If you’ve been reading my books or this blog, you know I lost 80 pounds in 8 months.
I’ve done it primarily with the help of the most remarkable training I’ve ever seen.
I’m talking about The Mental Toughness Institute.
The people there have helped me to raise my consciousness, expose delusional thinking, and finally — finally! — reach my fitness goals.
Whether you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds to lose, this program can help you, too.
I’ve gone through their 12-week program three times, and I will enter it a fourth and final time this Monday.
Why four times?
It’s simply my choice. You can take the course once and get what you need. I lost 40 pounds in the first 12 weeks.
Also, after I had emergency surgery, I gained twenty pounds. I couldn’t work-out for several months. I want the support I get from the training to help me easily melt that weight off again.
Because I love the program, and want additional support as I pursue my fitness goals, I am entering the program again.
I’m writing to invite you to join me in their next class, which begins on Monday.
Yes, I’ll be on the calls right there with you.
The training is done with CD’s (which are brilliant), reading (which is eye-opening), homework (which takes a few minutes daily), and coaching-by-phone (which is priceless).
It’s a very psychological, as well as spiritual approach.
And it influences every area of your life. You learn how to think like a world-class champion.
Even my income went up as I did the trainings.
Believe me, when I first heard about their program, I was skeptical. But I was sick and tired of being overweight, and I had decided I was doing something about it once and for all.
And since the price for the training is so low, I just took the jump.
And I am forever grateful I did.
I’m a new man.
The training is conducted by the same people who published the book I think is a masterpiece (which they just recorded on 12 CD’s) called, “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class.”
Again, I invite you to take the next training with me. This program can help you get to where you want to be. It worked for me, and I had struggled with obesity for almost 50 years.
Obviously, it can work for you, too.
It’s all explained at www.thefatlosers.com
The folks at the institute were not going to do another training for a long time, as they are also busy speakers, but I persuaded them to offer another class because *I* wanted it again.
They agreed, as long as I agreed to tell some people about it. That’s what I’m doing with this note to you.
The program begins Monday night.
Sign up at www.thefatlosers.com
See you on the calls.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you don’t need to lose weight, but are still interested in Mental Toughness Training, visit www.mentaltoughnesscollege.com
Joe- Steve Seibold rocks! isn’t he the one behind the Mental Toughness Institute?
Read your email this morning, went to the URL thefatlosers and actually read through all the copy. Realized it’s not just weight I need to lose, but also the complaisant attitude. I’ve gone mentally soft and the weight is the symptom. I need to regain mental toughness. Thank you, Joe for another gift! I’ll be with you and the others on Monday night.
Id love to be there with y’all but the “low” price is way too high for my current salary and the constraints it provides. I think I will sit down and outline my own Mental Fitness program and see if I can apply it in my life.
Happy losing everyone!
Hey Joe,
I took the Mental Toughness for Weight Control course last year, and I agree it’s a fabulous program with wonderful, brilliant people facilitating it. You’re right on-the CDs rock. By the way — in my years of reading your stuff, I have not seen major grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Just a heads up: there should not be an apostrophe after CDs . . . or DVDs either. Or year decades like 1960s.
All the best for 2008 from a kind but compulsive proofreader/editor.