Peter Wink, my Vice-President of Marketing for my company, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., said you wanted to know what books I’m reading. I suspect Peter wants to know, not you, but in case you’re interested, here goes:
Robert Collier’s How to Make Money At Home In Spare Time By Mail in Seven Lessons.
I’m a Robert Collier disciple, collector, and addict. His famous Robert Collier Letter Book changed my life as a writer. His early metaphysical books, such as The Secret of the Ages, changed my life as a teenager. I can’t believe I never knew of his course on making money by mail. I’m jealous that Bernie Malonson found it, not me, but I’m glad it’s back in print. Collier’s book is breezy reading, and the dozens of sales letter examples are priceless. The book is dated, as it came out originally in the late 1940s, but still. This is a gem. Another masterpiece by the original hypnotic writer: Robert Collier. Get it. Read it. Study it.
Magic In Practice: Introducing Medical NLP: The Art and Science of Language in Healing and Health by Garner Thomson with Dr. Khalid Khan.
You shouldn’t be surprised by this one. I’m interested in language as well as health and healing. This one combines them all. It’s been blessed by NLP cofounder Richard Bandler, who wrote the introduction. I think this is heavy reading, as most NLP books are, but worth the effort if you want to better understand communication within the healing relationship.
Will Work For Fun: 3 Simple Steps for Turning Any Hobby or Interest Into Cash by Alan Bechtold.
Alan is one of my favorite Internet personalities. He’s smart, funny, clever, creative, and successful. I’ve only met him a few times, but always loved our brief chats. His book is like him: wise, helpful, light-hearted, yet practical and results oriented. This is one of those feel good all the way to the bank type books. He shows you how to turn what you do for fun into profit. Oh. And I wrote the foreword to it. So there’s your bonus reason for buying it right now. Good stuff. Get it.
The Buddha’s Teachings on Prosperity at Home, at Work, in the World by Bhikku Basnagoda Rahula.
What a great book! I’m relieved to see someone show that Buddha was not against wealth or success. He instead wanted you to be wealthy so you could help yourself, your family, and your community. That’s exactly what I say is the best reason to get rich. I never knew Buddha agreed with me. Anyway, this is an insightful, practical book that I keep returning to. Get it. Make it your devotional reading for a while. Rich stuff.
Up Till Now: The Autobiography of William Shatner by William Shatner with David Fisher.
Who doesn’t like James T. Kirk? I haven’t met William Shatner yet, but I want to. What a character. His book reveals his sense of humor, personality, and work ethic. The man never stops. If you don’t believe action leads to success, read this book. It’s conversational, revealing, and fun.
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Robert Cialdini and Noah Goldstein and Steve Martin.
Robert Cialdini wrote the most popular book on persuasion in modern times (Influence) but has yet to release anything in print even close to it. Yes! is his recent attempt. He didn’t write it alone, and may not have written much of it, which is why there are two other coauthors listed. Still, this is a page-turner with an insight per chapter. Each chapter is short (only a page or two) but long enough to state a principle and then prove it. Worth reading to understand how to persuade as well as how you are being persuaded.
Powerlines: Word that Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History by Steve Cone.
Slogans, tag-lines, mottoes and jingles are what often make people act, vote, buy or even kill. It’s a tight sentence with words sewn together for emotional impact and memorability. It’s the “Just do it!” and “A Diamond is Forever” and “There’s no place like home” lines. Steve Cone calls them Powerlines. You can imagine how this captivates me, as I’m so into words. This is a fascinating encyclopedic overview of sentence bursts, including how to develop and use them for yourself. I find this book, well, hypnotic. There’s real magic here. Feed your brain. Get it. It’s “M’m! M’m! Good!”
Your Brain: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald
I love any book on proven ways to better use my brain. This one is a delightful, insightful, surprising look at how your mind works, as well as how to out smart it for better results. The facts are all juicy. For example, tryptophan in turkey is not why you get sleepy after a huge Thanksgiving holiday meal. There’s the same amount of tryptophan in chicken and beef. You get sleepy from the wine, the overeating, and the boring conversation at the table. Another example is that you can improve your memory if you just focus and stop multitasking (like reading this blog while on the phone), and if you add emotion to what you want to recall later. Also, your brain is a glucose hog. It can’t get it from your fat reserves, either. Only from eating. So grab some chips and go read this book. Now.
No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent by Dan Kennedy
I told you about this new book in a previous blog post. It’s worth reminding you about. It’s terrific. Anything by Dan Kennedy is worth reading, but this one really stretches your mind to see money and go get it. An added bonus, and bragging rights for me, is that I wrote the intro. Anyway, if you truly want to know practical and proven ways to tap the affulent so you can become affulent too, you need this book. Go get it. Go get everything by Dan Kennedy.
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle inspired 2,000,000 readers to discover the freedom of living in the now with his first book. In A New Earth, his long awaited second book, Tolle shows how transcending your ego-based state of consciousness is the way to end conflict. This simple and direct narrative focuses on your ego: how to spot it, be aware of it, and let it take a back seat to your life. This book is about awakening, and is a wonderful primer for my forthcoming audio program, The Awakening Course.
There are many other books stacked up around my feet, on my desk, downstairs by the kitchen table, and also by the bed. I might mention a few of those at another time, if you’re interested. (Or if Peter asks.)
Finally, what books are you reading that you really love?
I’d like to know. Post a comment and tell me. Thank you.
Now back to my books…
Ao Akua,
PS – All of the books I mentioned are available at Amazon.
Dr. V,
You’ve probably read it already, but there’s a great William Shatner story in Randy Pausch’s wonderful book, “The Last Lecture.”
I’m grateful for your book recommendations… always loved knowing what the folks I admire, in turn, love themselves.
Take good care.
Dr. Vitale,
Thanks for sharing your current reading list. I am currently re-reading and carefully dissecting the personal development classic, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy. It’s a great companion to your Attractor Factor, and well worth reading. By the way, I’m looking forward to the expanded Attractor Factor. When will it be out?
Thank you for the reading list… I see a couple that I must read!! Just finished “Why Good People Do Bad Things” by Jungian psychologist Hollis. Couldn’t put it down… it’s very much along the lines of The New Earth but alot easier to absorb. And now I’m reading Hollis’ “Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life – How to Finally, Really Grow Up” and it, too, is very powerful. Please keep the lists coming… Peace Out! Dawn
Dear Dr. Vitale,
I just finished reading “The Answer” by Assaraf (fantastic book!) and always reading my Bible of course. Thank you for sharing your reading list.
Many blessings,
Art Gonzalez
Check my Squidoo Lens at: Quantum Knights
I’m reading Tolles first book “The Power of Now” I find it a fascinating way (that’s new to me) to approach everyday life.
I’ve been looking to get your Hawiian Success Book at the local library but it’s always on hold. Guess I’ll have to go buy it 🙂
You are an inspiration to many, myself including. I just published my first book and I am compelled to tell you about it. It is titled, You Find Your Soul Mate When You Let Go of Searching. Our world is so focused on searching and searching that we push away the love we desire by doing so. This book will help others get in touch with themselves so that they can be happy being with themselves and allow themselves to be IN the moment. Being in the moment helps people to notice the signs the universe sends to them to guide them to where they want to be. If you get a chance, I’d love for you to come visit and see what you think.
Gabriella Hartwell
Intuitive Relationship Life Coach
All my love!
Dr. Joe,
I agree, “A New Earth” is incredible. I’m in the middle of it right now with “The Power of Now” on deck. “Earth” is having an amazing effect on my awakening. The revelations have been flying by so fast lately I’ve almost been unable to process all of them. Also on board are Wayne Dyer’s “Real Magic”, Sandra Ann Taylor’s “Quantum Success”, and Rick Warren’s “The Purpose-Driven Life”. This is, of course, after having already read “The Attractor Factor”, “The Key”, and “Zero Limits”. 😀
I would really like to know what your daily schedule is like. How do you read so much and yet write so much and surf the net so much and do things outside the home? LOL!! Okay, how do you do it all??? Would love to know!
Great list, Joe.
Right now, I’m really enjoying John Assaraf’s “The Answer” mainly because, like you, he puts the law of attraction into perspective, especially for business people.
Always fun to know what’s in you current “pile”.
We have a few in common!
WOW! I thought I read a lot of books! By the way…I happen to be a disiple of this guy named Joe Vitale. (You may or may not have heard of him. but I really like him.)
Now I have to go out and get some of these titles…
Thank you for your insight into all these authors and books!
Hi Joe,
I read & I looooooooooove your book THE ATTRACTOR FACTOR
AND of course THE SECRET…….
For your book list above, I would love to read NEW EARTH, but still no chance to buy it… I found about NEW EARTH from OPRAH show, and I’ms so interested with the class / group in OPRAH website that particularly disccussed chapter by chapter of that book………
Thanks for sharing, Joe,
Love ya….
Hello Joe,
Great to see what you are reading. Just a note. Being from Vancouver Canada, and being an Eckhart Tolle fan (as well as yours), this is far from Eckhart Tolle’s second book and I am not even including his audio programs and transcripts for them. Still glad to hear you give him props.
1. How to Attain your Desires by letting your subconscious mind work for you (new expanded edition) -Joe Vitale
2. You Can if you Think You Can – Norman Vincent Peale
3. The Einstein Factor – Win Wenger, Richard Poe
4. Manifest Your Destiny – Dr. Wayne Dyer
5. Free Prize Inside – How to make a Purple Cow – Seth Godin
What a beautiful & peaceful corner to read and relax. And so many books – lot of exciting things to discover.
I only have 19 books about The Law and 2 of them are about Quantum Leap Thinking. I already read The Key & The Attractor Factor.
Currently reading The Law Of Attraction from Eshter & Jerry Hicks. I also have the DVD of “Conversations With God” – it was so inspiring.
I read the first 100 pages of The E-Code You wrote with Jo Han Mok.
I also got The Zero Limits and so happy about it – I know it’s very special book of yours
The only thing that bugs me I read The Key & Attractor Factor but nothing has changed yet except my way of thinking about life – I feel so positively energetic right now.
ALSO I took an inspired action as you said and wrote an e-mail to The Key Success Academy here on Istanbul which is a branch of Mr. Bob Proctor’s success academies and they send me an invitation to one of their workshops in September and it’s frrreeeeeeeeee !
Also, for the Vitale fans. I’m loving listening to his comprehensive audiobook, more like a course, “The Missing Secret”. It’s like a Joe Vitale “All-in-One Pack”, he goes over The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits and cleaning and clearing techniques like in The Key. Plus it’s very nice to hear him speak his own truths and to listen to in the car, on a run, etc. 😛
Hello Joe,
thanks for sharing your list of Books you’re reading right now.
Below is my list of the books I’m reading right now(yes, all of them simultaniosly) the “wait list” of the books I want to read this year is also very long.
1. “The law of One”-Series/by RA, Book II right now
2. “Zero Limits”/by Joe Vitale, 2nd read
3. “The Shift of the Ages”/by David Wilkock
4. “The law of Oneness”/by David Wilcock
5. “The fifth Dimension”/by Mitko Keramitciev (this is a Book from a very talented macedonian writer)
6. “The Divine Cosmos”/by David Wilcock
7. “The secret of the saucers”/by Ofreo M. Angelucci
Best regards from Germany
Bet you’ll like ‘Change your Brain, Change your Life,’ by Daniel Amen, M.D. Good stuff. 😯
“The dark side of the light-chasers” by Debbie Ford is my current project. Completely mindblowing! After a lifetime of procrastination, I got complete with it in two days from doing her excercises! I don’t even recognize myself. Her approach to shadow-work is astonishing and effective. Everyone should read this book.
I love and reading book ” Go-Giver ” . Simple but very great
Thanks for the list of books you are reading Joe. I am currently reading (for the forth time) A New Earth. One of the most significant books of this era. Also an intriging book by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor a harvard brain scientist who lost the use of here left brain due to a stroke. The book is A Stroke of Insight Larry Williams
New Cialdini, new Collier… huzzah! Thanks so much for this list – there are plenty of gems on here I hadn’t heard of before.
I would love to know how many hours per day you spend reading!
Thanks for the list joe, any book you recommend I take a serious look at and often read them. I’m currently reading The Essential Laws of Fearless Living by Guy Finley and even tho i’ve read many books on the subject this is one of my favourites right beside Zero Limits.
What a great post! I have copied and pasted it to myself so I can further research each of these books. There are always great books out there that many of us have not heard of and this was a great way for you to tell us about those books! This was a very refreshing and different post from you, and I really enjoyed it!
Thank you Dr vitale for all your work to help us all….I am currently reading ask and it is given auther name jerry and esther hicks I am also reading finish rich work book by auther david bach. and also currently reading many ebooks on marketing and I also read from time to time some of joe vitales books the attractor factor the key
I’m reading Peggy McColl’s book 21 Distinctions of Wealth and Gregg Braden’s new book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. I also enjoyed reading The Divine Matrix.
ALAS! I no longer feel badly about not being able to leave my office or getting off of my bed without tripping over my piles of books!
Have you read..
The Genrous Man, How Helping Others Is The Sexiest Thing You Can Do by:Tor Norretranders ( Danish Author) Also author of The User Illusion ?
I have about 25 more by the bed but this is the one I am really devouring now..
Thank you for sharing…
Remember folks … LEADERS ARE READERS…
Love Aymee
Thanks so much for sharing your reading list. I love picking up a book from the pile, according to my mood. The following books are a few in my pile at the moment, with apologies for the long post. I also want to say thanks for your collaboration with Stuart Lichtman on his book. I read the book, did the course and THEN completed his coach training course. What an incredible difference in my life.
I just love the book by Buddhist teacher and clinical psychologist Tara Brach, called Radical Acceptance: Awakening The Love That Heals Fear and Shame Within Us. Along with stories and insights, Brach presents guided reflections and meditations, such as “The Power of Yes” (p87) and “Not Doing” (p157). Some of the chapters in this book remind me of a post on your blog Dr V., from a long time ago, challenging readers to stop complaining. I think you suggested going two weeks without complaining. That was a great lesson, and fuelled my interest in the concepts of willingness and acceptance.
The Washington Post Book World describes this one as a “wise and compassionate book.” It’s absolutely true. By Mary Pipher, it’s called Letters to a Young Therapist. Pipher is an experienced clinical psychologist, and in this book she writes about her take on life and work helping people through their troubles, in the format of a series of letters to a younger, less experienced therapist colleague, Laura.
I didn’t buy this book for the title, but it’s a corker nonetheless. I LOVE it. Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate your Competition, by Harvey B. Mackay. It’s got so much life and business wisdom in it. You might not think that an envelope manufacturer (yep) would have the lowdown on everything, but for pithy, interesting and left field ideas, you can’t go past this. Mackay has written several New York Times bestsellers. There are 19 “Quickie” life principles explained at the end of the book, such as “It’s not only who you know but how you get to know them,” (Number 12) and “There are two times in life when you’re totally alone: just before you die and just before you make a speech,” (Number 17).
What got me interested in The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler M.D., was the interplay between the two authors. Cutler is the psychiatrist foil for the Dalai Lama’s deceptively simple observations, and the book is funny.
I picked this book up because of my interest in teaching and coaching: Edited and with commentary by Sidney Rosen MD, it’s called My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson. Erickson was a genius therapist, who through his stories and his abilities helped people see their lives from incredible new perspectives. I love this book for the stories and the depths of human insight.
I’m very sorry to be nearly finished Dan S. Kennedy’s (1996) book, How to Make Millions With Your Ideas: An Entrepreneur’s Guide. I love his ideas and his writing style. It’s the kind of ideas book that stimulates my own ideas.
As a lighter contrast to the self development and marketing books, I’m casually working my way through volume one of The Thousand Nights and One Night, one of 4 volumes published as a set by Routledge. These are the famous tales of Sheherazade, translated into English from the definitive French translation of 1904 by Dr J.C. Mardrus. These are terrific stories and really surprisingly readable. Lots of magic and adventure. I’m up to the 17th night. Maybe I’ll get through all 4 volumes one day.
Best wishes from Australia.
:grin:hi joe, i recently watched the secret and later on listened to the missing secret wea u recommended the book ‘think and grow rich’ by napoleon hill. am now reading it en i love it. i also got to read spiritual marketing. thank you for the list because its now easier to make a good choice on what to read. thanks again
Annie from UK
Not just me that’s a “bookaholic” then! Billion Dollar Marketing Secrets by Ted Nicholas,Your Internet Cash Machine by Joe Vitale & Jillian Coleman Wheeler,Your Portable Empire by Pat O’Bryan, Spiritual Selling by Joe Nunziata. All must-have books by such “warm and fuzzy” authors!
I’m re-reading Al Dunlap’s “Mean Business” for the fifth time, as well as Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Guide to “Ruthless Management of People and Profits.”
Joe – Have you read The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart. Just started reading it – its thought provoking. I will have to go back and read her earlier book The Field. Thanks, Tom (TRCoach)
Hi Joe,
What a great list!
My favourite book on the year has built on all I am learning from The Attractor Factor and many others – and got me into real, live, big action.
It is Wishcraft by Barbara Sher, and I think it’s a masterpiece.
My favourite book of the moment is not a book I’m reading but one I’m WRITING. It’s called ‘Their Cancer – Your Journey : A traveller’s guide for carers, family and friends’. You can read more about it (and pre-order for worldwide shipping) at our website,
Many thanks for all the hypnotic marketing tips I can use to promote it!
Good Morning Joe,
My deepest gratitude for your work in the world is sent today. Please keep us informed as to what you are reading, for it is a helpful guide.
AND, thanks for your work with creating a “no-complaint world”. It was very helpful to get your message with exact instructions as to how to contact my congressman.
With love and deep caring,
hello dear Joe,
yesterday i read
“Ten Dirty Secrets of getting Enlightened”
da bomb..!!!
and now its my fevorite book
Dear Dr Vitale,
I was delighted to see you’re reading my book, Magic in Practice. I’me very privileged to know it caught your attention. I do hope you enjoy it even half as much as I’ve enjoyed many of your books.
Kind regards
Garner Thomson
Dr. Vitale, glad to read that you enjoyed the Collier book. It is great isn’t it? There is a reason it stands the test of time so well, it is because it is not based on the latest “fad”. Just time tested and proven principles of salesmanship.
Bernie Malonson
Just stumbled across this page and am delighted to see a number of books that I didn’t know about, escpecially the Cialdini book. As an NLP trainer I am a fan of Garner Thomson’s Magic In Practice. I would also heartily recommend The Rainbow Machine by Andrew Austin and Richard Bandler’s Guide To Trance-Formation.
Nice list of books. NLP has been a tough concept to grasp and use as more people have become aware of it. It is worth studying and trying to use however.
Hi Joe,
I watched the movie ‘The Secret’ recently with my wife, we both agreed with all of the principles in it. I think we all know the secret deep down, but 95% of people don’t put it into effect or don’t know how to. I have seen the Law of Attraction work in small parts all through my life, things that I have wanted come to fruition, when at the time not knowing how to accomplish them.
Thanks for listing the books you have read, i’ll certainly look into them, oh yes I also like William Shatner.
Take Care
Phil T
Hi Joe,
I watched the movie ‘The Secret’ recently with my wife, we both agreed with all of the principles in it. I think we all know the secret deep down, but 95% of people don’t put it into effect or don’t know how to. I have seen the Law of Attraction work in small parts all through my life, things that I have wanted come to fruition, when at the time not knowing how to accomplish them.
Thanks for listing the books you have read, i’ll certainly look into them, oh yes I also like William Shatner.
Take Care
Phil T
Very good choice. I would love to read all those books. But – matter of factly, you are much more advanced. Before I will read those books I need to get the Law of Attraction work for me. I am one of those which Phil T mentions, are not fully able to. Maybe partly, but not in all aspects of my life. I know what was missing in the secret, saying I know the full secret. But knowing something is not enough.
I came to this blog by chance and maybe this is a sign.
The law of attraction is always in play. We don’t get to invoke the law of attraction. it works in harmony with your paradigm, habits or conditioned way of being, which is in your subconscious. 3 great Bob Proctor videos for you to help you understand this deeper. Bob Proctor talks about paradigms here Enjoy!
Nice reading list! I’ll try to acquire some books that I haven’t tried yet. I’m also into the Law of attraction and I like the idea of helping other people achieve their goals too. I have created a video that might interest you. You can check it at:
I am reading your “Attract Money Now” book I also like my Abraham-Hicks audio books which I can listen to last thing at night.