Someone posted this question on Facebook –
“Dr Joe offers so many programs, all being billed as
THE one, how do I know which one is REALLY the one,
or is it all just a scam?”
I can imagine it gets confusing.
After all, when I offer everything from courses
on The Law of Attraction to courses on The Fourth
Dimension Process or The Remembering Process or
Wealth Trigger, or anything else, how do you know
what’s right for you – if any?
The truth is, it depends on where you are in
your own spiritual growth.
I wrote a book and created a program years ago —
yes, another one – called “The Awakening Course.”
The Awakening Course explains four stages of consciousness.
Depending on where you are on the map of awakening,
some courses will be more relevant to you than others.
For example, I wouldn’t give my books on ho’oponopono
to someone who just watched the movie The Secret and
just learned about The Law of Attraction.
The Secret is from stage two of awakening.
Ho’oponopono is from stage three.
Ho’oponopono, and my books ‘Zero Limits’ and
‘AT Zero,” would be confusing to someone still
in stage two of awakening (and more so if they
were still in stage one of awakening).
Look at it this way –
If you had a child in first grade in school,
you probably wouldn’t teach him or her calculus.
There’s nothing wrong with calculus.
It’s not a scam.
But it’s not relevant, useful or understandable
to a first grader.
By the same token, if you were in college and you
studied math, you wouldn’t say it was a scam if
the university also asked you to study algebra.
You would simply think algebra was the next course.
It’s the same with my courses.
I design them and create them and promote them to
help you – but which one is right for you depends
on you and where you are in your life.
If you’re in stage one, you’ll call it all a scam.
If you’re in stage two, you’ll see value but may not
yet understand the advanced courses from stage three
or stage four.
All the courses are useful – but it depends on your
current consciousness just HOW useful they are.
If you want to understand this more, please consider
the online course –
Or the actual book (printed, audio, or Kindle) –
ng-Course-Secret-Solving- Problems/dp/1118148274/
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you really want everything to be free,
remember all the freebies I already offer to you —
These are also all free —
There are 15 little known principles for making the Law of Attraction and The Secret work for you.
These are not known by most people, not even most Law of Attraction self-help authors.
I “downloaded” them from The Divine and explain them in my new program, The Mental Time Travel System.
But to help you right now, here are the 15 Principles:
And so you can read them easily and clearly, here they are again:
For explanations and details please go see
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – Be sure to watch or listen to my weekly e-TV show, Zero Limits Living. You can now find it on more than 1,000 platforms, from Roku to Amazon Fire to Apple TV to YouTube and more. Or just go here.
For example –