A few days ago I sent an email to my mailing list requesting people hold the vision of safety for all those affected by the Texas wildfires. I pointed out that more than two dozen scientific studies proved when a group holds an intention in meditation, that intention tends to come to pass.
People from all over the world sat and prayed, or visualized, or intended and requested that the fires diminish.
What happened?
Almost instantly a friend who had been evacuated from his home due to the fires wrote to me saying the smokes seemed to clear, the power came back on, and he was told he could return home safely.
Friends of mine who were preparing to evacuate were told they were safe.
Then I looked at the news and saw that while the fires were still burning and there was no rain in sight, most of the larger fires around my area of Austin, Texas were either contained, put out, or greatly improved in containment.
That’s progress, but we’re not done.
At last count, there were 180 wildfires in Texas. The smoke from them could be seen from space.
This is a very real emergency, with over 1,400 people having lost their homes in my area alone, so I am sincerely asking you to help right now.
How can you help?
Two ways:
1. Go here and offer whatever you can:
2. Send love to the fires and see them burn out:
I know it seems bizarre, but we are at a point where trying the bizarre might be the wisest next step.
Send love to the fires…Visualize a steady rain coming down for several days in Texas…Pray and request help from your connection to All…
Most of all, be at peace.
These fires probably represent our own inner anger.
Life is an out-picturing of our internal state.
Your inner sense of well being will contribute to the well being and peace of the planet.
Do whatever meditation or technique you know to reach that inner place of serenity. Use ho’oponopono/Zero Limits or Tapping/EFT, or anything else you know of or can think of.
Inner peace is the answer to outer peace.
Here’s one way to achieve that inner state of serenity:
I love Neville (who I wrote about in my book, The Attractor Factor). You can “Nevillize” the end of the fires by going to the end result of rain falling and fires out.
Imagine that it’s now next week and you are telling a friend how the fires in Texas were really scary until the sky opened and the rains fell and the fires went out…
Really see the future right now.
Nevillize the end result of what you want.
Make that future vision so real that it feels like it already came to past.
Or, as Neville signed a book I own of his, “Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”
As Neville said, “Think of the world as a sounding box, echoing and reflecting what you have assumed.”
In other words, assume the reality that the fires are over.
Please do that right now.
Thank you.
Ao Akua,
PS — Please share this message as you see fit. Post it on Facebook, or Twitter, or elsewhere. As a group, we can make a difference. Let’s do this.
I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
Why is this funny?
“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”
Every time I relate that line to someone, they smile and laugh.
It’s a great example of a paraprosdokian. A paraprosdokian is a sentence where the ending comes as an unexpected surprise. Another example is this –
“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”
I love how you can structure writing to make an impact. That’s why I wrote the book, Hypnotic Writing. But that isn’t the point of this blog post. Instead, I want to explore why the first paraprosdokian is funny, as it helps explain the Law of Attraction.
Most people believe God (or Divine, Tao, Nature, Allah, etc.) won’t grant wishes. That’s the underlying reason the above line triggers a smile. You can ask God for a healing, but you can’t ask God for stuff. God isn’t Santa Claus. Not according to popular belief, anyway.
Deeper than that belief is the one that says while God won’t grant wishes, He/She will take away sins. God’s loving and understanding, so of course He can release you of your oops.
As a result of this thinking, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for what you want. At least, that’s how some people think.
That’s pretty messed up, isn’t it?
This is why I keep writing books, such as The Awakening Course and The Attractor Factor, to explore the programming behind what we think, feel, and do. Most of us are running on autopilot. We have no idea we are led by the nose by our mental programming or mindset. Our beliefs – mostly unconscious – filter reality.
I was reading the new book, Redirect by Timothy Wilson, and loving the idea of story editing the meaning we give events, until I realized the author was victim to programming he didn’t even see.
In his book, he blows the whistle on different causes or processes that he says don’t actually work. Early on, he takes aim at the movie The Secret.
He quotes me as saying the reason you have what you have is due to your thoughts. He apparently missed the part where I said you have what you have due to your actions. Thoughts are only part of the equation.
Glossing over facts because they don’t support your underlying message is a common way to communicate.
But it’s not real. Or accurate.
Again, it’s not the author’s fault. He’s as unconscious as the rest of us.
In the same book, the author suggests that self-help books don’t actually work, else there would be a stand out title in the field. That’s strange logic, but let’s run with it. In the same chapter, he mentions one of the all-time greatest self-help books, Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking.
How’d he miss that?
He also fails to mention such historic self-help treasures as Think and Grow Rich (been around since the 1930s), and The Magic of Believing (came out in the 1950s, still a classic today).
How’d he miss those?
On top of all that, he overlooks the fact that new cookbooks are published every week, and there are thousands of those in print, yet no one suggests “they don’t work.”
How’d he overlook that?
I’m not kicking the author’s shins, as I enjoyed his book and urge you to read it. But I am reminding us that we all have unconscious blind spots – even authors who try to help us see them. We don’t see them because they are unconscious.
The point of life is to awaken.
But how?
Paying attention to the results we get and then reverse engineering them to discover the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions that created them, will help.
My forthcoming new book, Instant Manifestation, explores all this. It reveals that what you attracted right now is based on what you thought and did a few days ago.
When you understand that process, you can redirect your thoughts and actions right now, to attract a different reality in the near future.
What are you thinking right now?
What are you going to do next?
Your answers will attract what’s just around the corner.
Finally, to swing back to our opening example:
“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”
Forgiveness is a powerful tool for transformation. But you don’t need God/Divinity to forgive you. You need to forgive yourself.
Manifesting what you want is a God given birthright, though you may not have known it until recently. You don’t need to ask God/Divinity to deliver anything to you. You need to ask yourself and your connection to All That Is for what is in your highest good to receive.
Now go forth and make your life miraculous.
Ao Akua,
PS — Remember that an effective personal service to help you become more aware and attract more of what you want is Miracles Coaching. There are audio interviews and brief videos on the site to explain how it can help you, and you can register for a free consultation there, too. Go see http://www.miraclescoaching.com
Chuck Pennington created the beautiful website for my free e-book, Attract Money Now. I invited him over recently to have a tour of my guitars, books, Catarium, Steve Reeves collection, and more. But what he really wanted to see was my Alien Guitar.
Before I showed it to him, we talked for a long time about the Law of Attraction, manifestation secrets, and my book, The Attractor Factor.
Chuck has been able to use a short-cut formula to attract a lot of things recently, including moving near me, in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas. His family is happy. He is happy. Wonderful things are happening. To explain it all, he said something interesting:
“I just ask, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if…’, and then I fill in the blank,” he explained. “Then I let go. More often than not, the thing I mentioned comes into my life.”
I saw this as a nifty formula for attracting what you love. Expressed in my own words, it looks like this:
There it is:
1. Request.
2. Release.
3. Respond.
Chuck will be the first to tell you this amazing short-cut formula works. I’ll be the second. Why not prove it to yourself and run through the three steps right now for something you’d like to have, do, or be?
I’ll walk you through the process.
1. Ask yourself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” and complete the sentence with something you’d like to have, do, or be.
Here’s what I would say for myself: “Wouldn’t it be cool if another Gibson harp guitar showed up in my life?* Wouldn’t it be cool to discover an environmentally friendly muscle car that I love? Wouldn’t it be cool if I found a way to quickly end homelessness? Wouldn’t it be cool if I found a way to help heal my mother?” Play with the question and answer it in whatever way feels right to you. Have fun. This is play. Enjoy.
2. Let go.
Letting go is an internal experience. In my book The Attractor Factor, I said this was Step Five. It’s often the hardest for people, as they sometimes feel an urgency to attract what they want. But letting go involves appreciating this moment and everything in it, as well as trusting the future moments with faith and positivity. If there are any internal snags where you feel a sense of desperation or impatience, those can be looked at, questioned, and released. (That’s why The Attractor Factor contains a five-step formula and not a three-step one; you may need a clearing step.) You want to maintain the spirit of playfulness. Again, enjoy.
3. Take action.
This should be obvious: when you get an idea, act. When you get an impulse to do something, act. When you feel inspired to make a call, or visit a friend, or buy a book, or attend an event, or hire a coach, or whatever it happens to be, ACT. You often don’t logically know where an action will take you, but by taking the action, the next steps are revealed. You may not know how to attract the end result you want, but you can start now, with some action that you are nudged to take, and the path will unfold. Take what I call inspired action.
Here’s a quick personal example of how this works:
Step 1. I’m a collector of Mark Twain materials. I have a hand signed photo of him which I love. So it’s easy for me to playfully request, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I discovered more Mark Twain goodies?” I don’t need any more Twain material, but I’d certainly welcome more. Note the difference: need is attachment while welcoming is detachment.
Step 2. Recently I heard of a 1902 engraved caricature of Twain, by Twain. He sketched it himself, of himself, on copperplate. I wanted it. I called to order it (notice I’m taking action) but discovered that it sold as I was dialing the phone. Oh well. I was momentarily disappointed but I let go. I just figured it wasn’t for me, and something even better would probably show up one day. No problem. No worries. Onwards.
Step 3. The next day the seller of the Twain self-caricature called me to say something unusual happened. The original deal fell through and the Twain piece was up for sale again. Did I still want it? I took action and pulled out my credit card. I now own the Mark Twain engraving. And I love it.
That’s how this short-cut works. Just three steps.
It’s that easy, too.
Again, the only time you may need an extra step is when you are attached to a specific outcome or caught up in a need or desperation for something.
Had I become fixated on the Twain piece, or obsessed or impatient with trying to own it, I would have been unhappy, stressed, and bound up with entangled energy. I would have had to “get clear.” My stuckness would have blocked the flow. And the whole point is to be in the flow. That’s where magic and miracles happen.
So use the amazing short-cut for whatever you can imagine. If you feel any internal “need” or “urgency,” at that point you can use any one of many clearing tools, with the most powerful of course being coaching.
Meanwhile, have fun with this. The more you play, the more you feel great and attract unexpected good fortune.
Why not try it right now, and then report what occurs for you?
Wouldn’t it be cool if…
Ao Akua,
PS — Yes, I showed Chuck the Alien Guitar. He’ll never be the same again. You can view him meeting it here: http://www.youtube.com/joemrfire
* News Flash: I actually did find another rare Gibson harp guitar, this one from 1915, exactly like the 1915 one on the cover of my music CD, Blue Healer. I didn’t try to locate it, either. A person I had already bought a collectible guitar from sent me a note asking me “out of the blue” if I might be interested in an old harp guitar he had. Would I?!! Obviously, I said yes. This short-cut Law of Attraction formula truly works. Wouldn’t it be cool if….
More and more proof for the Law of Attraction is being published. Recently I read The Science Behind the Law of Attraction. It’s a thin workbook but packs a wallop in terms of effectiveness.
It’s written by Srini Pillay, M.D., a brain-imaging researcher and Harvard psychiatrist. He’s written two other books, Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear, which I am currently devouring, and Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders, which I haven’t started yet but am excited to read.
I interviewed Dr. Pillay for my Hypnotic Gold members. (It will go out to members in September). What I admired is how evidence based Dr. Pillay is in his answers. He doesn’t speculate. He tells you exactly what science reveals with current research. This isn’t opinion. It’s fact.
When he declares in The Science Behind the Law of Attraction that the Law of Attraction is real, he says so from a point of authority, based on current research. The rest of his book tells you how to use your brain to best align with the Law of Attraction to get more of what you want.
Dr. Pillay draws on his experience as a Harvard psychiatrist and brain-imaging researcher to describe seven scientific laws that explain how the Law of Attraction really works. I found it fascinating.
For example. the mirror neuron system in your brain causes you (and others) to reflect the emotions you feel. As Dr. Pillay writes, “If you feel not loved enough and you put that out, you create a similar emotion in another person. You get back the emotions you put out.” In other words, you attract what you feel through brain activity.
This also helps explain in part why critics of the Law of Attraction tend to band together, while fans of it tend to unite, as well. Each group is attracting like-minded members through the mirror neuron system in their brains.
Again, the Law of Attraction works. We’re just usually oblivious to it.
Dr. Pillay says the future is unknown, so you can fear things won’t work out, or you can have faith that they will. It’s your choice.
It’s a choice that causes your brain to feed you supportive information. Fear the future and you’ll attract info to support the fear. Have faith in a positive future and you’ll attract info to support that choice.
The brain is a type of GPS system that delivers information from reality based on your preferences. It’s just that most of the time your preferences have been unconsciously running from a default setting.
If you haven’t been aware of what your default setting has been, you’re probably coming from the one programmed in you as a child from the sources around you (culture, media, religion, family, etc), and you’re probably coming from fear.
But that can be changed.
Visualization is an important tool to communicate with your brain. But the images need to be specific and emotional. Just “thinking” or just “imagining” isn’t enough. You need to get involved emotionally with the new mental movie of what you want to attract to engage the brain. This also primes you to take action.
As Dr. Pillay writes, “A recent study has shown that first-person imagery or embodied imagery (where you are totally in the situation you imagine) is much more powerful in stimulating the brain’s action center than third-person imagery.”
In other words, get into the mental movie of attracting what you want.
Don’t just see yourself attracting your goal; mentally and emotionally step into the experience of attracting your goal.
It’s the difference between watching yourself (detached) going out on a date or being in the mental reality of going out on the date. The latter is far more powerful in engaging the brain and turning it on to help you attract the actual experience in real life.
Obviously, taking action is still important. That’s probably why the word ‘action’ is in the word ‘attraction.’ But the seven principles in his book help “turn on” the action switches of your brain. As a result, naturally taking action becomes easier.
Again, Dr. Pillay’s book is based on the science of how the brain operates. This is important. The book’s subtitle states, “A Step-by-Step Guide to Putting the Brain Science Behind The Law of Attraction to Work For You.” Knowing his seven principles, and doing his exercises, can help you consciously attract more of what you want.
I endorse the book as well as Dr. Pillay. His books are in book stores, and of course at Amazon. (I don’t make a dime if you buy any of his books.)
What would you like to attract, anyway?
Ao Akua,
PS – If you want to better understand the Law of Attraction, and learn advanced ways to use it in your life, be sure to check out Miracles Coaching.
Note: I wrote about more evidence for The Secret‘s Law of Attraction on this blog last year at http://blog.mrfire.com/scientific-evidence-for-the-secrets-law-of-attraction/
The other night a friend from years ago visited. He’s going through hard times and felt down on his luck. I wanted to help so I asked him to tell me his story.
He began by blaming his life’s downturn on the economy. He said outside forces were to blame. He knew all the right things to do, did them, and yet life just threw rocks at him until he broke down.
I listened and decided that to be of the best service to him, I had to put on my ‘tough love’ gloves and be a good coach.
“There are no outside forces,” I declared.
He looked stunned. I guess he was expecting sympathy. I gave it, but didn’t want to leave him there.
He quickly replied with, “Surely there are things that happen outside of your control that cause you to have bad luck.”
“You attract all of it,” I said, speaking as lovingly but directly as I could.
I added, “There are outside elements out there that can serve you or stop you. What you believe inside you is what causes one or the other to come your way. You set up attractor fields in your life. You attract the outside forces to match what you inwardly expect.”
“But how can I attract all of it when I’m thinking all the right things and doing all the right things?”
I then went into my explanation of how we attract based on our unconscious programming, not our conscious thoughts. I pointed out this is my current life work, explained in my recent books and audios, to teach people how they are attracting what they get based on their inner wiring.
My friend just looked at me for a second, trying to comprehend what I was saying. He asked, “But why would I take a life that was truly blossoming and cause it to fall apart? I had everything going for me. I had just moved into a big house. Life was great.”
“I don’t know — as there are numerous beliefs that could cause such a thing — but you know.”
“I do?”
I then asked one of my favorite questions:
“What does this life experience mean to you?”
He didn’t understand.
“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it,” I explained. “How do you describe what happened to you?”
“As bad.”
“I know that’s how you see it, but what does it mean that this happened?”
He didn’t know.
I decided to try a different approach. I sat with him, doing my loving coaching, being patient, and explained that at some point early on there was probably a shift in his perception, beliefs or life experience. I asked him to tell me about it.
He was quiet for a while. He reflected and slowly said, “I remember sitting in my new home and thinking my life is so wonderful, that I don’t want to lose all I had created. I was then driven to not lose it all.”
“There it is,” I said. “You were driven by the fear of loss. A part of you didn’t want to lose your good fortune. The thing is, we attract what we love and what we fear. That’s where all the emotion is, which fuels the attractor fields. You attracted the very thing you feared.”
We attract what we love and what we fear.
He allowed that insight to sink in.
“So I set all this up?” he asked. “I did all of this to myself?”
“We all do it,” I explained. “We are unconscious beings here to awaken. These harder life experiences are often there to jolt us awake. No one is to blame. It’s about taking responsibility.”
“But what if I do it again?”
“When you get the lesson, you no longer need the experience,” I said, using one of the popular lines from my book, The Attractor Factor. “You won’t do it again.”
“When you get the lesson, you no longer need the experience.”
We talked for a while longer. He was visibly more relaxed. He thanked me for spending such personal time with him and said he didn’t have people like me to talk to where he lived. I explained that I created Miracles Coaching for that precise reason.
“My own life didn’t transform until I worked with a coach,” I told him. “And that’s why I created Miracles Coaching; to help others.”
The point is, we are unconscious to the drivers in our mind that attract the outside forces we blame for our circumstances.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — C.G. Jung
The field of neuroscience helps prove that fact. You don’t see all of reality. Your brain filters what you see based on your unconscious expectations. You see what you are programmed to see by your beliefs. The outer world is a mirror of your inner world.
If you expect outside forces to help you, you’ll see opportunities.
If you expect outside forces to harm you, you’ll see problems.
Until we awaken, those unconscious drivers will continue to steer us down the road of life. If you’re happy with the results you are getting, enjoy the ride. If you’re not, it may be time to do something about it.
What are you going to do?
Ao Akua,
PS — One thing you can do is relax. You can now hear samples of healing music on my first music CD, Blue Healer, by clicking right here.