Tag: Secret


Fear: Stop or Stretch?

That jittery feeling you sometimes get when you are about to do something new doesn’t mean stop; it simply means you’re stretching.

When Pat O’Bryan and I set off to record me playing guitar for the first time in a studio, I was apprehensive. I’m doing something new. Different. I wanted to sound good. I wanted my music to end up being the sound track to our Advanced Clearing Audio, to follow the astounding success of The Clearing Audio.

But I also knew the sweaty palms feeling was because this was a first for me. It didn’t mean don’t do it; it meant I was blazing new ground.

The feeling that I am off track entirely is different; it’s deeper and not emotional. Being on track but exploring is an uneasy but acceptable feeling.

Anyway, Pat filmed some of our road trip to the studio. You can see it at http://youtube.com/watch?v=KlUFBetmiG0 or by clicking the image below. Enjoy.


Inside "The Attractor Factor"

If you’re a fan of my book The Attractor Factor, or just want to dig deeper into the law of attraction, I just learned of a book club that will be discussing it by phone, for free, starting tonight. Might be fun. Details are at http://totalfamilyfreedom.com/af/ It’s part of The Millionaire Mindset Book Club. Again, no charge. Go see.


The Clearing Movement

Due to the phenomenal success of The Clearing Audio — both in terms of record-breaking sales and reports of almost instantaneous results — we’ve decided to create the following —

“The Advanced Clearing Audio”

“The Clearing Weekend”

and “The Clearing Manifesto.”

Please note that you will not be able to have or attend any of the above unless you’ve been listening to The Clearing Audio regularly for at least one month.

The Clearing Audio helps clear your un-conscious counter-intentions so you can finally attract what you want to have, do, or be.

As it helps you get clear, it helps prepare you for higher and higher levels of success.

Does it work?

Apparently better than either Pat or myself ever expected.

First, John and Chystal set an intention to receive $1,000.00 fast — and did.

Then, Fran came up with a whole new business model while listening to The Clearing Audio.

And then Heidi emailed to say that her cat was clearing to the audio.

Yes, her kittie cat.

Every time she puts on the audio, the cat climbs on her shoulder and listens as long as the special music is on.

Is this too wild to believe?

Maybe so, but it’s still happening.

What will it do for you?

See the complete story at —


Are you clear?

Ao Akua,


PS — Pat and I are so inspired by the clearing work we’re doing that we are creating “The Clearing Movement.” It all begins at www.theclearingaudio.com Go see.


End Homelessness

A team of people including myself — many of which are stars of the movie The Secret — have the noble vision of ending homelessness. Our intent is to get people to rethink the problem, and actually resolve it once and for all. We are doing this in a way that you can win, too. The movement is called Operation YES. YES stands for Your Economic Salvation. See my short video explanation at www.youtube.com/v/wFZ55U3uyqk or by clicking on the below image. And yes, please share this with the world. Thank you.


The $2,500 Thank You

p1010109.JPG Last Monday a wonderful couple came to our home to claim their one hour consultation with me.

A friend of theirs had purchased one hour of my consulting time (which I don’t do anymore) and gave it to them as a gift for last Christmas. They then made an appointment with my office and waited until the day arrived.

Marj and Paul Barlow were right on time. They smiled big and radiated love and good vibes. Nerissa and I instantly liked them.

We sat around the kitchen table, made small talk for a few minutes, and then I was ready to get down to business.

“How can I help you?” I asked.

Marj looked at me and said words that shook me:

“We’re here just to say thank you.”

I stumbled around for something to say.

Marj went on to explain that they have never gotten as much value from any books or audios or talks as they have gotten from my work.

I still didn’t know what to say.

She went on to say they had heard me speak last year at one of the Austin events. They had their picture taken with me and used it as a vision board. Their goal was to get to spend time with me.

If you look at the photo above (left click on it to enlarge it), you’ll see their vision board picture in it. Their goal did in fact come true.

You have to imagine my predicament:

These people used a $2,500 consultation hour to tell me how grateful they are for my work.

I had to sit there and take it.

On top of that, they gave me books as gifts, including one Marj wrote, The Possible Woman.

For most people, receiving is hard.

It pushes our buttons of deservingness.

It makes us squirm.

It made me squirm, too.

But receiving is part of the flow of life. There’s giving, and there’s receiving. There has to be. It doesn’t work any other way.

I loved my time with Marj and Paul, and count them as new friends in our lives.

Where in your life are you not giving — and where in your life are you not allowing receiving?

Ao Akua,


PS — In the course of conversation, I mentioned that Nerissa’s birthday was the next day. Well, Paul and Marj sent her flowers. She, too, had to experience receiving. There are lessons here for all of us.