The movie The Leap will come out later this year or early next, but you can see the first trailer for it right now by going to or by clicking on the below image. I’m in it, with many other teachers. We all question if reality is an illusion, and invite you to take the leap beyond it. Take a look.
Interesting movie. Can’t wait till it comes out.
😛 Wow – I am soooooo ready to take my blindfold off and wake up! Incredible.
Wow! Looks really good. I can’t wait to take the next step!
Hi Joe,
I’m a student of your hypnotic marketing products and books and a hypnotic gold member for some time now and you have added greatly to my business, so thank you very much.
My question regarding this movie, The Secret, What the bleep etc is along these lines.
I firmly believe that the reality we see is not necessarily reality but our minds interpretation of the information that passes through our senses. Was it Bandler who said ‘The Map is not the Territory?’ Meaning for readers that our ‘map’ of reality, ie how we perceive the world, is not the actual world but rather our interpretation of it. Like if we had a full scale 1:1 map of Los Angeles it still would not BE Los Angeles. So I’m with you on that point.
My question is this – the Law of Attraction and the more spiritual side of the movies like The Secret, what the bleep, and from the sounds of it, this new Leap movie say that the Universe, whatever that may be will deliver what we focus on, believe and imagine as a response to our thoughts. Could it be that it is us that changes and delievers, albeit at an unconscious level? Could it be the fact that we focus on a certain thing, belief, state, success or whatever it is that we may desire, could it be our unconscious magnetising us towards the thing as opposed to the universe delivering it like a magic genie might?
I trust this question does not insult what you have been trying to teach me over the past year, but I find it much easier to swallow that my unconscious changes and allows me to find things come into my life, apparently by magic, where in reality, just because my conscious didn’t have anything to do with it, it only APPEARS to be magic, whereas it was simply another part of me doing the delivering, a part of me that my oh so clever intellect (or so it would want to believe) has no or little control over.
Not sure if I have written my words precisely how I mean them, but I look forward to hearing your response.
Glenn Twiddle
Real Estate Training Brisbane
Hi Glenn.
You’re right.
This is what I describe in my audioprogram The Missing Secret.
The Law of Attraction works on the un-conscious level, not conscious.
Of course, your un-conscious is part of the collective un-conscious, so you can influence the planet by your desires. But the power is in the un-consious. That’s the driver, and most of us are oblivious to what’s in there. We’re robots. That’s why we need to awaken (which is the subject of my next audio program, The Awakening Course).
It all appears to be “magic” but can be broken down and explained. That doesn’t make it any less wonderful, though.
I still believe in magic and miracles, but only because the unconscious and our connection to the collective unconscious is mind-boggingly huge and powerful and capable of what most of us call impossible.
However you look at it, you and I are capable of far more than we have achieved so far — with or without “magic.”
Thanks so much Joe for your reply. I must get a hold of The Missing Secret and learn a little more, be challenged a little more and understand more about others’ beliefs and how mine can continue to learn as I go. Look forward to your next Hypnotic Gold CD (I’m up to #5 of that pack of 24 ‘catch up’ ones. Having fun.)Thanks a again mate for your prompt reply bud,
Glenn Twiddle
Real Estate Training Brisbane
Thanks again joe I am wondering when is the leap movie coming out?
The leap movie dvd is out!!! And is currently shipping.
Get your copy here.
😮 pretty cool movie, please find this link to a sane direction for humanity – its TIME TO WAKE UP
Judgment is misspelled in the trailer.:cry:
Hi Joe, my name is Katia, and I’m from Italy. I started reading your books almost two years ago and recently I approached Attractor Factor, that I found great. I was very curious to experience the yagya technic you describe in the book and I bought the planetary one. I received the comments and suggestions where I’ve been told that in that specific moment and until beginning of 2013, the transit of two planets in my area could compromise my wealth, and eventually find some obstacles on my way to achieve abundance (loss of money is mentioned). The reco was to buy some new yagya to intervene on those two planets. And I did it.
The question at this point is: in the Attractor Factor you say that following the 5 rules we could have whatever we want. Am I able to change my future anyway even if I have planets in a pretty negative position? I hope I can take the best from this indication and work on myself to avoid to be influenced by this negative statement. What do you think?
Thanks. Katia