Well, I just launched what is shaping up to be my next “famous” product.

As buzz builds and orders are flooding in, everyone keeps asking me this question about the video I just posted explaining the package:

“Who’s the dummy in the background?”

“What’s he holding?”


I could tell them that his name is Danny, and that he really didn’t mean to cause a ‘scene’ and show me up.

And that he really shouldn’t be holding that blue thing, because only customers of The Secret 24 get to find out about that.

But I could just as easily turn the question right around, and ask them the same thing:

“If you miss out on this chance to get a historic training…

“Who’s the dummy?”  🙂

(You know I’m smiling when I say that – I love you.)

Ao Akua,


PS:   There are only 500 of these sets available and I suspect they won’t even last the duration of the 24-hour promotion that Nitro marketing has scheduled. At least go see Danny show me up and decide if you want one of the 500 limited edition sets of The Secret 24.  You may kick yourself later if you miss out on my next famous course that *was* available. Don’t mind Danny. He was only trying to help.

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