Tag: the book The Secret


The Zero Point

Recently I spent the weekend listening to The Zero Point, my newest audio program from Nightingale-Conant.

It might seem odd to hear that I listened to my own program, but you have to remember that I more or less “channel” my new programs.

I don’t use a script or read from a book.

Inspiration directs me and I just follow the lead.

Brand new!

Brand new!

The result amazes me, and makes me want to listen to my own audios to hear what I said. 🙂

For example, The Zero Point reveals — for the first time anywhere –The Law of Zero.

It also explains how to send requests to the Divine but also, more importantly, how to receive inspiration.

And there are great processes, like meeting Morrnah — the founder of modern ho’oponopono (as described in my books Zero Limits and At Zero: The Final Secret to Zero Limits) — and having her speak to you directly.

I also reveal the three levels of mind.


The guidebook that comes with this new program contains new clearing tools, images to use, and more.

Complete audio program!

Complete audio program!

Plus there are relaxation exercises, original healing music by Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and myself, even two songs written and performed by me (off my Strut! album).

The Zero Point represents my latest, most advanced, most current, and most profound spiritual work ever.

It goes beyond the Law of Attraction, the Law of Creation, the Law of Right Acton, and even goes beyond ho’oponopono.

It’s designed to lead you to an awakening.

I loved hearing the program, and think you will, too.

Please check it out right here.

Ao Akua


PS — Here’s a brief overview of The Zero Point:

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


The Thanksgiving Wishbone

At Thanksgiving, when I was a kid, my mom
would save the turkey “wishbone” (technically
called the furcula), lay it up somewhere on
the kitchen sill to dry, and then a few days
later I’d get to make a wish and snap the
wishbone with my brothers or sister holding
the other side. When it broke, whoever held
the longer piece would receive their wish.

I did a bit of research and found out that
this custom came from an ancient Italian
civilization known as the Etruscans. They
passed it on to the Romans, and eventually
it reached the English.

Being Italian, I was curious about the
Etruscans and discovered that they believed
chickens were oracles, capable of predicting
the future. According to an article in
Mental Floss:

Attend this. Click image.

Attend this. Click image.

“They exploited the chickens’ supposed gifts
by turning them into walking ouija boards with
a bizarre ritual known as…’rooster divination.’
They would draw a circle on the ground and divide
it into wedges representing the letters of the
Etruscan alphabet….Bits of food were scattered
on each wedge and a chicken was placed in the
center of the circle. As the bird snacked,
scribes would note the sequence of letters
that it pecked at, and the local priests would
use the resulting messages to divine the future….”

The Etruscans believed that the bird’s fortune
telling power remained even after its death,
and would dry the bone in the sun to preserve it.

“People would then pick up the bone, stroke it,
and make wishes on it, hence its modern name.”

This simple custom has withstood the vagaries
of time, changing very little throughout cultures.

It’s hard to believe that even though this ritual
is thousands of years old, it will still be a part
of many Thanksgiving dinners again this season.

But that’s the power of belief.

And as you can see, unless you change something,
things can go on quite indefinitely.

Releasing this month!

Releasing this month!

Still…there’s another reason I wanted to tell
this story, which is that we simply don’t need
to go through all this. We certainly don’t need
a turkey, a chicken, or a bone – fun as it is.

Here’s the secret of the ages: If you want to know
your future, you are the oracle.

Yes, you.

With this knowledge, you can transform your life
into one of joy, peace, inspiration, love and
enthusiasm at any time you choose.

This may seem like a tall order now, but it won’t
after my two-day life-changing event in Austin
this weekend  (and you won’t have to wait for the
wishbone at Thanksgiving).


On the other hand, not understanding this is the
cause of an untold number of struggles, be they
in the realm of finance, relationships, health
and body, or work.

In fact, most of these problems poof and vanish
like magic once you know how to access your deep
connection to the Divine and, thus, cause your
own transformation.

Truth – or fortune – be told, awakening is the
key to manifesting your true destiny and calling.

And it’s the only future really worth knowing.

Join me at my event (or watch it from the comfort
of where you are sitting right now) —


Happy Thanksgiving!

Ao Akua,


PS — Have faith. Take action. Expect Miracles.

Member BBB 2003 -2014

Member BBB 2003 -2014


Who ARE You?

Back in the early 1960s, I used to watch a popular television game show called, To Tell the Truth, where three contestants did their best to bluff a panel of four celebrity judges.

One of the contestants (who, according to the rules could never lie) always had some sort of unusual occupation. The other two were imposters (and could lie). At the end of every show, the host would say, “Will the real ‘so and so’ please stand up?” and we’d all find out who was telling the truth.

Life is not really that much different.

We’re all a bit like those celebrity judges on the show trying to figure out what’s the truth
or to put it another way, which beliefs are going to get us where we want to go. Because, let’s face it, the real rewards go to those who have beliefs that support them in winning – with money or otherwise.

This famous game show line is where I got the idea for one of the chapter titles in my forthcoming book, At Zero: The Quest for Miracles through Ho’oponopono (which you’ll be the first to receive prior to its official release next year when you attend my November event in Austin).

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

The chapter is called “Will the Real Ho’oponopono Please Stand Up?” and reflects one of the reasons I had for writing this book:  to clear up a number of misconceptions surrounding this ancient healing method and to shed light on how it evolved through the 21st century.

And it has evolved
just like the rest of life. (Seriously, where would we be if the Old Testament hadn’t given way to the New Testament?)

Nothing stands still.

New revelations, new inspirations, new information is constantly revealing itself moment to moment – if you’re open to it.

Being open means that sometimes you have to surrender what you know.

.this does require faith and trust, two principles you’ll find threaded throughout all my material.

In fact, it’s how I create all my material.

And Ho’oponopono has been invaluable in this regard because it helps me distinguish the difference between my ego and true inspiration. It’s my favorite method for transforming myself – cleaning and clearing any internal beliefs that could potentially run interference as I move forward.

And, to me, the results speak for themselves.

Attend this. Click image.

Attend this. Click image.

I’ve been able to exponentially increase my productivity and, surprisingly, increase my range of creative pursuits.

For example, in addition to writing books, I’ve become an award-nominated musician (when a few years ago I couldn’t even play a chord).

Recently, I’ve even released weight and transformed my physical body – going to an entirely new level of health and fitness (at the age of 60).

There’s simply no end to what you can achieve through your own personal transformation – even in areas that have been persistent problems.

But first, you have to decide what your truth is


By consciously choosing between beliefs that work and those that merely keep you “wandering in the desert” – beliefs that make you rich or those that keep you struggling.

I’m excited that this is the level of work we’re going to be doing in Austin, Texas on November 9 and 10, and where, when it’s over, you’ll walk away with a new view of yourself.

The real you

You know, the one that’s just been waiting to be called to stand up.

Go to http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – Moments after you register for the mega-event, you will get access to over $12,000 in online videos to start your process of awakening. Take a leap of faith and go to  – http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2014

Member BBB 2003 - 2014


Disney's Secret

Years ago, Walt Disney was asked if it
ever concerned him that the brilliant
ideas being developed by his imagineers
(the term he used for his employees who
designed and built the world’s greatest
theme parks) would be leaked or stolen.

He replied, “No. We can create faster
than people can steal.”

And I’m wondering…

Can you?

Are you that confident in your ability to create?

Maybe it seems unfair to ask, given that we’re
talking about a mastermind of invention and
entertainment. But, according to the accounts
of Walt‘s life, he went through a number of

In one article I read, besides coming from a
“highly dysfunctional” childhood, “At age 22,
Walt experienced bankruptcy after the failure
of a cartoon series in Kansas City. He headed
to Los Angeles with $40 in cash, and an
imitation-leather suitcase containing only
a shirt, two undershorts, two pairs of socks,
and some drawing materials. Feeling that others
did animation better, his goal was to be an
actor out in Hollywood. It never occurred.”

Thank God.

Where would the world be without his contributions?

More relevant, though, is where will the world be
without yours?

Have you ever really thought about it this way…
that you might have something to offer the world
of great significance?

Believe me, I didn’t always feel or act like I
had something to contribute. When I was homeless,
I certainly had no idea I’d write over 50 books,
or help thousands of people. I had no idea I would
become the world’s first self-help musician with my
own album – let alone six albums.

But here’s the thing: You don’t know what you
don’t know.

And you don’t have to…but…you do have to get out
of your own way. You have to stop looking out
there for answers to questions like:

* How do I attract money in this terrible economy?

* How do I improve my self-image?

* How do I stay positive when people around me are negative?

* How do I discover my life purpose when I don’t know what I want?

* How do I help others?

* How do I attract my love?

* What can I do when everything looks hopeless?

In a nutshell, there’s one answer to all of these:
stop waiting around.

If you want to learn to create and have the confidence to do
it again and again – the best and only way to do this that
I know for sure is through transformation.

If this sounds like a lot of, well, frankly, work, then I’ve
got good news for you…

At my event in November, I’ll be sharing my recent discovery
of the Law of Zero: “Zero” is alive.

Not only can you get inspiration from it, you can send
intentions into it – and I’ll be revealing how to do it
for the first time at the event. I’m excited because this
information goes beyond anything I’ve ever taught before.

Even better… it’s going to take you beyond anything you’ve
ever been before.

Like Walt once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

Join me in Austin for the fun…

Go to http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com

Expect Miracles.



PS – Moments after you register for the mega-event,
you will get access to over $12,000 in online videos
to start your process of awakening. Take a leap of
faith and go to  —



Transformation Part Three

I wrote about fitness legend Bill Phillips (of Body-for-Life fame) and his new Transformation Camp Challenge on March 1st. I gave you an update on my progress with his program on May 18th. Today I want to share my current news because I just received my second medal from Bill, for completing his Transformation Camp 12-week challenge a second time.

Won 2nd Medal!

Won 2nd Medal!

Since February I’ve released 37 pounds of extra weight and added 12 pounds of solid muscle. Photos of my inflated biceps after an upper body workout are pretty impressive. I’m no match for my friend Lou Ferrigno but I’m turning myself on with my progress. I have Popeye arms. I feel like a Hercules in training.

There’s nothing like feeling strong and healthy to make you willing and able to take on challenges and wrestle to the ground any encounters. I’ve also noticed that the healthier you are, the more your income increases.

Part of this is due to the higher self-esteem you get when you are fit. A lot of it also comes from the reality that you have the energy to work and get projects done. I’m no slouch at productivity, but with all this extra energy, watch my smoke!

My 21-yr-old nephew and my 60-yr-old biceps

My 21-yr-old nephew and my 60-yr-old biceps

I fully endorse Bill Phillips and his program, and I’ve had to tweak it to get results for me. Since so many people are into health, fitness, weight loss and longevity, I thought I would share some of my insights with you here.

Here they are:

  • Whey wrong. Whey is a milk product and can clog my lungs in one day. Not everyone has a reaction to whey, but it’d be smart to see if you are sensitive to it. Bill advised me to switch my whey-based meal replacement shakes to Egg Beaters, which caused a profound change in my results. It’s an old school, “Rocky’” approach. Instead of drinking raw eggs, like Stallone did in the movie, I have a cup of Egg Beaters with two ice cubes and Strongevity (see #2 next). I add coconut water (not coconut milk) to get potassium. Tastes great.
  • Strongevity rules. I used to swallow a bucket of supplements every morning.  I tossed them all out and now only use Strongevity. Strongevity is a new product that Bill created, based on his intense research into what works. There’s a combination of ingredients in this new formula that creates a wondrous effect. Bill suggested I take it right after my workout, and right before bed. After a few months, I added a mid-day serving. Not only do I feel stronger and more vibrant, but my barber said my hair color was coming back. (Maybe hair will be next.) Read about Strongevity here: http://billphillipsnews.com/2013/07/01/did-you-read-the-exciting-news-about-strongevity-rx/
  • I love this!
  • Workouts work. Again, I follow Bill’s routine. I do high intensity interval training, with my pulse being my guide. I want to hit 160 for at least ten seconds, back off a bit, and hit it again, doing this five times within 25 minutes. I do upper body strength training once a week, lower body once a week, and 25-minute “cycle” cardio three times a week. Two days off. This system makes me feel like Superman, though I admit the workouts exhaust me. I drag around for two hours after them. Hey, I’m 60. Read about the Bill Phillips workout here: http://billphillipsnews.com/2013/06/05/this-is-the-exact-workout-i-did-today/
  • Bill Phillips reviewing my lab work
  • Nutrition secrets. This is a huge topic. In short, unless you know what foods you are sensitive to, not just allergic to, you could eat healthy foods and still get sick. (Blueberries, generally considered a true health food, were bad for me at one point.) My wife Nerissa specializes in this area and has a site at www.foodpowers.com I also found that food combining, better understood as food separating, speeds up weight loss. My trainer Scott York taught me this. It’s a system developed by Dr. Hay in the early 1900s. Basically, you eat proteins alone, and carbs alone. When you mix them in a meal, your body has a tougher time digesting them.
  • Mindset. Unless you have a mental template of what you want to look like, your mind will use your default template, which is probably going to be your current overweight image. I once had a photographer photo shop my face on a swimmer’s toned body. Recently I had an artist sketch a vision of me as fit and trim. Both give my mind a new vision of what to achieve.

Again, the above are my tweaks for my body. I strongly encourage you to contact Bill Phillips and get started with his tested path. From there, you can fine tune your eating and exercising to fit your own lifestyle.

As I’ve written here before, I fully endorse Bill Phillips. I am not an affiliate for anything he offers (he doesn’t know I’m writing this) but I fully recommend all of it. I’ll be attending his Transformation Camp again January 3-5, to kick-off my third 12-week challenge with him. For more details, go to http://www.transformation.com/ or send an email to [email protected]

Ao Akua,


PS – Bill Phillips is a featured speaker at my Attract Money Now Live event in Austin, Texas, November 8-10. Get details and register right now at http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com

Go to this. Click image.

Go to this. Click image.