Tag: tithing


How to Become a Wealth Magnet

My latest book, Karmic Marketing, became a #1 bestseller the very day it was released.

The next day, it hit yet another bestseller list.

And the day after that, yet another.

What’s interesting is that I didn’t even try.

I told my followers via email and social media; the rest was an organic response.

Why has every successful person in history – from
Seneca, Ford, Carnegie, Barnum, Rockefeller and Getty to Bezos,
Musk, Gates, Buffett and Zuckerberg – used this secret?

The book reveals how to become a “wealth magnet.”

The secret is pretty controversial, even if it’s been proven throughout history to work.

Go get Karmic Marketing on Amazon right now in hardcover, paperback or for your Kindle reader.

And – Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – News Flash: I have a weekly online television show beginning in 2022! It’s all about “Zero Limits Living.” Follow me on Instagram for updates. I’m DRJOEVITALE there and on Facebook.


Attract Money Secret

Since so many people ask how to attract money, I thought it would be useful to share this money attraction secret from 36-year-old billionaire Andres Pira. It’s from the forthcoming 2019 book, Homeless to Billionaire


Vibrational Giving 

A New Approach to Attracting Great Wealth 

(An Excerpt from Homeless to Billionaire)

By Andres Pira

(with Dr. Joe Vitale)

Most people know that giving can lead to receiving. But most people do it wrong. I discovered a specific way of giving that has brought me millions of dollars. It helped me become a billionaire before I reached the age of 35. Let me tell you how I used this method to attract my first million dollars.

I am originally from Sweden. I moved to Thailand at the age of twenty to find my way in the world. But before I made any money, I became homeless. As I dug myself out of that dire situation, I noticed that Thailand has unique views about giving.

In Thailand, for example, on your birthday you don’t receive gifts, you give them. That was entirely new to me. But I started practicing it. As I gave more, I received more. As I gave more money, I received more money. I became fascinated and decided to experiment with this apparently magical law of giving. I wanted to see how it works, and if I could improve it.

The way most people give – if they give at all – is by tithing. That is the traditional way of giving ten percent of your income to a religious organization. Most religions teach that you need to give ten percent of the money you receive as a form of “payment” to God. While that has worked for centuries, and I have no argument with it, it’s not the way I do it.

Others have learned that giving money to any source that has inspired them will trigger a force that brings more money back to them. Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the teachers in the movie The Secret, tells people to give ten percentage of their income to wherever they receive spiritual nourishment or inspiration. That could be an Uber driver, a waiter, someone you meet at the store who says encouraging words, or an organization or anything else. I like this idea because it opens up the possibility of giving to others, including but not limiting to a church.

The trouble is, post people give only money and expect only money in return. While that works, it’s a limitation. The Universe (whatever you choose to call The Great Mystery of life) may have something better for you, but you limited the road back to you by insisting that what you get back is money. In my experience, the Universe may have many other gifts waiting for you, not just money, but your expectation of receiving only money is blocking the other good you could receive.

My own method is more refined and more focused. And it doesn’t always have to do with giving away money. In short, I’ve discovered that the emotion you feel as you give anything at all is what you will receive back. This is far more important than you may realize. If you feel hate as you do anything, you are setting up an “attractor field” to experience hate later. If you feel love as you do something, you are also engaging in a principle to attract love back to you later.

When I wish someone a good day, I do it with genuine feelings of wanting him or her to have a good day. Most people say, “Have a good day” with no feeling at all. It’s automatic. It’s dead. But I say it wanting to change the emotion of the person hearing it. I truly want them to have a good day. The feeling I give out as I say the words is one of love. As a result, what I expect to get back sometime later is the feeling of love. It may come as great news about a project, or a check, or a profitable idea, or a new connection, or some other reason to celebrate. But I give out love and what I get back is love.

In other words, when you give money, feel ecstatic as you do so and what you will receive in return is something with the feeling of ecstasy attached to it. That may be a return in the form of money. But it could be anything else. It could surprise you. It could be something unexpected, and not just money. What you gave was some emotion, so what you receive will be the same emotion, but multiplied at least ten times.

I’ve learned that this “vibrational giving” or “frequency giving” is the real secret to making giving work. While giving anything is a good policy, giving with conscious awareness of your emotions will bring wealth beyond all imagination.

Now let me share my story of making my first million dollars with this method.

Many years ago I visited an orphanage in Thailand. It was sad because all the kids had HIV. They didn’t have any government support and they were struggling. I wanted to help. I agreed to paint the building, all the rooms, and give the kids toys. I didn’t do it to receive money. I did it because I felt great in helping.

And that’s the secret to giving: feeling. How you feel when you give is what you will receive in return. Emotion creates vibration. And you can’t create anything without emotion. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of their feelings when they do anything, let alone when they give.

While I had been visualizing making my first million dollars, I also didn’t know how it would happen. But when I was at that orphanage, I didn’t think spending money there would bring me a million dollars later. All I knew is the kids need help and it would make me feel good to help.

So I invested about eighty thousand dollars in hiring people to paint and rebuild the place. I felt great as I paid for the services. Again, I was using “vibrational giving” as my tool. I knew that the feeling I felt as I gave is what I would get in return later, in some unexpected way. There was nothing calculating in my action. I didn’t give money to get money.

Instead, I did something that made me feel great, and I expected something to happen later that would also be a great feeling. But money wasn’t the focus. I just made sure to feel great. While eighty thousand was about a fourth of my yearly revenue at the time, spending it didn’t make me feel stretched or worried. It made me feel good.

As a result, a real estate deal I had in the works went through. I closed a property worth so much that my commission was more than one million dollars. In fact, it was one million plus about eighty grand. So I not only made my first million, but I also got my investment back.

And how did I feel? Fantastic, of course. The feeling I had when I invested in helping the orphanage (feeling great) came back to me to multiplied (feeling fantastic). I copied that check, framed it, and still look at it every day. I still feel great every time I see it.

Mother Teresa had it right when she said, “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.”

Again, this isn’t only about money. It’s about what you feel as you give anything. The feeling you give out is what you will receive back. Practicing this “vibrational giving” works for me, and will work for you, too. Try it and see.


Andres Pira, President of Success Events and Blue Horizon Development, is the largest real estate developer in Southern Thailand. He and bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale are completing the book, Homeless to Billionaire: The 18 Wealth Attracting Secrets for Becoming a Money Magnet. For details please see http://www.homelesstobillionaire.info


Why Give Now?

You’ve heard that it pays to give, haven’t you?

You’ve heard about tithing as a way to give thanks for what you have and to begin to attract more of what you want, correct?

You’ve heard the stories of famous millionaires and billionaires who give away staggering amounts of money, right?

Well, do YOU give?

Do you give ten percent of your income to the people and places that inspire you, nurture you, and keep you balanced?

Probably not.

I know because I was just like you.

I heard all the stories about giving as a way to receive.

I heard all the teachers and preachers tell me to give more and give often.

But I was “too smart” for that.

I “knew” it was all a scam to get my money.

But one day I awakened to a harsh insight:

The longer I stubbornly refused to give, the longer I remained in struggle.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank

When I finally realized that if I can’t give a dollar out of my last ten bucks today, then I won’t be able to give a hundred thousand dollars out of my first million tomorrow.

It’s a form of self-sabotage to think otherwise.

People who convince themselves that they’ll give later, when they have more money and can “afford it,” are deceiving and deluding themselves.

It all begins now.


Today I give away everything from books to guitars to cars to cash.

You might think I do it because I’m wealthy.

The secret is giving

The secret is giving now

But I started doing it when I was working a job I didn’t like, getting paid just above minimum wage, and had stacks of bills just like you.

I started giving with what I could give.

As I gave, and prospered, I let my giving reflect my receiving.

And the more I gave, the more I received.

Today wealthy people – and not so wealthy people – are giving.

The big mistake most people make in giving is waiting.

The second big mistake they make is in where to give.

Here’s my thought on the matter:

Give now.

You have some money.

Take ten percent of it and give it away.

Don’t wait till you have more, as you are missing the prosperity of right now.


Give it to whoever or whatever gave you spiritual nourishment this past week.

That could be anyone or anything, from an Uber driver to a neighbor to a complete stranger who smiled and turned your day around.

But you have to start today and you have to give where you receive inspiration.

Why is this so important?

According to Edward Kramer, in his 1955 book, Pathways to Power:

“Clarence Howard, late head of Commonwealth Steel, used to say, ‘The hole you give through is the hole you receive through.'”

Dan Kennedy, marketing legend, often says it this way:

“The window you receive through is made bigger by how much you give.”

In other words, psychologically and metaphysically, the more you give, the more you open yourself to receive.

And don’t trick yourself into thinking because you helped a neighbor move a couch that you gave.

You gave muscle, but not money.

And don’t think because you took friends out to eat that you gave.

You bought dinner but you didn’t dish out money.

The law is specific: give ten percent or more of what you receive financially to where you received spiritual nourishment.

When you’re honest with yourself, you know who to give it to.

Do it.


One final thought:

Don’t worry about what the receiver does with what you give.

It doesn’t matter if they burn it, spend it, invest it, give it away, or anything else.

Your duty – if you want to attract more money – is to give now and give often and give where you received inspiration.

Why not do it right now?

Ao Akua,


PS – A decade or so ago I wrote a little book on this subject, titled The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. I also explain this concept in my free book, Attract Money Now.

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