Tag: optimism


Fifty Million Dollars A Month

The other day I stopped at a gas station to refuel my Spyker. As usual, a few people circled me, wanting to take photos of the exotic car. A woman shyly asked me if the car was a dream purchase of mine or bought just because I had money to burn.

What would you do with $50,000,000 monthly?

What would you do with $50,000,000 monthly?

I told her it was a little of both. That’s when she surprised me by saying oil was discovered on her property. She and her husband were about to start receiving fifty million dollars every month.

Think about it: Fifty million dollars each and every month.

The woman seemed uncomfortable receiving that much money. She went on to tell me that she already had property in different places, several cars, five children, a great life, and more. I noticed she was driving a brand new car which still had the temp tags on it.

She said, “It feels like this is a curse.”

Fifty million dollars a month is a curse?

I felt like I had walked into the Twilight Zone. I didn’t expect this encounter, but felt I must have attracted it for a reason. I felt I had to say something.

“The money is a gift, not a curse,” I told her. “You can direct that money to where you think it will do the most good.”

I’m not sure she heard me. She went on and told me her name (no, I’m not going to tell you it), shook my hand, and then drove off after saying, “Have a nice life.”

Why did this event occur?

I’ve often challenged people to lift their issues around money by pretending they won the lottery. What would you do if you won three million dollars? Your answer helps reveal what you really want to do in your life.

But this woman admiring my Spyker lifted my limits.

What would I do if I suddenly had fifty million dollars coming in every month?

I met a family years ago who has so much money coming in from their inventions that they built a hotel, a car factory, a winery, a spa, a golf course and last I heard, were building an entire city.

That’s them.

What would you do if you had fifty million dollars coming in every month?


Ao Akua,


PS – My first singer songwriter music CD is coming soon. Check it out right here.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


My LOA APP Bestseller!

I just learned that my first app — a quote of the day from me with other cool features you will love — is a Top 100 iPhone App under the Lifestyle category on iTunes.

This app is an easy and fun way to stay focused and positive and keep your energy at a high vibration — which as you know is the key secret to making the Law of Attraction work for you.

Plus, it’s just plain cool!

Take a sec and go see —


Now you can fire up your day — every day!

Ao Akua,


PS — I use a Blackberry phone so I can’t use my own app on it, but I also use an iPad (which I love) and I CAN use the app there. Check it out — http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mrfirequotes/id471326131?mt=8

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Napoleon Hill Outwits the Devil

I’ve been struggling for months with writing this post about Napoleon Hill and his disturbing book about the devil, forbidden to be published by Hill or his family for generations.

It’s been years since I read a book that made me as uncomfortable as Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. I thought it was just me until I talked to a friend who said she was having trouble completing the book. It was stirring up too much energy within her. We both agreed to finish reading it to find out what secret it held for us.

"Outwitting the Devil"

"Outwitting the Devil"

Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil in 1938, just after publication of his all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This powerful tale has never been published before, considered too controversial by his family and friends. I can see why.

The book is Hill’s interview with the devil. And the devil admits to controlling people through everything from culture and education to religion.

The devil comes across as the most powerful persuasion expert of all time. He/she/it is working within the very medium that we’ve grown to respect as good. As a result, the devil programs us to believe in lack, limitation, scarcity and victimhood. Since we don’t see the devil’s hand at work in these mediums, we rarely question what we’re taught.

I found the book unnerving. The devil is working within religion to keep us controlled? I suspect it made all my childhood programming about the “bogeyman of spirituality” come to life.

It’s unsettling to realize people are programmed to feel they are victims by the culture itself, yet the culture is being programmed to think it’s in charge by this force Hill calls the devil.  It’s an entire cycle of vicious victimhood programming. And I didn’t like it.

I still haven’t finished the book.  It would be a disservice to you not to tell you about it, though. When so many people are struggling, and don’t know why, considering the limiting programming coming from the very culture we live in can help us break free.

Whether that programming is actually from a “devil” or not is something I’m not going to debate. But I do strongly believe that we are being brainwashed to think negative and expect the worst by a system that is already entranced in that mindset.

In Zero Limits terms, you can call the devil a “program.” A program is a kind of virus of the mind; a limiting belief that attracts matches to the program.

Devil or not, program or not, it’s not helping you.

It’s time to awaken and break free.

Ao Akua,


PS – Read Outwitting the Devil for the challenge, but balance it by reading The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and of course Attract Money Now. And be sure to soothe your body and mind during or after reading those books with some healing music over at Blue Healer. For my next CD, called Strut!, I wrote a song about choice. You always have it. You can listen to the “devil” or you can listen to Spirit. Choose wisely.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Sneak Peek of "Strut!"

Here’s a secret video clip from inside the studio on October 7, recording my singer-songwriter music CD, called Strut!. That’s me with Daniel Barrett, the other Joe Vitale, and Glenn Fukunaga. Note how we are all truly moving to the music. The song (unedited and untouched as you hear it here) is called Today’s the Day. Enjoy!

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


Testify! The Primal Defining Moment

When I went into the recording studio on October 6th to record my first songs — original songs I wrote and was going to sing and play guitar to for the first time ever — I was nervous.

I was about to perform with two music legends: Glenn Fukunaga on bass (who just came off tour with Robert Plant) and the other Joe Vitale on drums (who’s played with virtually every rock star since Neil Young). I didn’t need any coffee that morning. I was already buzzing.

Neither Glenn or Joe had heard my music before. They didn’t know me, my songs, my style, my voice, my playing, or anything else. Joe met me the night before. Glenn met me at the studio. They loved the idea of creating music with positive messages. But we were all new to each other.

And this was my first time to sing and play with anyone.

The night before, I told the other Joe Vitale that I was nervous. He said,  “Nervous? That’s perfect! You don’t want to go in there feeling dead. You can use that energy.”

I realized he was right. My nervousness was excitement.  I also knew I needed all the help I could get. So I asked drummer Joe for advice. Since he has five decades worth of experience in the studio and on stage, I knew he’d offer something useful. He did.

Recording "Strut!" in studio

Recording "Strut!" in studio

“I don’t know your songs, but you wrote them for a reason,” Joe began. “They stand for something you believe in. I say go in there and TESTIFY, man. There are popular singers who can’t sing, but we love their energy. I say let it rip and TESTIFY.”

That word “testify” stayed with me.

It meant passion and purpose and commitment and energy and a lot more. According to Merriam-Webster, “testify” means —

a : to make a statement based on personal knowledge or belief : bear witness

b : to serve as evidence or proof to express a personal conviction.

I was going to bear witness that my songs are evidence of my personal conviction about life, choice, risk, Law of Attraction, and more.

I wrote the word “testify” down on a green index card and took it with me into the studio. I placed it on my music stand, right beside my sheet music and a photo of Johnny Cash, so I could see it. It became my code word for greatness.

What happened?

When we recorded the first tune, a song called Three Months, I ended it spontaneously singing out one of the longest sung single words. I wanted to sing the word, “Strut,” but I belted it out with full energy, raw power, and long distance breath control that even surprised me. The entire word lasted a roaring 15 seconds. That may be nothing for Stephen Tyler, but we’re talking about me.

I testified.

Daniel Barrett, who is producing my CD, later said that one word primal singing was a defining moment.

“When you hung on that word and let it rip, everyone knew you were committed to the project,” Daniel explained. “It was spine tingling. You communicated that you were going for it.”

I hadn’t thought about that moment as the defining moment, but I can see it now. I declared, with my action, that I was going to succeed.

So here’s what you might think about:

Are you giving it your all in whatever your project happens to be right now?

I mean, look at this with ruthless honestly.

Are you giving it your all?

Decades ago in Houston, when I taught writing and publishing classes, I used to tell the story of Henry Kissinger and an aide he assigned the task of writing a special report.

He wrote the report and placed it on Kissinger’s desk.

But the next morning the report was back on the aide’s desk with a note saying, “You can do better.”

The aide rewrote the report, and turned it in again.

But the next morning the report was back on his desk with yet another note from Kissinger saying, “You can do better.”

The aide at that point pulled out all the stops. He rewrote the report, added to it, polished it, and perfected it. He then hand delivered it to Kissinger and said, “Sir, this is the best I can do.”

Kissinger replied, “In that case, I’ll read it.”

Kissinger hadn’t read the earlier drafts because he knew most of us won’t do our best. We’ll do just enough to “get by.” Well, that’s not good enough. You need commitment to succeed.

When I went into the studio and — with no warm up or rehearsal or warning — belted out, “STRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!”, I showed my commitment to my album.

Are you fully committed to your success?

Are you ready to testify for what you believe in?

Ao Akua,


PS — I know you’re curious. You can hear my 15 second unedited primal testify at http://www.youtube.com/joemrfire or by clicking on the below image:

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011