why-good-people-do-bad-things.jpg A few weeks ago bestselling author Debbie Ford sent me an advance copy of her new book, Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy.

I’m a big fan of Debbie’s work. Her book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, is still one I say is required reading for anyone serious about self-development and expanded awareness.

So when Debbie sent me her new book, I dropped everything to begin it.

And I didn’t stop reading until I finished the book the same day.

It’s powerful, insightful, uncomfortable and wise.

It’s also a masterpiece.


The book makes you look at yourself with glasses that let you see rather than hide.

Most of us can’t admit that we are often our own worst enemy, but that’s what Debbie does best: she gets you to look at your “shadow” – the part of you that you’d rather not let anyone see.

Get this book. Read it. Own your shadow and transform your life.

You can get Debbie’s new book at all book stores or from www.debbieford.com/newbook.php

Go get it.

Ao Akua,


PS – I’ve never met Debbie but we’ve spoken by phone and shared praise for each other’s works. (She endorsed my book, Zero Limits) I don’t make a dime from plugging her book. I just think it’s the best book of 2008, and you ought to go read it. Now.


  1. March 10, 2008 at 10:10 am

    would the fact not admitting our shadow is the barrier to the self evolution? would that be the reason why we haven’t got balance?

    thank you

  2. March 10, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    Sounds like she watched the old Star Trek episode where the transporter split Captain Kirk into two twins: one good:grin: and one evil:evil:!


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