todd-silva.jpg About ten years ago, back in my Houston daze, my guitar teacher at the time gave me a million dollar bill.

It wasn’t real, of course, but it was sure close.

I put it in my wallet and carried it with me every day for the last 3,650 days.

At Pat O’Bryan’s last Unseminar (#4), my old guitar teacher was there. When it was my turn to speak, I called him to the front of the room.

I asked him if he remembered giving me the million dollar bill.

He did.

I opened my wallet, pulled out the now well-worn bill, and handed it back to him, saying, “I made my millions. Now it’s your turn.”

I didn’t realize the emotional impact this would have on the audience until I noticed most of them were crying.

I also didn’t know that my old guitar teacher had been planning a website to help himself and others with prosperity issues. He was at Pat’s Unseminar to learn how to pull it off.

Well, my old friend’s name is Todd Silva, and his website went live today at 

I urge you to visit his site, read his story, sign up for his daily reminders, and start giving away a dollar every day.

Then notice what happens.

It’s almost like playing a prank when you leave a dollar for someone to discover later. Only with this stunt the receiver and you are both delighted.

Try it and see.

Ao Akua,


PS — Todd’s a wonderful singer and guitar player and has a CD you will enjoy. Check out 


  1. February 25, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Great Idea! Congratulations to Todd for getting a website up and running!

  2. February 25, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Hi Joe,

    Thank you for this great article about a great guy.

    Today I posted on an interview I did with Todd recently on his Give Away A Dollar A Day program.

    Here is the link for you and your readers to enjoy! [nlplive_com]

    Have a great day!

    20/20 The Ex Hostage – Professional Visionary
    Formerly known as John Wingert
    Help me eliminate 1 million excuses in 2008!

  3. February 25, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I am blown away, and SO BLESSED that you posted this! Thank you for continuing to be the wonderful and generous inspiration that you are to me and my family!!

    Many blessings, Joe, to you and Nerissa,


  4. February 26, 2008 at 3:45 am

    Hey Joe, this was a very short, yet YES! an emotional post.
    I defy any reader NOT to have been moved. I’d have loved
    to have been in the audience and seen Todds face.

    Most Blog posts are very easily forgotten. I know I’ll remember
    THIS one.

    Cheers Joe.

    Pete Moring.

    PS. This may seem unscrupulous to some.
    But I do quite a lot of blog-surfing and really
    enjoy the more amateur ones.
    If they have Google ads, I click them as I know
    the blog owner will receive a little bit as a result.

    I also usually benefit, because I’ve come accross
    some great sites and resources by taking this action randomly.

  5. February 26, 2008 at 8:41 am

    Aloha YO, Joe! :mrgreen:

    Hi Everybody

    GREAT Post; one of the best & most moving I’ve ever seen and I am grateful to you for it.
    Mahalo Nui Loa (Deep Hawai`ian “Thank You”) I have been consistently amazed, amused & moved by how easily & often even intimately you share your LIFE with the World.

    Very inspiring & edifying.

    And thank you TODD!

    I’m starting this Tooo-DAY.

    Here’s a (“simple”) question: What happs when you share MORE than a Dollar?
    –Like, say … a 5-spot?

    Walk In Light,

  6. February 26, 2008 at 10:28 am Joe I am so excited to have sighn up for giving a dollar a day away. How fun you know I even get excited about finding a penny now can you imagine a dollar.
    Thank you,

  7. Alvin-San/Hoku mana-Reply
    February 27, 2008 at 12:28 pm

    Aloha Joe & Todd!

    I just subscribed to Todd’s e-letters & website today & glad of it;
    thank you for what you have done.

    Quick question(s); as I am rushing out the door for errands:
    What happens if one is inspired to give away MORE than the
    prescribed Dollar A Day? -Is this “allowed”?

    Also: Being Human, sometimes we might not feel so great on
    a given day, not be able to “get out da FUNK”; what happens
    if we do a Giveaway, but can’t find joy that day: does doing so
    messup/contaminate the Magic?

    Throwing this out to see what comes back; we are clearly dealing
    with simple but potent metaphysical principles here & I’d love to
    get other folks’ read on this.

    Gotta Run!

    Thank You for your considerate attention & time.

    All My Relations,
    Alvin-San/Hoku mana

  8. February 28, 2008 at 7:49 pm

    Hello Alvin-San,

    Thank you for your loving thoughts, and bless you in giving! Most of the time, I give away a dollar a day. But there have been some days where I have given away a couple dollars in different places, AND there was one day not too long ago where I gave away a ten! I have fun no matter how much and no matter where. And I really like what you said about “Being Human”… Because that it so true!! On days where I have been “in a funk”, and didn’t really feel up to it, I remembered that Give Away A Dollar A Day is about giving with joy, giving from my heart, and really prospering someone else. I dunno, but as soon as I gather those kinds of thoughts, no matter how down I was feeling, it always “lifted” me. I also remembered to create a lot of “surprise” for whoever finds it on days like those. Thank you for all that you are, Alvin-San. And blessings to you,


  9. March 4, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    I’m truly inspired – thanks for sharing the story. I’m on board – will start giving my first dollar away tomorrow 🙂


  10. July 28, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    Joe Vitale is great I really liked his how to write a seven day ebook.

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