p3100043.JPG I’ve been filmed for seven movies so far. The latest is called The Compass. It promises to be as big or bigger than The Secret.

The man behind The Compass is an iron man fitness expert with the largest chain of bootcamp fitness clubs in the world. His name is John Spencer Ellis.

Twelve weeks ago John woke up and decided to make a movie.


Twelve weeks ago.

Today he’s filmed almost everyone he wants in the film, has the funding, the people, and the marketing in place, and is planning to shake the earth with his film when it’s released next February.

People in his film inclue Brian Tracy, Dr. Topher Morrison, John Assaraf, Kelli Calabrese, Debbie Allen, Dr. John Demartini, Al & Marilyn Sargent, Tim Ralston, Jim Strohecker, Tammy Kling, Tony Jeary, Dr. Robi Ludwig, Kelli Ellis, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ona Brown, Burton Roberts, Charlie Gay, Les Brown, Marilyn Tam, Jerry Conti, Diana Jennings, Erich Schiffmann, and Marie Diamond.

This is a guy who got inspired and took action.

It’s a key secret to success.


What have you been inspired to do?

Are you doing it?

Why not begin right now?

Ao Akua,


PS — The starlet with me is Tammy Kling, one of the few people I’ve met who is, like me, a true bookaholic. Tammy is the author of numerous books, runs The Writers Group, and is one of the other people featured in The Compass. Go to The Compass Website and sign up for an email alert when the movie comes out. You’ll love it.

Note: Left click on any image to enlarge it.


  1. marktreft-Reply
    July 15, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    Here’s how I perceive your site.


  2. mark treft-Reply
    July 15, 2008 at 9:45 pm


    I’ve looked at your website in the internet archives since your site was first crawled in Dec of 1998.

    I’ve reviewed every change that was made to it. I’m sure you know how to use this tool.

    I’ve also looked up your site statistics: Feb 08 had about 6000 hits, June had about 15000 hits, 57% of your readers are women, 35% make between 30 and 60 k per year. I’m sure you know how to look this up also.

    I track advertising trends as you know.

    The reason I said you have a cult following is that you advertise to a niche market that exclusively uses the internet.

    In one of your marketing articles you said: People will pay any price to better their inner selves.

    Your audience is looking for a shortcut to become rich, make their business work, hit the jackpot of wellness, enhance their well being.

    The great thing about the internet is that anyone can be someone. Most of your responders are praying that your secrets work.

    Lets hope you beleive what you preach.

  3. July 15, 2008 at 10:00 pm

    I stumbled on this website today and am really enjoying reading. I completely embrace and believe in attracting what you think about. I’ve used positive thought and energy to turn my own life around from the very bad circumstances. Thanks for all your inspiration, Joe. Can’t wait for The Compass.

  4. Carl-Reply
    July 16, 2008 at 11:41 am

    That buymystupidebook website really wasn’t funny. Sorry. marktraft or whoever made that page fail at teh funny. Try again.

    Also, I didn’t realize that marketing to a niche that exclusively uses the internet was the new definition of a cult. I guess a whole bunch of big corporations have really crossed the line now! 😆

    You know, another great thing about the Internet is that anyone can be a heckler…but it’s not always funny or successful. And, you should know that for heckling to be successful, there has to be some easily apparent, underlying truth to the reasons you are doing it. So, I’m sorry but marktraft- in this case, you fail at teh heckling.


    But, I know that you really want to believe too. It’s OK, man. Let go of your fears. Do you think you are here by accident? The Universe wants to help you. I’ll send you a copy of Joe’s book, “The Attractor Factor” for free if you want. Just email me:


  5. greedy-Reply
    July 16, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    I love your site Joe. Can’t wait for The Compass!



  6. July 16, 2008 at 7:26 pm

    Hey Joe,

    You asked, What have you been inspired to do? Are you doing it? Why not begin right now?

    I took you up on this challenge mate! Here are my answers, and my ACTIONS!

    Today, I finished a kick arse condensed version of one of my books, one that I hope gets shared with ONE MILLION men, women and children.

    It’s just a 23 page ebook for now, with just 3 simple steps that will transform mindsets, and help people get results. And for now, it’s FREE!

    I was inspired by the story behind your book, Spiritual Marketing, which later became the Attractor Factor. You wrote that for your sister, a beautiful person who I am glad to have met, and talked with. I wrote, The V Code for my grandkids, because they are going to need it. We live in a world where people talk a whole lot, but they don’t actually feel empowered to DO much.

    Thank you for being a DOER!

    I decided to get it done, and release it today, BECAUSE it won’t change lives unless it’s out there.

    So to the critic that posted above, get a life, and DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE!

    This condensed version of The V Code is far from perfect, but in the few hours it’s been live, it’s been downloaded, read, and enjoyed… and I’ve had a few parts where spelling mistakes need fixed pointed out by people who are using it already.

    It’s all about action, it’s all about doing what you believe in.

    Keep posting, keep changing the world we live in. See you in San Antonio!

    Twenty Twenty
    Ex Hostage – Professional Visionary

  7. July 17, 2008 at 9:28 am

    I’m looking forward to this movie…:cool:

    Currently on my country some “entitled” people started to saying everything about The Law Of Attraction is a fake game of imperialistic systems.

    Knowing this Law, knowing people like YOU like Neale Donald is boosting me to cling to this life.

    I was half dead since I discovered that powerful law in my life. And now they are trying to take is away with blurring my mind. BUT I will not focus on that – I WILL focus on what I want in my life :mrgreen:

    God bless you Joe…

  8. Marina-Reply
    July 21, 2008 at 7:17 am

    Dear Joe,

    God Bless You!

    Ever since you crossed my path (or I crossed yours, the Universe knows), I have lived in a permanent state of happiness and for the first time in my life I have the chance to deeply monitor my thoughts and change their direction towards joy and confidence. Thank you! 🙂

    (Mendoza, Argentina)

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