attractor-factor-2e-cover.jpg The all NEW edition of my book The Attractor Factor hits the stores TODAY. I’m excited to see my best-selling baby go big time once again.

It began as Spiritual Marketing in 1997 (and became an Amazon bestseller and written about in The New York Times), got expanded and became The Attractor Factor in 2002 (and again became an Amazon bestseller and got me into the hit movie The Secret), and now, after multiple additions and printings, it’s out today in an all new, expanded, enriched, and beautiful new second edition.

It’s got an Attractor Factor IQ test, new stories, work sheets, new material,  and a revealing Question and Answer section.

I love the Q&A section. In it I answer questions like these —

“If the law of attraction really works, why don’t you attract hair?”

“Can I attract a specific person into my life?”

“What’s the fastest way to attract whatever I want?’

“What about people who attract disasters?”

“How do I focus on positive things with good feeling when so many things are going wrong?”

You can learn all about this second edition of The Attractor Factor — including how to get a bunch of cool bonuses when you buy the book today — by going to 

Please check it out and be sure to share this post with everyone you know as well as Digg it. Thank you.

Ao Akua,


PS – There’s also a brief video clip of me explaining what’s new about the book at Go see. 🙂

PPS – The Attractor Factor has changed thousands of lives. Please consider getting multiple copies of the book and giving them to family, friends, schools, prisons, hospitals, churches, and anywhere you think it can make a difference. Thank you.


  1. September 16, 2008 at 7:58 am


    Congrats on the new version of The Attractor Factor, as you know the first version had a big impact in my Life.

    Ilumine Ao,
    Al Diaz

  2. September 16, 2008 at 8:02 am

    Dr. Joe, I really loved The Attractor Factor – one of my all-time favorite books that I can read, reread, and return to for something new each time.

    You better believe that I will be ordering a copy. And perhaps a few additional copies for Christmas gifts. Yes, it really is that good.

    Thanks for being you.

    Jay Kruizenga

  3. Kristi Judy-Reply
    September 16, 2008 at 9:20 am

    I’m celebrating your book today Joe, and will be buying one for my son’s 13th birthday celebration today! We are having a party for him to honor character traits we appreciate in him, and ones we wish upon him for his teen years and beyond! I was going to ask you what you would wish upon a young man who is conscious beyond his years…and here it is…your new book! Thanks for the great timing!

    In great appreciation for the inspiration you are to me and my four teen children!

    Kristi Judy

  4. September 16, 2008 at 9:48 am

    Hooray, Joe! I’ve never actually purchased The Attractor Factor, as I have the older ebook versions. Now I shall wait no more!

    I’m giving your blog a mention in my newsletter this week… I’ll be sure to forward you a copy. 🙂

    Bright blessings and (continued!) massive success,

  5. September 16, 2008 at 11:26 am

    Hi Joe.

    Congratulations for this new edition. Any news about the spanish edition ? I’m from Guatemala and english is not my native tongue. I would like to know the release date of the spanish edition so i could decide to wait or buy the english version. Thanks for your help.

    Regards form far away.

    Herbert Alvarado

  6. September 16, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Hi Joe,

    I’m waiting the translation version (in Indonesia language of course) arrived in my country

    as I have bought the first edition in Indonesia version also (It’s an amazing book !!)

    It makes me more easier to understand it (even I have no problem at all with English) and also easier to discuss with my other Indonesian friends…

    Keep inspiring, Joe !

    Million Blessings from Indonesia…..

  7. September 16, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    “… why don’t you attract hair?” You’re kidding, right? What a question! 😆

    I’ll be buying it for sure. The first edition got me started on this path. While I’ve yet to attract my multi-million-dollar lottery win, 😉 I have begun to attract certain things into my life with great ease whereas others remain sticky. But your book got me on this path, and in the year since discovering it, I’ve gone through the most amazing transformation. I’m clearer, more focused, I’ve shed 97% of my limiting beliefs—all because of your book. More information couldn’t hurt. 😀

    Blessings, JB

  8. Sharlene Bristow-Reply
    September 16, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Awesome!!! I am going to purchase a copy as soon as I get off work (shopping sites are, unfortunately blocked), then I am logging into your webinar! An exciting day to be me!!!

    Thanks, Joe!

  9. Vero-Reply
    September 16, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    😎 Hi Dr. Vital I´m Vero from Ecuador I read your book and I think from I began to read it my life change. I want to say thank you. I am trying to do the exercises from the book in order to apply them

    Sorry by my English I hope to have news from you


  10. September 17, 2008 at 2:47 am

    What a great news! I love your attractor Factor and it helped me a lot to build my Business!
    I am sure the new one will have even more insights. I will definitely buy it!

    Have fun and success

  11. September 17, 2008 at 4:19 am

    I’m very excited for you Joe. You’re a busy man all month with the release of the Attractor Factor 2, The Awakening Course, the Miracles Weekend Coming up and you Have the book Expect Miracles coming out on the 1st of October. I’ll be getting a copy on Amazon because I’ve checked the other sites and Amazon stands above all to me. I know that with you told everyone last edition that you and Mr. Jacobs had a falling out because he did something awful to your best friend and you’ve mentioned freedom as a gift from Jonathan as the silver lining in the dark cloud. One of the questions I would like to ask you Joe is that did you use what you learned from Dr. Hew Len(Ho’oponopono) to let those memories go of Jonathan Jacobs? Did you acknowledge 100% responsibility of this? I’m stuck in the Zero Limits phase Joe. That’s why I asked. You take care now and not only wish you well, but I love you!

  12. Ashleigh Rinkel-Reply
    September 17, 2008 at 7:03 am

    Is it going to be available on CD??

  13. September 17, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    Mind Movies e-mail promo:::::
    The second “testimonial” trashes Law of Attraction?
    I would not be so quick to go out on that limb.
    Next to the law of attraction I really, really
    like congruency…in fact I sell it daily.

    Just a thought!

  14. tharuna-Reply
    September 18, 2008 at 6:12 am

    Hi Joe, i am from India, I love your products and i have seen a change in myself… I want to know if u could be my mentor and if i could spread your teaching around to every body around me

  15. September 23, 2008 at 7:52 pm

    My copy came in the mail today. It was $17.76. $13.77 + 3.99 shipping. I took action on Saturday. Now’s its backat 15.61. Amazon is fast and quick.

  16. Tatiana-Reply
    September 24, 2008 at 1:34 am

    Joe, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For all the things you are doing..
    I live in Russia (Moscow) and I know that a lot of people in my country are impatient for your new books! I hope to see the new Attractor Factor in Russian bookstores soon!:smile:

  17. Sharlene Bristow-Reply
    September 24, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    I am a few pages from being finished with this book. I have been reading it at work. I suddenly started to feel very ill, and am actually having some symptoms, like I have a virus. I have been trying to figure out why. What is my body trying to tell me.
    Well, it just occured to me that I had just finished reading the horrible chapter called, “The Shocking True Story of Jonathan”.
    Could that have actually made me ill? Because it definetly was difficult to read!!!

    I have to say that I am so impressed by the way you rise above that.

  18. September 26, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    Hello Joe,

    I just finished the NEW and IMPROVED EDITION of The Attractor Factor. This book has so many new and worthwhile ideas, stories, and actionable steps that I believe it is a must for everyone on a Conscious Creation Journey. Even and especially if you have read the book before, this edition makes the read that much clearer.

    You’ve reached a new level of openness through this book too, Joe. In the original edition of the book, “Spiritual Marketing”, and the improved follow up “The Attractor Factor”, you hinted at the betrayal you experienced with your main healing influence, Jonathan, over a ten year period.

    In “The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) From the Inside Out, second edition”, you have openly and honestly shared the more complete story behind the deception that you grew through. You are a powerful example to the world. Thanks for your Inspiration.

    Two parts of the book really stuck out for me. The first was the greater depth around step three – clearing. I now see where more work for me is needed.

    While the second, and most encouraging part in the book for me, is the last chapter, “The Experiment: The Intentional Meditation Foundation”. In this chapter, you have challenged your readers to try a 30 day experiment just for the fun of it.

    I am on day two, right now.

    Thanks for the super bonus at the back of the book … I have had access to that program from being on your email list over the years. I have continued to use it as a tool to help me stay on track. Amazing!

    I have already pre-ordered your next book, “Expect Miracles”, I can’t wait!

    Very soon, I am getting The Awakening Course. In fact, I am going to go Get it Right Now.

    Thanks again, Joe.

    Blessings, Barry

  19. October 2, 2008 at 12:02 am

    That’s great! Spiritual Marketing was quite the powerful read and it’s cool that you’re re releasing it. Can’t think of how you’d improve on it, but I guess you have.

  20. October 24, 2008 at 8:55 am

    Holy MOST ENORMOUS FREE BONUS OFFER EVER Batman! Wow! Talk about an offer you can’t refuse. The new revamped Attractor Factor 2 is now on my wish list 🙂

  21. Beate-Reply
    November 1, 2010 at 6:38 am

    Hi, Joe!
    Can you actually answer me the question:

    “Can I attract a specific person into my life?”

    I don’t have the chance to get this book yet but I am very interested in this question!

    By the way, you are an amazing person!! Lots of love! 🙂

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