Tag: Secret


The Cure for Despair

During dinner the other night, one of the people in our group looked at me and asked the question I didn’t want to hear —

“How did you become homeless?”

By now most people have heard my story of being on the streets of Dallas in the late 1970s and struggling in poverty in Houston for many years after that. Some of it is explained in my new audioprogram, The Awakening Course.

But I had never explained exactly how I ended up in such dire circumstances.

When I answered the question at dinner, everyone at the table stared at me.

The woman who asked the question sat there with her mouth open and eyes un-blinking.

She asked, “Why have you never said this before?”

My friend Mark Ryan was sitting there, also staring, and said, “As long as I’ve known you, you’ve never told this story before. It’s riveting. This changes everything.”

Changes everything?


They all said I had to tell the story now.

“Given the current financial crisis and with people losing their homes and their jobs, this story needs to be told more than ever before,” Mark said.

I heard them and realized I agreed.

So here’s the story…  

I knew I wanted to be an author when I was a teenager. I wanted to write books and plays that made people happy. Everywhere I looked I saw un-happy people. I believed I could help them with humor and stories.

During that time of the mid-1970s, I watched sports. I don’t today but back then the Dallas Cowboys were the rage. Roger Staubach and Tom Landry were heroes. I got caught up in the excitement and felt the place for me to make my name was in Dallas, Texas.

I lived in Ohio at the time. Born and raised there. I worked on the railroad as a trackman, doing heavy labor all day long, working weekends and summers since the age of five.

I saved my money, packed up my bag, and took a bus to Dallas. It took three days to get there.

I was lost in the big city, of course. Being born in a small town in Ohio didn’t prep me for the hustle and bustle of a city the size of Dallas.

Before long, I wanted out.

But I still wanted to be an author.

At that time major companies were building oil and gas pipelines in Alaska and the Middle East, and offering to pay big bucks if you were willing to go to either place.

I wasn’t keen on going to a foreign country and doing more labor, but I saw a chance to make money, save it, and then go on a sabbatical where I could write for a few months or even a year.

It seemed like a brilliant strategy.

I answered one of the newspaper ads that promised to get me pipeline work at a extraordinary hourly wage. I went in their office, met an upbeat sales person, and ended up giving him all of my money — my entire savings, about a thousand dollars at the time — based on his promise that I’d have overseas pipeline work in a week or two.

You might guess part of what happened next –  but you won’t guess all of it.

Within a week or so, the company that took all of my money went out of business.

Their doors were closed, no one answered the phone, and no forwarding addresses could be found.

Shortly after that, the company went bankrupt.

And not long after that, the owner of the company committed suicide.

There was no one left to try to get my money back.

I was alone.

I was broke.

I was in Dallas, far from home.

I confess that my ego got in the way here. My family back in Ohio would have taken me back in and welcomed me back home. But I was head strong and determined to somehow survive.

Well, I did survive — by sleeping in church pews, on the steps of a post office, in a bus station.

It wasn’t an easy time, as you can imagine, and I never used to talk about it. It was too embarrassing.

When I told this story at dinner, everyone agreed I had to share it with you.

They said that people are finding themselves in the same situation — they trusted a government, or a corporation, or a person, or a bank, and now they are losing their homes and their jobs.

Hearing that I went through the same thing three decades ago and not only survived but prospered to a level that the Joe Vitale of thirty years ago could hardly imagine, ought to be inspiring to you, too.

I got off the streets and out of poverty by constantly working on myself — reading self-help books, taking action, scrambling at times by taking whatever work I could find, but always always always focusing on my vision: to one day be an author of books that helped people be happy and stay inspired.

If you’re in a place right now that doesn’t feel so good or seem too safe, I urge you to remind yourself that this is only temporary.

This is the cure for despair.

As I say in my book, The Attractor Factor, this is simply current reality, and current reality can change.

You can help it along by doing what you know and need to do.

But remember, the sun will shine again.

It always does.

Your job right now is to focus on what you want and keep it in sight.

Yes, keep taking action;

yes, stay positive and surround yourself with positive people;

yes, be of support to others.

But remember, if I or anyone else can survive homelessness, poverty, job loss, or any other hard time, then you can survive it, too.

Please hang in there.

One last thing:

I admit that there were times I wanted to throw in the towel and get myself out of this life.

Thank God I stuck around. Had I left early, I would have missed a life of magic and wonder, success and fame I never dreamed of before, priceless relationships and experiences, and more.

I have no idea what wonderful good is headed your way — and neither do you.

What you have to do is stay the course and follow your heart.

And remember —

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale
Founder of the movement to end homelessness

Note: If you’ve found this story valuable, please share it with family, friends, and coworkers; post it on news groups and blogs, and in any way you feel appropriate, share it with others. Thank you.


How to Make Better Decisions

Mandy Evans is in town training my Miracles Coaches in her special coaching mojo, which has worked for me for decades.

Last night we had dinner. I was telling her about some hard decisions I had to make, one about my project to end homelessness and the other about a home we were considering buying, and I was inviting her feedback.

She explained that a client of hers only does “yes’s”.

That means that when he is faced with a decision, he asks himself, “Is it a yes, no, or maybe?”

In other words, does he get an instant inner feeling that no he should not do it, or maybe he should, or, yes it’s a doer?

He doesn’t do any no’s or maybe’s.

I love this simple method for cutting through all the decision making and worrying.

As I looked at each of my decisions, I asked myself “Is it a yes, no, or maybe?”

It was instantly liberating.

In the case of the house, I got a no.

I wanted it to be a yes, but the house wasn’t exactly right, despite great views and location and more.

I’m still open to a new house, of course, just not that particular one.

In the other case I was thinking about the city I am invited to launch Operation YES in.

My first response when thinking about it was a queasy one.

I felt dread.

When I asked if it was a yes, no, or maybe, I got a clear no.

That made me feel lighter.

But then I realized if I adjusted a few things, and got more support, I could then go into the tentative city to launch Operation YES, and my answer would now be a yes.

As you can see, asking if a choice is a yes, no, or maybe gives you instant clarity.

From there, you can reshape your decision, or your request, or just let it go.

For Mandy, and for me, life is about following your inner guidance system.

Your inner guidance system is (in my words) the Divine leading your way.

It shows up in your life as that “yes” feeling you get when you are considering a choice.

Follow that and all is well in the most beautiful, magical, even miraculous way.

Ao Akua,


PS – Mandy is teaching  one of her famous Breakout seminars in October. Go to www.mandyevans.com and see if it is a YES for you to attend.


Attract Miracles Training

I’m hosting a free Attract Miracles Training call on Wednesday, July 30th, at 8 PM CST.

If you want to discover how to attract miracles of wealth, health, happiness and romance, then please register for the call at —


There is no cost or obligation.

The speakers on the training call are also sharing their wisdom live in San Diego in Sept. Register for that historic event at —


Ao Akua,



Movies with Joe Vitale

People keep asking what movies I’m in. Here are links to four of them. There are others, but their sites aren’t up yet and the movies aren’t out yet.



Buying Secrets

My friend Peter Wink just released his first e-book. There’s information in it I’ve never seen before. Here’s the sales letter for it. – Joe

How would you like to learn how to buy any
product or service for pennies on the dollar or
even get it with no money out-of-pocket?

And I mean any product or service – for personal
or business use.

I learned that when you know specific buying
secrets, you can buy cars, homes, jewelry, boats,
clothes, college tuition, gasoline, legal
services, health insurance, groceries, books,
office supplies, or anything else for a fraction
of the retail cost.  (In fact, I’m going to share
some buying secrets with you in a minute.  So
please stay with me.)

With today’s out-of-control prices, just think
what that would be worth to you over a week,
month, year, or lifetime?


If you want to save thousands of dollars, I urge
you to order a copy of Peter Wink’s new 288-page
ebook, “Buying Secrets Retailers DON’T Want You
to Know About.”  (And I convinced Peter to give
you three great bonuses I’ll tell you about


This ebook is huge.  In fact, in my opinion it’s
really two books in one.

Half the book is an entire dealmaking and
negotiating course and the other half contains a
slew of buying secrets for personal and business
products and services.  Keep in mind that this
book is for anyone who ever needs to purchase
anything – which is pretty much everyone.

You’ll learn how to…
– Walk into a car dealer and know when you are
getting the best price
– Save money on groceries every single week
– Purchase gasoline at the best price
– Buy books and music for a mere fraction of the
high retail price
– Purchase high quality (not junk) jewelry at
unbelievable prices
– Wear a millionaire’s wardrobe on a pauper’s
– Deal with contractors and get the best price
and quality
– Know how to locate and take advantage of 19
types of retail discounts

You will also learn buying secrets for electronic
equipment, college tuition, medicine and
pharmaceuticals, legal services, swimming pools,
and even medical/dental/automobile/life

And this is just scratching the surface.  I
learned a ton.

One publisher who tried to get their hands on
this book called it “The Dealmaker’s Bible.”  You
also have to check out the testimonials at the
end of this email – they speak for themselves.


Here are some quick examples of jewelry buying
secrets that I learned from Peter’s book…
– One of the best times to buy jewelry is right
after Valentine’s Day when there are tons of
overstocks.  Instant savings of 10-35% or more.
All negotiable.
– Used jewelry can be, and usually is, just as
valuable as new.  In fact, many of the diamonds
being sold in stores are trade-ins or other
jewelry that people sold off for cash.
– The best way to confirm the authenticity and
quality of a diamond, before you purchase it, is
to get a GIA Diamond Grading Report or get an
appraisal from the American Gemological
– To get the best value when buying diamonds, you
need to understand the 10 different shapes, 7
cuts, 23 colors, 11 clarity grades, and the carat
weight.  Most people have no idea what they’re
buying ­ but you will.  (Bigger isn’t always

In fact, in “Buying Secrets Retailers DON’T Want
You to Know About,” you’ll also learn secrets for
buying pearls, gemstones, platinum, gold, silver,
and titanium.  And that’s JUST jewelry.  There
are 80 more pages of buying secrets alone.  (The
section on buying and leasing cars is worth more
than the price of this book alone.)

The other half of the book is a complete
negotiating and dealmaking course where you’ll
– The “Are You In It To Win It” philosophy – a
must for any dealmaker
– How to develop the dealmaker’s mindset –
allowing you to spot deals all around you
– Keys to gathering legal inside information
about the other side
– 12 ways to gain and foster the other side’s
– Effective communication for clarity in all
dealmaking situations
– Secrets to managing conflicts before and after
they arise
– 16 characteristics of successful dealmakers and
how you can adopt them
– How to read the other side’s body language and
what it means to you
– 15 secrets to effective bargaining without
giving away your hard earned money
– 36 proven dealmaking tactics used by insiders
to buy products and services for pennies on the
– How to spot and counter unethical dealmaking
tactics that will likely be used against you
– The 9 secret powers you have and how to use
them to your advantage
– Secrets to negotiating salaries, raises,
benefits, and other company perks
– How to get what you want without ever paying
money out-of-pocket
– The people skills you need to be a successful
dealmaker and how to adopt them
– A discount method so powerful – you could get
discounts on just about anything if you just know
who to ask – now you will
– And much more.


One dealmaking tactic I learned that you can use
today is called “Walk Away Smiling.”  This is
simply refusing to pay the seller’s price and
walking away from a deal no matter how much you
really want it.  (According to Peter, you never
want to look anxious to buy anything.)  I learned
that if a salesperson lets me walk out of the
store, I likely got the best price possible.
Almost every time they say, “come on back, let’s
discuss the price.”  And then I get a huge
discount.  Way cool.

And this is only one of 36 dealmaking strategies
you’ll learn.

This book is written by someone who knows
effective buying, selling, dealmaking, and
negotiating…Peter Wink, author of “Negotiate
Your Way To Riches” (published in three languages
worldwide) and “Striking it Rich at
Garage Sales and Flea Markets.”

Many of you may already know the name Peter Wink
– my Vice President of Marketing and Product Development.
You may even remember him as the guy who got me
my first deal at Nightingale-Conant a few years
back.  Well on top of being my right-hand man,
he’s also a prolific author, with his latest book
being “Buying Secrets Retailers DON”T Want You to
Know About.”  And even more important, is that
Peter has been a strategic dealmaker for over 20
years, including being a buyer for several

And now you can take advantage of his unique,
insider view of the retail industry to buy any
product or service for a fraction of the price or
get them for no money out-of-pocket.


Check out what QVC insider Nick Romer (author of
“Make Millions Selling on QVC: Insider Secrets to
Launching Your Product on Television and
Transforming Your Business (and Life) Forever)
says about Peter’s new book…

“Peter Wink’s book is a massive eye-opener and
the knowledge contained within its 288 pages can
save you a bundle of money on items you purchase
on a regular basis, starting with automobiles and
including everyday services.

This book is clearly written with true insider’s
information and Peter Wink’s long resume in deal
negotiations puts him in the Trumposphere. Get
it, apply it, save a ton!”

And get this…

Because you’re one of my valued customers – if
you invest in a copy of “Buying Secrets Retailers
DON”T Want You to Know About,” you’ll get three
additional relevant ebooks at no additional cost.

Buy today, and you’ll also receive…
1. The Science of Getting Rich: This is Peter
Wink’s revised version of Wallace D. Wattle’s
classic bestseller on prosperity.  You can follow
this step-by-step process to accumulate any
amount of money you wish.
2. The Science of Being Well: Here you’ll learn
the basics of health and energy.  Peter cites
this book as the best book to learn the
fundamentals of health and vitality – which are
essential to being a solid dealmaker.
3. Unspoken Marketing Secrets: Here I will give
you a list of what I call, my ³insights into
human nature² or ³controversial truisms.²
Knowing these will help you understand the nature
of people and how you can use them to your
advantage as a dealmaker.

So there you have it.

You will get…
– Buying Secrets Retailers DON”T Want You to Know
About by Peter Wink
– Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
with Peter Wink
– Science of Being Well by Wallace D. Wattles
with Peter Wink
– Unspoken Marketing Secrets by Dr. Joe Vitale

For only $39


And it’s fully guaranteed for 8 weeks.

If you’re not satisfied for any reason, we’ll
give you a 100% refund ­ no questions asked.
It does not get any easier than that.

If you follow Peter’s buying secrets and
dealmaking strategies, you’re sure to make back
your small investment in this book in a day.

Ok…I have a few last questions for you.

Are you anxious to get the best deal on
everything EVERY TIME?

Are you ready to take action and NOT get
overcharged ever again?

Do you want the best price without ever worrying
about buyer’s remorse?

Are you ready to take control of your financial
future? And even buy things you never thought you
could afford before?  New cars, homes, boats,
clothes, music, electronics, swimming pools,

And most important…are you ready to say “NO” to
high-priced retailers once and for all and
receive products and services for pennies on the

With today’s prices on everything skyrocketing,
it’s more important than ever to arm yourself
with all the information you can ­ to get the
most value for your dollar.

I cannot urge you enough to order “Buying Secrets
Retailers DON”T Want You to Know About” today.




P.S.  If you want to get any product or service
for business or personal use, for a fraction of
the price or no money out-of-pocket, I urge you
to order “Buying Secrets Retailers DON”T Want You
to Know About” today at


P.P.S.  If you take advantage of this special
offer, we’ll throw in three bonuses at no
additional cost- The Science of Getting Rich, The
Science of Being Well, and Unspoken Marketing
Secrets.  And you’ll also get an unconditional,
no-questions-asked 8-week guarantee.


P.P.P.S.  Check out the raving reviews for
“Buying Secrets Retailers DON”T Want You to Know
About” below.

“This no holds barred book will save you the cost
of a college education and give you more than a
college education if you simply learn these
secrets.  This was really eye-opening.”

– Joseph Sugarman, Chairman and Founder,
BluBlocker Corporation

“Peter Wink is a master at the art of
negotiating. If you want the best deal on
anything that you are interested in acquiring,
you need to read Peter’s book first.  It is the
gold standard of negotiating strategies that

– Robert Stuberg, Chairman and Founder,

Peter’s ability to simplify the buying and
negotiating process is unsurpassed! If saving
more and spending less is your objective, “Buying
Secrets Retailers DON’T Want You To Know About!”
is must read.  Never before have I read a more
direct approach to negotiating anything from
buying a new car to gaining a raise from the
boss.  Thanks Peter, you’ve shown me that we
never stop learning!

– Warren A Henningsen, Global Sales & Marketing
Manager, Succeed Magazine

“The most complete guide to saving money through
buying secrets and dealmaking skills that I have
ever seen! The review areas are golden eggs that
reinforce what you just learned.”

– Nerissa Oden, TheVideoQueen.com

“Amazing Advice! When I saw the title to Peter
Wink’s new book, I was expecting a long list of
tips on how to save money on a variety of goods
and services. I wasn’t disappointed. The book is
crammed full of insider secrets on how to get
killer deals on just about anything. And I do
mean anything: Cars, homes, insurance, travel,
clothing, weddings, jewelry… you name it.

What I wasn’t expecting was a master class on
negotiation.  Wow!  The knowledge you’ll gain
from this book will help you whether you’re in
business, an employee, or anyone seeking a better

– Bill Hibbler, Author, Meet and Grow Rich
