public started to look for an electric car again.
I’m joining in that search.
A decade ago, when I met the people who make Panoz race cars (I have two of their street legal beauties), I told them if they make an environmentally friendly sports car, I’d buy it.
They haven’t yet.
When I heard of Ronn Motors inventing a hydrogen driven sports car, I ordered the first one, bought stock in the company, invested in the company, promoted the car on national television and on the front page of local magazines.
The company went bankrupt.
When I heard of a sports car that could run on sea water, I contacted the German company and asked if I could invest in it and order a car.
No one answered.
When Porsche made a one-of-a-kind 918 Spyder electric hybrid sports marvel, I asked the price.
They said $845,000. I passed (and almost passed out).
When BMW (a car maker I’ve always loved), developed the electric hybrid sports car they called the i8, I ordered one.
But after half a year of waiting, the salesman said it would be three more years before I would get my car.
I cancelled my order.
I could go on.
Today the marketplace is ready for an electric (or solar or sea water or any environmentally safe) car that is affordable, dependable, convenient, and attractive.
Tesla is working in that direction.
I’ll keep watching them, and other auto makers like Audi, Acura, and Nissan, to see who wins the next race. I may be a specialist in how to attract a new car, but the car also has to exist. 🙂
Meanwhile, we now have Nerissa’s 2017 Chevy Volt.
Let’s charge up and go!
Ao Akua,
PS – Some of my resources for this post include —