Recently I posted the following on my Facebook Fan Page at
“Action attracts motivation. Get moving and you get motivated.”
That insight was driven home while I was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography, Total Recall, a book I love. Even at over 600 pages, I’m reading every word of it. There are lessons on life, fitness, marketing, achievement, politics, service, and so much more. It’s fascinating. You might say — as Arnold often does about life — it’s “Fantastic!”
One of the methods Arnold uses to achieve such legendary success is setting goals. Nothing new there, but do you do it? And do you do it the way Arnold does?
Arnold declared he would be a famous Hollywood movie star while still a youth in Austria who couldn’t speak English. (!)
Talk about thinking BIG.
Throughout Arnold’s incredible book I see the reoccurring theme that big goals lead to big results.
Arnold doesn’t appear to have deadlines on the goals (unless it’s something like a bodybuilding contest with a specific date already attached to it). Instead, he has the goal in his consciousness and simply works toward it, trusting it will manifest in its own good time. This is different from what most people do: most set goals with drop-dead deadlines.
Not Arnold.
Judging from his astonishing life and all his record-breaking success, his goal setting process works.
What I’ve also noticed is that once he stated a goal, he began to move toward it. He started to take action. Lots of action. He’s one of the hardest working people I’ve ever heard of. When he saw his calves were weak, he started doing 1,000 calf raises exercises per day.
One thousand.
A day.
Talk about action!
There’s a real secret here: action leads to motivation, and motivation leads to action.
You can test it out for yourself.
What do you have to do or want to do?
I need to write a blog post here for you every few weeks to stay current. I don’t always feel motivated to do so, because I don’t always have something to say when I first start writing. But my intention is to do my best to stay current, relevant, and interesting to you.
But how do I do that when I don’t feel motivated?
Here’s my secret: I simply go to my computer, fire up my blog, and start writing.
Yes, even when I have no clear idea where I’m going.
I take action anyway.
I know motivation will catch up later.
Same thing happens when I write songs. I may have no idea for a song and little motivation to write one. But I know I want to have one written.
So what do I do?
I start strumming my guitar.
I take action.
Yes, I love to have motivation first. But you don’t have to depend on it. You can call it out.
I just finished reading Neil Young’s autobiography, Waging Heavy Peace, and learned that’s how he writes most songs: pick up a guitar and start playing. Invite the songs to arrive with action.
Hare’s what I invite you to do:
1. State a goal. Just declare it. What would you love to have, do or be? (Be honest.)
2. Decide to go for it. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to attract it? (If not, you haven’t stated the goal you really want.)
3. Take action. Whether you feel like it or not, just start moving. Let motivation catch up. (What can you do right now?)
All of the above requires a certain level of faith.
You have faith that stating a goal is going to make a difference.
You have faith that your decision is going to stir energies seen and unseen in the universe, in and around you.
You have faith that your actions will lead to the expected results.
You have faith that all of this will work out for your highest good, and in its own sweet time.
That said, it shouldn’t surprise you that the title of one of my next books is Faith.
Meanwhile, here’s another example for you:
After the completion of my fourth album, The Healing Song, I sat and felt at peace. I was relaxed, felt good, but didn’t have any motivation or goal to create any more music. As a result, no new songs came to me.
When Daniel Barrett came by my studio for our twice weekly sessions, I told him how I felt. I said I think my music is over, as I don’t feel inspired or compelled or motivated to record any more.
As we explored the issues and my concerns, I suddenly felt I could do another album. I grew excited about it. I then declared, “I want to create one more CD by the end of the year. Let’s record five new songs.”
This was a pretty bold goal, especially when I had just said my mental well was dry, and the end of the year is only a couple of months away, but Daniel went with the energy and agreed we could do it.
In fact, he upped the ante and challenged me to create ten new songs for it.
I then declared that I would make it so. I made the decision.
And guess what?
As a result, a song came to me later that day.
And another the next day.
And a third a few days later.
There were no songs before the goal, and three songs after it?
Hmmmmm. Maybe there’s something to this goal setting secret.
Note the insight:
Goals trigger action.
But you don’t need motivation to take action; you can start doing and the motivation will catch up.
Let me sum it up like this:
Goals are how you start a fire within yourself. You might be feeling “blah” and have no desire for much of anything but living in the moment and vegging. But let an inspired idea become a goal and suddenly you ignite the pilot light in your soul. Now you have direction, purpose, and energy. The goal triggers the release of new powers, and even begins to attract opportunities and more to bring the goal into reality. Welcome to the world of miracles.
Is this exciting or what?
Arnold knows this.
I know this.
Now you do, too.
What are you going to do with it?
Ao Akua,
PS — The car photos above are of a pristine 1955 Mercedes-Benz Gullwing 300SL, one of the most collectible cars in the world. I saw the listing for this one and felt inspired to announce it as a new goal. No deadline. No pressure. Just thinking about it is stretching my wealth comfort zone, as these cars often sell for over one million dollars. But that’s the whole idea: to stretch. Wouldn’t it be cool if that amazing car (or something even better!) was mine in the next few months (or sooner)? So here I am, publicly sharing it with you. I have no idea when it will appear in my life, but I’m open and ready for it. After all, I do know how to attract cars. Now it’s your turn: What do you want to attract into your life next? (Be honest!)
Get any of my published books listed below as an e-book for only $3.99 (or less) each, thru November 2012. You can now read these books on your Kindle, iPad, or any other device or computer for e-books. Please check these out, grab the books you want, and share this post with your friends. Enjoy! Love, Joe
“The Attractor Factor”
“The Awakening Course”
“Zero Limits”
“Buying Trances”
“Hypnotic Writing”
“Your Internet Cash Machine”
“Life’s Missing Instruction Manual”
“Meet and Grow Rich”
“There’s A Customer Born Every Minute”
“The E-Code”
“Inspired Marketing”
“The Seven Lost Secrets of Success”
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A little-known secret to attracting success in all areas of life is to look for the win-win-win in every relationship.
This is far more than what most people do.
Let me explain with a story.
For the last ten years we have lived peacefully in the Hill Country of Texas. We love it here. There is a vacant two acre lot beside my home office. The owners of it visit their property once a year. I try to buy it from them. They refuse. They come back a year later. I offer to buy it again. They refuse. And so it goes. The situation has been acceptable as they haven’t built anything on the property in all this time. It’s been quiet. All is well.
But recently they sent workers and surveyors out to their land. The writing was on the wall. Construction would begin soon. I was facing a year of noise from the building of their home, and then a lifetime of neighbors. I dreaded it. I was imagining my serenity gone forever.
I knew there had to be a win-win-win someplace here. I just couldn’t see it.
What was I going to do?
I went into my bag of tricks.
I did everything I could think of.
But construction started anyway.
Where’s my win-win-win, I wondered?
Nerissa jumped online and found a five acre tract of land for sale near us. She looked it up to a get a sense of the price of land in our area. We were going to use that info to make a last ditch offer to buy the neighbor’s land. But her finding that information led me to come up with a wild idea.
Apparently all that cleaning, clearing and praying paid off.
I received an idea that I was pretty sure was genius.
I found the realtor for the five acres and told her, “If you’re good at one phone call, I can get you two sales of land.”
She was intrigued.
I told her the story of the two acres beside me. I told her about the five acres near us. And then I said —
“Call the owners of the two acres and tell them I will buy their land for the price of the five acres down the street.”
That would be a win-win-win.
This way I would get their land, they would get a much bigger lot for their home, and the realtor would get two sales.
Yes, I would be paying almost twice what the two acres are worth, but emotionally, that land meant a million dollars of freedom to me. It is well worth the investment.
Not everyone would do this, of course.
Most would fight to find a way to get the two acres and nudge out the neighbors. That’s a single win.
Another person might go for the win of the two acres, and try to help the owners of the acres find the equivalent land. That’s a win-win but not one to write home about.
Almost nobody would think to include the realtor. They’d use a shadow buyer to somehow cut out the realtor. But that’s a win-win, not a win-win-win.
Again, a little-known secret in life is to go for the win-win-win.
I do the same thing in my affiliate programs. If I endorse something, then I have used the program and love it so much I am now an affiliate for it (win), I know the creator of the program is making a fair profit from selling it through me (win), and I know the end buyer of it will be happy (win).
Why don’t more of us do this?
Most of the time we get lazy and just come from the mindset of taking care of our own needs. But I’ve found that the true joy in living is in taking care of your needs while you also take care of others.
Here’s one more story to illustrate my point…
Recently I was watching an incredible documentary called Rock Prophecies, about this amazing photographer for the rock stars.
Robert Knight has photographed the icons of music, from Led Zeppelin, Slash, Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Santana, Sick Puppies, and more. Today he looks for the yet to be discovered legends, such as Tyler Dow Bryant. His story is riveting and inspiring. (Get the DVD at
The photographer typically doesn’t sell the negatives to his breathtaking rare photos. He was the only photographer at Stevie Ray Vaughan’s last concert, for example, yet he’s never released those photos. Or many others, of many other stars. He’s been offered over three million dollars for his entire collection. He won’t sell.
But then Robert’s mother got Alzheimer’s. She had to be put in into a constant care facility. This was going to cost about $9,000 a month.
The photographer didn’t know what he was going to do but he knew something had to be decided.
Out of apparently nowhere, the sister to Jimi Hendrix contacted Robert. They worked out a win-win-win deal where Robert would sell the negatives of his Jimi Hendrix photos to Jimi Hendrix’s sister and the Hendrix foundation, and in exchange he would get enough money to pay his mother’s health bills every month.
Obviously this is a win-win-win. Robert got the money. The Jimi Hendrix foundation got the rare photos. And Robert’s mother is getting the care she needs.
Do you see how this works?
What I’m really talking about here is love.
Love everyone involved in your negotiation and partnership and you’ll naturally attract the win-win-win.
The next time you are faced with a negotiation, a sale, or a relationship issue, ask yourself, “Where’s the win-win-win here?”
If you assume there is one, then your mind will start looking for it.
So turn on your mental radar for the next win-win-win.
It’s there.
Ao Akua,
PS — I’ve been reading an insightful little book titled It’s Not All About Me and think it’s appropriate to mention it here. While this book isn’t about negotiation per se, it is brilliant in explaining that you need to focus on others in order to build rapport and attract what you want. A breezy, heart expanding, thoughtful and practical read. I recommend it.
One of the most powerful ways to transform your mind and body is something I learned four decades ago from the classic self-help book, The Magic of Believing, written in 1948 by Claude Bristol. It’s called The Mirror Technique.
I’ll explain the basic method to you, and then give you my breakthrough hi-tech add-on to it. With this new combined and upgraded approach, you’ll feel like you have superhuman powers.
Imagine what you would aim for if you had the power of a super hero. Let that roll around in your mind as you continue reading…
Bristol wrote an entire chapter on The Mirror Technique in his famous book (which is still in print today). This excerpt gives you a clear idea of how the method works:
“Many great orators, preachers, actors, and statesmen have used the mirror technique. According to Drew Pearson, Winston Churchill never made a speech of importance unless he made it before a mirror first. Pearson also declared that Woodrow Wilson employed the same technique. It’s what I call a supercharging method of stepping up the speaker’s subconscious forces so that when he or she appears before an audience, those forces flow out also and affect the listeners. By using the mirror in rehearsing the speech as you are going to deliver it, you are creating a picture of yourself, your words, the sound of your voice, and your sight of the audience, to which the immediate future is to bring reality. By looking into the mirror, you increase the mental vibrations by which the force and meaning of your words will quickly penetrate to your audience’s subconscious minds.
“This mirror technique gives a possible clue to the power and personal magnetism of certain evangelists. I knew Bill Sunday in his heyday and often heard him preach, but in those days, knowing little or nothing about this Mind Stuff, I was puzzled as to how he and other great evangelists were able to influence people to such a remarkable degree. However, we now have proof that Billy Sunday was versed in the use of the mirror technique; it was given by Eric Sevareid in his book Not So Wild a Dream, published in 1946. Mr. Sevareid tells how he – as a young newspaper reporter – secured an interview with Billy Sunday: “’He bounded about the hotel room, now peering intently out of the window, with one foot on the sill, now grasping the dressing-table firmly in both hands while lecturing his reflection in the mirror.’”
In short, you stand before a mirror big enough to see your face and torso, stare into your eyes, and then speak out loud about what you want to have, do, or be. You give yourself the pep talk of all time. You reprogram your mind with your voice and your own authority.
I was reminded of the technique while watching J. Edgar, the movie by Clint Eastwood about FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. There’s a scene where Hoover’s mother coaches him to realize he can dance by urging him to look into his mirror and tell himself he could do so.
Believe me, this works. When you first look into the mirror, you may cringe or feel weak. But when you stick with it, and truly command yourself, you can transform into a powerful Law of Attraction super being.
But let’s not stop there.
Now, what could be better than The Mirror Technique?
Brace yourself.
During the recent making of my fourth album, titled The Healing Song, the band and I spontaneously created an original piece of music that is so engaging, it is virtually entrancing. It’s mesmerizing.
Just listening to it can put you into an altered state. I can’t explain how we actually created the music, as it feels like we were guided by Divine inspiration. Whatever the case, it is a riveting, mood altering track.
When we played the music back in the studio, famous drummer Joe Vitale — who has almost five decades of experience with rock and roll legends such as Neil Young and Joe Walsh — said the track wouldn’t allow any other sounds or instruments added to it.
Except one thing.
My voice.
“It wants you,” Joe told me.
At first I didn’t know what that meant. But that night, as I was driving home from a long day in the studio, I received even more Divine inspiration. I almost pulled off the freeway to write down my thoughts. But instead I turned on my iPhone and recorded the words coming to me.
When I went back into the studio, I told my music producer, Daniel Barrett, to cue up that mesmerizing track and turn on the microphone. I then recorded the most empowering commands of my entire hypnotic career.
These statements go beyond mere affirmations and feel-good self talk. These are truths about the almost supernatural power you have inside yourself to attract By-God miracles.
These commands move your attention from your little self to your all powerful big Self — yes, the Self with a capital S for Superhuman or Spiritual Human.
At the end of my spoken words, Daniel said, “Oh My God! That was phenomenal!”
With the original enchanting music and the empowering commands combined, I knew we had a track that could change lives. I knew it would be a stand-out on the new album.
But I wasn’t done.
I was inspired with one more step.
The morning I was to pick up drummer Joe Vitale from the airport, I told Nerissa how he is proof of a parallel universe. She was still half asleep and didn’t process what I said. She thought I was talking about some sort of mirror. I had to explain that since the other JV was coming, it was proof a mirror universe existed.
But her confusion led to a breakthrough idea.
I thought, “What if I created a mirror that you could look at yourself in, but that also had speakers and that empowering music track already in it?”
You could step up, look in the mirror, push play, and then listen to the most empowering commands of all time as the most entrancing music of all time riveted you on the spot.
This would combine the best of all self-help and self-improvement methods to truly re-wire your brain to attract and achieve amazing results.
And all you would have to do is look in the mirror!
Talk about easy!
Right then and there, I knew this was a hi-tech improvement to Bristol’s famous Mirror Technique.
I knew I wanted “The Empowered Mirror” — the name I coined for it — right then and there.
When I told the idea to a couple of select friends, they said the same thing: “That’s brilliant! I want the mirror, too!”
I then did some in-depth Google searching but couldn’t find anything even close to my idea. I found some baby monitors that had mirrors and played soothing music, such as the Brica Day and Night Light Musical Mirror. That was for babies.
And I found a couple shower mirrors that could play your music via a wireless transmitter, which seemed complicated. And that was for in the shower.
Neither was what I wanted.
I wanted a portrait-sized mirror with built-in speakers and pre-programmed with my empowering music track. It might even have the capability to allow people to record their own commands, or to upload their own music. But my basic idea was to have a vanity mirror that could play Empowered!, the incredible track from my new album, The Healing Song.
What I needed was a manufacturer.
I then went and contacted the people behind the fitness equipment I love — the Nexersys — to ask their advice on how to create such a mirror. Terry Jones, developer of the Nexersys, is a genius at developing products and bringing them to market. I had interviewed him for my Hypnotic Gold subscribers, and knew he could point me in the right direction. So I told him my story.
Terry told me about the Alibaba site at, where I could post my need and manufacturers in China and other places around the globe could respond. I did just that. I received two dozen emails from people who didn’t know how to type or understand English. It was funny and frustrating.
But one woman in the pack of oddities seemed professional, persistent, and polite. I decided to wire her $120 to make a sample of what I had in mind. It took four weeks just to get the wire exactly right so her bank would accept the transfer. But you and I both know persistence is a key to success. I kept at it.
When her company finally made the prototype for me in China, and shipped it to me, I was disappointed. It was a clunky woman’s makeup compact case with a USB port and built-in speakers. I didn’t think people would want yet another heavy item to carry around. And the USP wasn’t as easy to use as it sounds to transfer music tracks. I decided to pass on the idea.
While there are still ideas I might play with — like creating an app that does what I want and plays the Empowered track for you — probably the best straight line to success is to simply suggest you go buy the album and transfer the Empowered! track wherever you want it. You could then play the track on your phone, or iPad, or any device you preferred. And you could look at yourself in the mirror as you did so.
Again, this is one of the most powerful tools you can use to transform yourself. Just look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk as you listen to the music that inspires you the most. For me, the Empowered! song off my new album does the trick. But you can use whatever music makes your heart sing and your feet dance.
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
Check out The Healing Song.
Ao Akua,
PS — You can listen to samples of all 11 tracks, download the title track, and/or buy the entire album on CD by going to The Healing Song.
Filmed years ago for television and just put online in its entirety, you can watch it right here: