I love it when I read a book that awakens and inspires me, and that’s what happened today.
Will Bowen’s little gem, A Complaint Free World is so good, I just bought a box of them to give out to friends.
The noble cause behind the book is to get you and me to stop complaining.
No gossip.
No complaining.
Bowen is making history by challenging people to wear a purple wristband (which you can get for free at www.acomplaintfreeworld.org) for 21 days. The “simple” task is to not speak a complaint. Ever. If you do, move the band from your wrist to the other wrist. That’s it.
You’re allowed to complain in your mind all you like, but you can’t speak a complaint. When you do, move the band.
The idea is to clean up your language, because your words become your deeds and send out a vibe that keeps you stuck on the energy level behind them.
In short, speak negativity and you stay in negativity.
It’s basically learning how to speak in positive terms; to always state what you want, not want you don’t want.
To succeed at creating this new habit, you have to pause before you speak. If you’re about to complain, find a positive way to state what you really want.
Obviously, this ties directly to my book The Attractor Factor and to the movie The Secret. The idea is to awaken to your own inner power through your ability to choose.
Not complaining may not be as easy as you think, however.
For example, I originally began this blog post with the line, “I rarely read a book that awakens and inspires me, but that’s what happened today.”
Sounds innocent enough. But after a few minutes I realized that the line was actually a complaint. So I rewrote it.
And note that if you hear someone else complaining, you aren’t allowed to point it out to them – not without moving your wrist band. After all, complaining about someone complaining is still a complaint.
People are picking up the challenge, though. Bowen has been on Oprah and The Today Show. He’s sent out over four million bracelets — so far.
His book is packed with well written stories, insights, reminders and wisdom. Just reading it will lift your level of awareness and consciousness.
And it will gently guide you into being acutely aware of your own self-talk as well as spoken talk.
I urge you to get Bowen’s book and accept his challenge.
I’ve started it today.
Join me?
Ao Akua,
PS — Trust me, if you don’t get the book or pick up his challenge, I won’t complain. 🙂
In “The Today Show” video at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17362505/, Bowen said he got this idea while taking a shower. What a great example of someone who took action. This challenge is too appealing for me to ignore. I just ordered the book/bracelets, and I’m taking the challenge. Thank you for sharing, Joe.
And what a wonderful world it would be without complaints…what would we all have to talk about? The book sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
That’s a simple yet powerful mind programming.
I remember I attended a seminar and one of the presenters give every audience a rubber band and ask us to put it on our wrist.
Whenever we have a negative thoughts in our mind, we to pull the rubber band and let go. That’s quite painful and powerful as it teach our mind not to think of negative stuffs.
It works for me and now my mind has cleared from negativities.
Thanks Joe–I love Bowen’s positive message. We could all use a healthy dose of this. His interview on Oprah was also really good. I hope his message travels far.
Thank you for sharing this!
We have 13 in our family and am the only one left wearing one.
I ordered the wristbands for our Unity Church congregation, last spring. Because the demand was so enormous, the ordering process was revamped. Just goes to show how many people are ready for this idea. Our minister plans to compose her message around the idea, and then we will pass them out to anyone who wants them. I love the idea of a complaint-free world.
Got my wristband from Renaissance Unity in Warren, MI a couple weeks ago. I’ve had to switch wrists twice now, and I am grateful for that! It has kept me more aware of how often I complain…even subtly, and given me the impetus to shift into a more positive response! How cool is that?
Each time I’ve had to switch I say, “Hey cool! 21 more days of not complaining! Whoo – hoo!
This is a wonderful idea. I am going to order this book and wrist band. Thank you Joe.
BTW: Joe, do you have a collection of your book reviews someplace online? I have noticed a post every so often where you mention a book you found inspiring. If there is a place I could read all your book recommendations I think that would be great.
Hey Joe!
Thanks for this link. Just ordered and got extra bracelets for my clients. Just a note: the site is offering a “package” of the book, t-shirt, bumper sticker and bracelet for 19.95, a substantial savings. There’s a link to it on the shopping page top left column.
On another note entirely, (I think you’ll remember me and my book, “This Endless Moment.”) I wrote a recent blog entitled I got to thinking about ‘paying attention,’ and I had a programmer create a little program that runs invisibly in the background, (PC only) and randomly (between 10 minutes and 90 minutes) pops up a reminder (and sounds a chime) to be present. It’s a freebie, available at
This link leads to a description, as well as links to the download, and install instructions.
I love you, so feel free to pass it around!
Namaste, Wayne
I am honored and humbled by Joe’s post about my book and the Complaint Free Movement. Joe’s work has been a big inspiration to me and I thank him for his work in transforming the consicousnes of our world.
Will, I am honored that you stopped by and said hi. Let’s get together one day. I LOVE your book.
This is a little creepy. I’m having a bit of trouble (is that a complaint?) reconciling this idea with how I feel about our political situation. Is it OK to speak out – complain – when someone is being tortured? OK, maybe that’s an extreme example, but it is happening, in my name as a citizen of the USA. Or does this mean that I should stop registering my feelings with my elected representatives when I feel that some current situation should change?
Help me get my head around this…..
Great question. I suggest you read the book first. The whole idea is to focus on what you DO want.
Hi Joe,
There is a question that has been bugging me recently.
On one side (my interpretation of secret): you are the source of your thoughts and as a result the source of your joy or misery!
On the other hand studying people like Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle I found out that we are not the thinkers. When we identify with the thoughts we suffer and when we observe them we are free of them.
What is your take on this?
Hi Hossein. As I say in my recent books, you are NOT the source of your thoughts. “Zero Limits” in particular explains this at length.
Hi, Joe,
May I quote your comments on my blog on Amazon.com? I don’t know how, in this forum, to exchange contact information but I’d love to meet someday. Thanks,
Will Bowen
Yes, Joe, you are right (#14 above). I ought to read the book, I thought about that later yesterday as I was driving around. Thanks for the referral, I will check it out.
Thank you again.
Just ordered some!
Thanks Joe,
Gotta love it – no gripin’ allowed…absolutely awesome…wasn’t this on the Oprah some months back? Dr Joe you absolutely rule…”The Key” is beyond fantastic- whatever that means…it is that…you are so fine we really need to get into a cloning thing…dont’cha think? Keep on rockin’ in the free world!
I just ordered the set (at a great savings! No complaints!) and some extra bracelets to share.
Thanks for sharing this information. It’s wonderful to get easy ways to clean up my act!
I absolutely love Will’s idea and agree with Joe… buy this book and give it to everyone you know! 😆
~ Jill
I found the Complaint Free World book recently when I stopped by my favorite bookstore on a whim. I was so excited to read it and the book far exceeded my expectations. While waiting on my purple bracelets (which arrived this week), I began wearing a different stretchy bracelet I already owned. I could tell an immediate difference in my thought process. Thanks Joe for spreading the word on this great movement. BTW I bought extra bracelets to give to friends who ask for them but I promise not to complain by giving one to somebody unsolicited!
I am trying to live complaint free and I hope you can help! I purchased Hypnotic Writing Wizard on Wed. Nov 28th and I never got the download link. I couldn’t reach support since there was no support info on the sales page. I sent you an email, didn’t hear anything back.
I found a support email address after doing a Google search, sent them 2 emails, nothing yet. I am hoping someone can help me here. I have paid for your great software and I can’t wait to use it, but I need some help!
Darren S.
Darren, my office is with me here in Hawaii for the Zero Limits seminar so no one is there to help. However, I asked Suzanne to resend the info to you. You might check your spam filters so the reply can get to you. And thank you for not complaining but instead focusing on what you want. Well done.
I’m currently reading The Secret (Xmas gift)and A Complaint Free World (my book club selection) at the same time. They are perfect together. The power of our own thoughts is an astonishing blessing. Understanding that power at our youngest possible age would make a phenomenal difference in our lives. To The Golden Rule we could add the Silver Rule: You are what you think – think happy.
This idea makes really hits home an important scripture from the Bible…
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it, shall eat the fruit thereof” PROV. 18:21
That tells me that I get the ‘fruit’ of my words… a really great book was written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome called “Prophecy: Understanding the power that controls your future”. Pastor Chris explains one of the two aspects of prophecy… speaking words of power into your future ~ speaking life. Its and awesome read, go to http://www.christembassyonlinestore.org to order it if you wish.
Again, thanks for the post, and I am starting tomorrow… Complaint free world ~ here I come!! Great work guys, God bless you 😛
I have taken the “no complaining” wristband concept and adapted for the Law of Attraction practitioner. I have created the GRATITUDE WRISTBAND! It has the three steps on manifestation (ASK-BELIEVE-RECEIVE) on on side, and ” I AM GRATEFUL ” on the other. Every time you feel lack, or need that boost of fresh positive energy, simply move the wristband from one wrist to the other while reading the phrases, and it will re-center your state of mind! It really works! Best of all they are FREE (less S&H)!! visit http://www.gratitude-wristband.com
I am in the beginning stages of attempting to go complaint free. I am surprised by the fact that I am noticeing I complain very little but those around me are constantly complaining. This is allowing me too look at myself in a way I never have before. Why am I choosing to permit all these complainers in my life? Does their negitivity limit me? Serve me a purpose? Obviously there is a reason I choose these relationships and hopefully as I continue to move my bracelet I will discover what these reasons are.
Gratefully Cec
Regarding how and whether to complain about social injustice, like torture…I like the Unitarian Universalist’s approach. They printed a banner… white lettering on a black background that says Torture is Wrong. There is no doubt as to where the church stands on this issue, but they are not just complaining that it exists. I find solutions such as these all the time now since I took the challenge… although I’ve yet to make it through my 21 days. I will. This week, I am presenting a lay sermon on the topic to my church… I’m hoping to spread the idea. I believe it is easier if you have support.
I am so greatful with everything I receive to be nourished by positive thinking and solution seeking people. I am so greatful that my search for Truth brings me to ways where I can meet people and hear them, see them, notice a brilliance of the energy of positive thinking, inspiration to act, to believe in that everything is possible. The Spirit is important. Thank you Joe Vitale, Wil Bowen, Jennifer McClean, Lynne McTaggart, Ellen Brit, and so many many more to honor gratitude.
Thank you so much.
Will Bowen, just left yesterday our town, having come to Nova Scotia Canada to meet a teacher and her kids who worte a poetry book about Will Bowen and his “A Complaint Free World” challenge. Meeting him, confirmed my belief that he is a great man! What a great inspiration! Will Bowen has reached a level of impact that is truly wonderful and he trul;y undertands his role in all of it! He is merely a messenger! Atruly humble man to the core!
God bless him and his vision for the world!
Bruce Abriel
Hi everyone, great to find fellow positive-speak-ers – I’m looking forward to completing the full 21 days. Big thanks to Will Bowen for acting on his inspiration and for writing such an enjoyable and encouraging book. And thank you fellow beings for ‘being’ there and us all doing this together 😀
Also writing about recent post #30 and the banner saying “Torture is Wrong” – Absolutely. Of course. But the banner still says the words and therefore gives energy to ‘torture’ and ‘wrong’ and we don’t want either of these! I remember a quote from Mother Teresa saying if it was an anti-war march she would not attend but if it was a peace rally she’d gladly be there = she knew ‘The Secret’! I’ve puzzled how we can put the positives of some of these negatives in an equally impacting way because they don’t ‘translate’ the same.. eg All I remembered from the “No Blood for Oil” posters was ‘Blood for Oil’! (apparently the subconscious mind tends to focus on the main words so it can easily miss the negation) but “Peace” doesn’t give the same information, though it worked as an positive version of the “No War” slogan. Could the phrase ‘torture is wrong’ be replaced by “BE KIND TO ALL” or “RESPECT & KINDNESS” or “DO AS YOU WOULD BE DONE BY” (thank you the Bible and also Ben Kingsley’s lovely old classic story The Water Babies) or what else??
It is wonderful that we have such possibility to choose and affect our experience of ‘reality’ tho a bit scary if my mind is running negative programmes I’m not yet aware of.. oo..er… thank you for my bracelet!!
hi joe vitale!
yesterday i have read an arguement against the law of attraction ,it says:like does not attract like because same poles repel each other while unlike poles attract other.
so what is your repel?