Tag: the book The Secret


The Miraculous Imbalance

How do you attract more of what you want?

What do you do when it feels like nothing is working out for you?

Recently I interviewed Patricia Ryan Madson*, author of the book, Improv Wisdom. You might recall that I wrote about Patricia’s book on this blog on May 1st, exploring the question, “Without you, what would not get done?”

In my interview, Patricia said something that jarred me into a new reality.

She said, “In every moment, we are always receiving far more than we ever give.”

I had to reflect on her statement to truly get it:

In every moment, we are always receiving far more than we ever give.

Patricia went on to explain that right now you are receiving air, blood flow, support from a chair, technology from your computer or other device, light from the sun or your room lights, these words from me, and more.

But we take all of that for granted. All we stop and say thank you for is when someone gives you something or does something specifically for you. But what about everything else? The amount you are receiving right now is almost overwhelming.

Are you aware of it?

Are you grateful for it?

I had dinner one night with Paul Zane Pilzer*, author of The Next Millionaires. He explained over 300 people were involved in preparing our meal. He was referring to the farmers and pickers and distributors and carriers and restaurant owner and cooks and servers and more.

Imagine that. Over 300 people were working to deliver a meal!

I’ve been traveling a great deal again, for TV shows, movies, events, speaking gigs, music production and more. When I stop and think about all the “unseen helpers” who make sure me and my luggage get there on time, or all the “behind the scenes” people who do their jobs sight unseen so my face gets projected over the air to millions of televisions in homes nationwide, it is incredible.

New album "The Healing Song"

New album "The Healing Song"

In order to complete my fourth music album, more people were involved than just my band. I traveled to L.A. and Nashville so Grammy winners could mix and master the music. This is a lot to be grateful for, and can even feel overwhelming when you become aware of it all.

“Wake Up to the Gifts” is the ninth maxim in Patricia’s wonderful and wise little book, Improv Wisdom. She asks us to look for the “unseen” gifts, like the screen and processor allowing you to read these words, or the planet giving you all you need to live and breathe right now.

She also asks us to understand the interdependence of all things.

I can’t write these words without you. You can’t read these words without me writing them.

But it goes further than that. We need the folks who made the computers you and I are using, the Internet providers, the electric company, the people making or delivering our food, handling our flights and our mail, and more. We also need the elements of life itself, that provide both you and me with all we need to stay alive.

You don’t achieve or attract anything by yourself.

Are you aware of that?

Are you grateful for that?

In Improv Wisdom, Patricia suggests you make “Thank you” your mantra.

Of course, in the book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits, we suggest you make the four phrases of ho’oponopono your mantra: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”

Either way, these methods are tools to help you see what you are receiving is a miracle.

It also is your opportunity to give back.

Since you are receiving so much, what can you do to give more?

You’ll never be able to give in a way that balances all you receive. That’s the miraculous imbalance of life: it’s stacked in your favor.

Think about this. You are receiving so much right now — most of which you were unaware of and took for granted — that you can never give enough to tip the scales. You can never give more than you receive. You are simply receiving way too much.

Think about it this way…

Every time you turn on your TV and flip through the hundreds of channels, remember that those shows were written, produced, directed and performed just for YOU.

Every time you go to the theatre and see a movie or a play, remember that it was made just for YOU.

Every time you turn on the radio and hear your favorite music, commentators, DJs, guest speakers, etc., for your listening enjoyment, again it was all created just for YOU.

When you think about the world honing its craft for YOUR daily entertainment, that’s powerful.

Can you appreciate how much there is to be grateful for?

It might make you think twice before complaining about having to pay $10 for a movie ticket nowadays. After all, the movie you are about to see probably had a budget of millions of dollars. Your investment is very small compared to what it costs to create a multimillion dollar motion picture…JUST FOR YOU!

The “miraculous imbalance” is also a gift to you.

But you probably never thought about it before today.

And here’s where you can begin to attract more of what you want.

Back to our opening questions…

  • How do you attract more of what you want?
  • What do you do when it feels like nothing is working out for you?

It begins by noticing everything you have already attracted.

The thing is, most people focus on what they got that they don’t want, or on want they want that they haven’t attracted yet.

That’s hardly a practical approach to success.

And if you know anything about the Law of Attraction, you know that’s the wrong place to put your attention.

When you notice and acknowledge what you are being given right now, you morph your energy and your mood into something far more magnetic, compelling and loving.

Noticing the good you are already receiving tunes your being into a “good magnet.” You can start attracting even more good because you’ve awakened to the good you have and are continuing to receive. This opens your eyes to the magnitude of life; the magic and miracles all around you.

So the next time you hear anyone say, “I’m not attracting what I want,” realize they are declaring their blindness and deafness to all they have been given and are still receiving. Your job isn’t to correct them. It’s to smile, look around, acknowledge the gifts, and find a way to give back.

That said, what can you do right now to give more?


Ao Akua,


* I interviewed Patricia Ryan Madson (as well as Paul Zane Pilzer) for members of Hypnotic Gold. These are member-only interviews that I’ve been doing for more than seven years now, amounting to well over 80 interviews. For more information, and to find out how to become a member of this select group, just click right here.

PS – One more story of gratitude: When I was growing up, Clint Walker was the cowboy television star I admired. I never stopped to consider how his famous TV series, Cheyenne, entertained me weekly, for years, and yet I paid nothing. It was broadcast right into my parent’s home. Free. Today I realize how grateful I am for Clint and his show. (And my TV set.) He later appeared in many movies, such as The Dirty Dozen and Night of the Grizzly. You might imagine my surprise when I learned Clint Walker is still with us, alive at 85, writing his autobiography, working on a second novel, and selling signed photos and more off his website at www.clintwalker.com.  I wrote to Clint, to thank him for all he did to give me a positive role model all those childhood years. I haven’t heard from him yet, and may never. Still, I’m grateful. I’m pretty sure he is grateful for the “miraculous imbalance” in life, too. In the spirit of giving back, here’s Clint Walker from a few years ago sharing life and death stories about listening to your inner voice:

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


A Curious Question

Someone wrote me this curious question–

“I have a question regarding your recent promotion for The Secret to Attracting Money,  I hope this doesn’t offend, it is a genuine question.

“You clearly want to help people out of poverty, so why are you charging $120 for the course? The people who need it most are people who are suffering greatly from having no money and because of this they can never buy the course to help them out of their situation?

“You are already a millionaire and do not need any more money to be financially secure, would it not be a wonderful gift of unconditional love to the universe to offer this course free so that it truly helps those who are suffering and cannot get out of their situation because they don’t have any money. In return the Universe will surely reward you.”

I say it’s a “curious question” because the person asking it doesn’t seem to realize a few facts —

You reveal yourself in what you see

You reveal yourself in what you see

1. I already give away my e-book, Attract Money Now.

Anyone who is broke — which is such a misleading term,  as most people reading my emails or this blog actually have money and don’t appreciate or acknowledge it — but any “broke” person can go read it right now at http://www.attractmoneynow.com

2. Most people don’t respect anything handed to them.

Oh, there are exceptions to every statement, but in general “free” is not respected. You can have my e-book mentioned above absolutely gratis, but did you go get it? I’ve been giving it away for over two years now. Did you read it? Did you use it? (Be honest.)

3. A physical product takes a lot of people to create, all of whom need paid.

If I charge for my audio course, The Secret to Attract Money, it’s because about 300 people are involved in its creation, marketing and distribution. My trying to pay all their fees isn’t wise or sane or easily possible. It’d also be unfair, as it would cause an imbalance in the ebb and flow of the financial world. Money needs to circulate. I’m not the creator of it; I’m just a channel. So are you. I do my part. You are supposed to do yours.

But let’s look a little closer at this.

Limiting beliefs are also invisible beliefs.

That’s right: Limiting beliefs are also invisible beliefs.

You don’t see them or usually even realize you have them.

The person asking the above curious question doesn’t realize he or she is exposing their limiting beliefs about money.

What about you?

Do you think money is evil?

Do you think there’s scarcity in the world?

Do you think poor people should be handed things?

Do you think wealthy people should just give away everything?

Do you think you have enough — or too much — money?

Your answers help reveal your invisible limiting beliefs.

Money is neutral.

What you unconsciously think about money is what is causing you to attract it — or repel it.

If you want to become more aware of all of this, and free yourself to live a life of magic and miracles, and to have enough money to help the people and the causes you care about, then go check out — http://www.SecretToAttractingMoney.com

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember, if you are “broke,” then you can go read my e-book, Attract Money Now, free, over at — http://www.AttractMoneyNow.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


The Words You Long to Hear

How do you really attract success in life?

What’s the formula for having, doing, or being what you truly want?

Long term friends who’ve watched me achieve success in several areas — writing, speaking, movies, music, fitness, and more — say my formula for attracting and achieving goals is easy to spot. Basically, it looks like this:

1. Set Intention

2. Hire Coaches

3. Clear Fears

4. Take Action

5. Persist

That’s it. And that formula will work for virtually any goal you want to achieve.

Let me explain.

Currently I’m deeply involved in the production of my fourth music album. This is fairly startling news, because less than two years ago I had never written a song, or sung a tune, or played more than a few chords on the guitar, or recorded with a band, and so on. Yet today I am recording my fourth album.

Recording fourth album

Recording fourth album

In the studio with some legends of music — music producer Daniel Barrett, famous drummer Joe Vitale, bass player Glenn Fukunaga — everyone was commenting on how much my singing, guitar playing, and songwriting had improved. It wasn’t an incremental improvement. It was a leap ahead.

It was, in their words, dramatic.

And a few days later, when “Guitar Monk” Mathew Dixon came into the studio to play guitar on one of my new songs, he stopped everything to say the words you long to hear.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a while now,” he began. “I was going to put it in an email. Then I was going to tell you at a dinner. But it feels like now is the time to tell you.”

He then paused and said, “I’m proud of you.”

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I wasn’t thinking about those words, but when I heard them, I knew they were the words I longed to hear.

Mathew went on to explain that he teaches lots of people, but not all do the work. He added, “You demonstrate what you teach. When you decided to become a musician, you gathered your support, you took action, and you stayed at it. Your life reveals the formula for success.”

Mathew Dixon and yours truly

Mathew Dixon and yours truly

I was pretty choked up to hear all of this. But I thought I would share it with you as the lesson is relevant. It reveals how YOU can achieve your goals.

So don’t think this formula is just for me.

For example, legendary drummer Joe Vitale told us he practices playing the drums two hours a day. Two hours! Talk about taking massive action.

Two hours every day!!!

Think about that.

Here’s a man who has been playing for over four decades. He’s a master at it. He’s the drummer rock and roll legends call — from Neil Young to Joe Walsh to Sammy Hagar to you name it.

Yet he continues to work on himself, stretch himself, stay sharp with constant action, and more.

Drummer Joe Vitale's Autobiography

Drummer Joe Vitale's Autobiography

Joe’s an inspiration to me. He knows the formula for success.

Again, the formula looks like this:

1. Set Intention

2. Hire Coaches

3. Clear Fears

4. Take Action

5. Persist

What do you want to achieve or attract?

Take each one of those steps and do them.

Here’s how it looked when I used the steps for my music:

1.  Set Intention.  I decided to become a musician. It all begins when you declare what you want.

2. Hire coaches. I put together a team of mentors and coaches. To excel in any area, you virtually always need a guide.

3. Clear Fears. I had fears bubble up. Self-doubt, lack of faith, negativity. I relied on my coaches and my background in self-help to erase all the fears as they arose. The more you get clear, the faster you attract.

4. Take action. I took guitar and voice lessons, I attended a songwriting seminar (with Ray Wylie Hubbard and Kevin Welch), I hired a famous singer-songwriter (Lee Coulter), I bought books, I wrote songs, I practiced every day.

5. Persist. I continued to take action, rely on my coaches, clear fears, etc.

As a direct result of using those five steps, I’m officially a musician with four  — count ’em, four — albums to my credit.

What do you want to achieve?

The path is clear.

Start doing the above steps today and tomorrow you may hear the words you long to hear.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can listen and even download the title track to my new album, titled “The Healing Song,” at http://www.TheHealingSong.com Grammy winner David Darling composed and played the beautiful cello music on that track. Give it a listen.

PPS – Here’s a short video of famed drummer Joe Vitale talking about my improvement (on the new album, The Healing Song) since the recording of my first singer-songwriter album (Strut!) just eight months ago:

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Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Subliminal? Where?

I love the cover design on Leonard Mlodinow’s new book, Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior. Depending on when the light hits the cover, you can’t see the “hidden” words, which is so, well, subliminal. I moved the book to and fro to catch some of the white words in this picture:

Not all the words are seen, but you see them

Not all words are seen, but you see them

Of course, the cover design is a playful take on what your conscious mind can and can’t see. The book itself is far more in-depth, serious, scientific, and revealing. I started reading it on my iPad and loved it so much I bought the printed hardcover version, too. Why? I don’t know. Ask my unconscious.

According to Mlodinow, my unconscious is pulling my behavioral strings in ways my conscious can only rationalize.

No news to me. This is the whole reason “getting clear” is the cornerstone of my work these days. What you are “getting clear” of are the unconscious beliefs causing you to get the results in your life.

In other words, the results you get (or don’t get) are tied directly to your unconscious programming. You didn’t know it, though, because it was un-conscious.

Subliminal is a brilliant, up-t0-date look at your unconscious and how it plays you. Oh, it wants to protect you and help you survive, which is good, but it may be doing so in ways you wish it wouldn’t.

People who wash their hands non-stop are driven by unconscious programming. The unconscious wants them safe and clean. But consciously those people would love to not have to wash so much.

People who struggle with money may have an unconscious keeping it away from them, believing that money is evil or bad. Again, that’s the unconscious “protecting” the person. The person, however, would probably consciously really love to have more money about now.

I addressed this issue of money and beliefs in the first step in my book, Attract Money Now. Until you clear up the beliefs in your unconscious about “money evil,” or any variation of that erroneous statement, most likely nothing you do will work. You’ll never admit the problem is in your unconscious database, either. You’ll blame everyone and anything and never look in the mirror.

Yet the mirror holds the key.

If you’ve read my coauthored book, Zero Limits, then you know about programming. According to Dr. Hew Len and ho’oponopono tradition, we have programming/beliefs/data stuffed in our unconscious, and probably wired deep in there over generations.

More than once Dr. Hew Len told me we can never stop cleaning. We simply have too much in the unconscious to expect it to disappear with a click of a cosmic delete button.

He also said that if you knew how much clearing was being done when you practiced the healing phrases (“I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you”), you would never stop.

Back to Mlodinow’s book.

It’s excellent. It explains some shocking facts, such as the ease in which “false memories” — events that never happened — can be implanted in you. (Remember the money you owe me?)  The sad thing is, you may read this fascinating book and think “People are strange,” without ever realizing that everything the author explains applies to you.

Any book that helps illuminate how our mind works  — especially our unconscious operating center — is going to take us a step closer to awakening. I don’t personally know Mlodinow and I’m not an affiliate for his book, so when I tell you I believe his book is a masterpiece and you need to go read it right now, it’s because I consciously feel it will help you.

Unconsciously, who knows?

Ao Akua,


PS — Having a miracles coach is still the best way I know to get clear of hidden limiting beliefs operating in your unconscious mind so you are free to attract what you consciously long for. Check it out by clicking right here.

PPS — And for funsies, here’s a video of a talk I gave a few years ago to a local group in my area. I’m not sure if you will enjoy this consciously or unconsciously, but I believe you will enjoy it. Here it is…

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Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Here There Now

During my training to become a private pilot back in 1972, I learned something I still use today in accomplishing my goals.

When I was flying, I was taught to look at the beginning of the runway as I came in for a landing, and to look down the runway at the same time. In other words, I had to be aware of where I was as well as where I wanted to go.

When I attended car racing school a few years ago, I was taught something similar. As I drove around the track, I was urged to note where I was but to also look ahead and note where I wanted to go.

This serves me in all areas of life.

I note that I want to write this blog for you, and I notice where I want to go as I am writing. I’m here and I’m there.

Said another way, if I’m writing a book – and I have two in process right now – I am aware of how much I’ve written, and I’m aware of how much more I need to write. This moment is current reality; where I want to go is the future reality.

In the fitness contests I’ve been in, I noted where I was with before pictures, and also noted where I wanted to be with a photoshopped image of my desired end result.

This probably can be applied to everything in life.

Not in a romance?

If you only looked at now, you might miss the goal.

If you only looked at the future goal, you might miss the gift of now.

When flying, if I only looked at the start of the runway, I’d crash into it.

If I only looked at the end of the runway, I wouldn’t level off for a balanced, safe landing.

You need both.

This may be part of the reason people don’t attract what they consciously want. If they are hung up on the end result, they miss the magic of this moment, where the point of power and the leverage exists. If you just sit and visualize receiving what you want, you don’t use what is available right now.

But if you only focus on right now, without much regard or hope or planning for the future, you miss out on steering your life where you want it to go.

Again, you need both.

When you can be here and there, you can land planes safely, race cars safely, and attract what you want with acceleration.

So, where are you?

In the future?

In the moment?

Combine the two and note your new found power.

“Strangely enough, this is the past that somebody in the future is longing to go back to.”  – Ashleigh Brilliant

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s an oldie but goodie lesson on how to create your own reality. Enjoy.

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Member BBB 2003 - 2012