Ut Oh! What is Joe Vitale REALLY like?

Amy Grant attended the now famous Manifestation Weekend www.BeyondManifestation.com last Sat and Sun.

She’s been posting her views of the event on her blog, and revealing what marketers like Pat O’Bryan and Craig Perrine are really like.

She teased her readers a few days ago, saying she would reveal what Joe Vitale is really like one day soon.

I’ve been checking her blog ever since.

Now I know what people feel like when I tease them with my blog posts.

Amy has become quite the little hypnotic marketer.

Anyway, she finally spilled the beans about me today on her blog at http://newsuccess.org/success/success_blog/

I have no idea what to say.

So I’ll shut up and let Amy do the talking.

Go see her blog.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to know when the next Manifestation Weekend will be held and where (I’m thinking San Diego right now), send a blank email to [email protected] or see www.BeyondManifestation.com and fill out the form on the page. You’ll be notified when we have the date and place.

PPS – I love you. (Well, I do. So get over it.) 🙂

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